Un couple pratique le yoga tantrique


Tantric yoga to improve your well-being

Reading time : 8 min

Looking to learn more about tantric yoga? This guide is made for you. Discover its origins, practices and benefits.


Tantric yoga harmonizes the body and mind through postures, breathing and meditation. You will learn how to integrate these techniques into your daily life to improve your well-being.


Want to transform your life with tantric yoga? This article gives you all the keys to getting started and progressing. Immerse yourself in the world of tantric yoga and start your spiritual journey now.


Introduction to tantric yoga

What is tantric yoga?

Tantric yoga, often surrounded by mysteries and misunderstandings, is an ancient practice which aims to harmonize the body and mind through the channeling of energy. Contrary to some popular belief, tantric yoga is not just about sexual rituals. It is a complete spiritual path that combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation and mantra chanting. 

The history and evolution of tantric yoga

Tantric yoga has its roots in ancient India, several millennia ago. The first tantric writings appear in the Vedas and the Upanishads, sacred Hindu texts. Over the centuries, this practice has evolved, incorporating elements from different spiritual traditions. Today, tantric yoga continues to develop, adapting to modern needs while retaining its fundamental principles.

The fundamental principles of tantric yoga

The importance of energy and consciousness

At the heart of tantric yoga is the notion of energy, often called “kundalini”. This energy, represented as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine, must be awakened and guided through the chakras (energy centers) to achieve higher consciousness. Tantric yoga practice aims to awaken this latent energy and use it to improve physical, mental and spiritual health.

The quest for inner balance

Tantric yoga encourages a deep quest for inner balance. By combining physical, mental and spiritual practices, it allows you to find harmony between body and mind. This quest for balance helps reduce stress, improve concentration and develop a better understanding of ourselves and the universe around us.

Un couple pratique une posture de yoga tantrique

The origins of tantric yoga

Historical roots

Emergence in India and its expansion

Tantric yoga has its deep roots in ancient India, dating back over 5,000 years. Its first signs appear in the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism, and in the Upanishads, which are philosophical commentaries on the Vedas. Initially, Tantrism was an esoteric tradition, reserved for a restricted circle of initiates.

Over time, tantric yoga spread across India and beyond. It incorporated various cultural and religious influences, evolving to include elements of Buddhism and Jainism. This expansion has allowed tantric yoga to enrich and diversify its practices, while retaining its original essence centered on energy and spiritual transformation.

Influence of ancient texts and Vedic practices

Vedic texts, such as the Vedas and Upanishads, play a crucial role in the formation of tantric yoga. They provide a philosophical and spiritual basis on which Tantrism developed. The Agamas and Tantras, scriptures specific to Tantrism, detail the rituals, mantras and meditation practices necessary to awaken the kundalini and achieve enlightenment.

These ancient texts are not simply practical guides; they are also sources of wisdom and spiritual understanding. They teach that the universe is a manifestation of divine energy and that, through dedicated practices, individuals can connect to this energy and realize their full spiritual potential.

Tantric yoga in Western culture

Reception and adaptation in the West

Tantric yoga began to become known in the West at the beginning of the 20th century. Scholars and spiritual teachers traveled to Europe and America, bringing Tantric teachings and practices with them. Interest in tantric yoga really took off in the 1960s and 1970s, thanks in part to the counterculture movement that sought alternatives to established Western religious traditions.

In the West, tantric yoga has been adapted to meet the needs and expectations of modern practitioners. Some practices have been simplified or modified, but the essence of the search for energetic and spiritual balance remains central. Today, tantric yoga is practiced in many yoga studios, providing a path to personal transformation accessible to everyone.

Key figures in the popularization of tantric yoga

Several emblematic figures have played a crucial role in the diffusion of tantric yoga in the West. Among them, Swami Vivekananda, who introduced yoga to the Parliament of World Religions in 1893, and Swami Sivananda, whose teachings have influenced many contemporary yoga masters.

Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, popularized a modern, accessible version of tantric yoga, emphasizing dynamic meditation and spiritual exploration. These spiritual leaders not only propagated tantric practices, but also helped demystify and clarify its deeper purposes for Western audiences.

The practice of tantric yoga

Key postures (Asanas)

Examples of postures and their meaning

Tantric yoga incorporates various postures, or asanas, that aim to awaken and balance energy in the body. Among the most common are:

  • Savasana (corpse pose): This deep relaxation posture allows you to release all tensions and prepare the body for meditation.
  • Vajrasana (diamond pose): Sitting on your heels, this posture promotes the circulation of energy in the lower body and helps with digestion.
  • Chakrasana (wheel posture): This posture of intense opening of the heart helps to release emotional and energetic blockages.


Each posture has a specific meaning and function, aimed at opening the chakras and promoting the flow of kundalini energy.

How to integrate postures into daily practice

Incorporating tantric asanas into your daily routine does not require long sessions. Start with a few minutes each morning to wake up your body and your energy. You can also incorporate short breaks during the day to practice simple poses like diamond pose or corpse pose, which help reduce stress and refocus your energy.

For a more complete practice, book yourself longer sessions once or twice a week, where you can explore more complex postures and benefit from their profound effects on your energy and well-being.

