yoga pour maigrir des cuisses


Yoga to lose weight on your thighs: what you need to know

Reading time : 8 min

Yoga is much more than a physical activity. It is also yoga to lose weight on your thighs. You are probably wondering if yoga is useful for burning caloriesreduce cellulite et refine your legs. Your questions will be answered. You will also discover the benefits hidden from the body and mind of this practice.


Types of yoga to lose weight on your thighs

There are several types of yoga to lose weight on your thighs. It all depends on how you want to practice yoga: dynamic, intensive or through breathing. We tell you everything about the different forms of yoga to make your choice easier. But be careful, even if yoga is useful, it is not a miracle cure. 


Power yoga

If you are looking to eliminate fat mass quickly, power yoga will suit you