Meditation and breathing techniques (Pranayama)

Breathing exercises to awaken Kundalini energy

Breathing plays a central role in tantric yoga. Pranayama exercises are designed to awaken kundalini energy and circulate it through the chakras. Here are some common techniques:

  • Kapalabhati (shining skull breathing): This technique consists of a series of rapid, forced exhalations, followed by passive inhalations. It helps purify the nadis (energy channels) and awaken energy.
  • Nadi Shodhana (alternate breathing): By breathing alternately through each nostril, this technique balances the energy channels and harmonizes the masculine and feminine energies in the body.
  • Bhastrika (bellows breathing): This energizing technique consists of rapid, vigorous breaths that stimulate kundalini energy.

Meditation and mantra chanting for harmonization

Tantric meditation often uses mantras, sacred sounds chanted aloud or mentally, to help focus the mind and harmonize energy. Mantras such as “Om” or “So Hum” are commonly used for their particular vibration which resonates with the chakras.

  • Guided meditation: Sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Repeat a chosen mantra, feeling its vibrations with each exhalation.
  • Chanting mantras: Integrate mantra chanting sessions into your daily practice. The sound and vibration of mantras help purify the mind and align the body's energies.


The benefits of tantric yoga

Physical benefits

Improved flexibility and strength

Tantric yoga, through its varied postures, helps improve flexibility and strengthen muscles. Asanas like Chakrasana (wheel pose) and Bhujangasana (cobra pose) stretch the muscles and ligaments, thereby increasing the flexibility of the body. By practicing regularly, you will notice a significant improvement in your range of motion and muscle strength.

Impact on sexual health and libido

One of the most often highlighted aspects of tantric yoga is its positive impact on sexual health and libido. Breathing techniques and specific postures stimulate blood circulation in the reproductive organs, thereby improving sexual health. Additionally, practicing tantric yoga helps one develop greater awareness of one's own body and that of one's partner, thereby enhancing intimacy and sexual satisfaction.

Mentally and spiritually

Development of self-awareness and unity with the universe

Tantric yoga is not just a physical practice; it is also a path to greater self-awareness and a deep connection with the universe. Meditations and mantra chanting help calm the mind and open the heart, facilitating inner exploration. This introspection allows you to better understand your thoughts and emotions, thus promoting increased acceptance and inner peace.

Mental well-being and stress reduction

The breathing (pranayama) and meditation practices of tantric yoga are powerful tools for reducing stress and promoting mental well-being. By focusing on the present moment and harmonizing inner energy, these techniques help calm the mind and reduce anxiety. The repetition of mantras, in particular, creates a state of tranquility and serenity, helping to release accumulated tension.

Integrate tantric yoga into daily life

Individual practice

Tips for getting started and progressing

Getting started with tantric yoga may seem intimidating, but with a few simple tips, you can easily incorporate this practice into your daily routine. Here's how to get started:

  • Start slowly: Don't rush. Adopt simple postures like Savasana (corpse pose) and Vajrasana (diamond pose) to get your body used to it.
  • Establish a routine: Spend a few minutes each day practicing yoga. Consistency is the key to seeing progress.
  • Be patient: The benefits of tantric yoga do not appear immediately. Give yourself time to explore and become familiar with the different techniques.
  • Learn the basics of breathing: Pranayama techniques, like Nadi Shodhana (alternate breathing), are essential. Practice them daily to awaken your energy.

Create a space dedicated to practice at home

Having a dedicated space for practicing tantric yoga in your home can greatly enhance your experience. Here are some tips for creating a conducive environment:

  • Choose a quiet place: Find a quiet corner where you will not be disturbed. This could be a small room or even a corner of your living room.
  • Depersonalize the space: Keep this space simple and minimalist, with few distractions. A yoga mat, a few cushions and a candle are often enough.
  • Add calming elements: Incorporate elements that soothe you, like incense, essential oils or soft music. These elements can help create a relaxing ambiance.
  • Personalize your space: Add objects that inspire you, like images of deities, mandalas or crystals.

Practice as a couple

Strengthen connection and communication

Couples tantric yoga is a great way to strengthen connection and communication with your partner. Here is how to integrate this practice:

  • Practice postures as a couple: Postures like the diamond pose practiced face to face help synchronize breathing and strengthen the bond.
  • Share moments of meditation: Meditate together, using common mantras. This promotes spiritual and emotional harmony.
  • Discuss your experiences: After each session, discuss your feelings. This helps to better understand each other's needs and emotions.

Examples of exercises to do in pairs

Here are some simple exercises you can practice as a couple to strengthen your connection:

  • Synchronized breathing: Sit face to face with your knees touching and synchronize your breaths. Inhale and exhale together, looking into each other's eyes.
  • Gratitude Meditation: Take a few minutes to express gratitude to one another. Meditate together, focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship.
  • Energy massage: Learn to give yourself gentle massages, focusing on energy points (chakras). This helps release tension and harmonize energies.


Un couple fait du yoga tantrique


Tantric yoga is an age-old practice that harmonizes body and mind. By combining postures, breathing and meditation, it awakens inner energy. This spiritual path improves physical, mental and emotional health.

Its deep roots in India and its adaptation in the West make it accessible to everyone. Benefits include improved flexibility, reduced stress, and strengthened spiritual connection. Integrating tantric yoga into your daily life is simple and enriching.

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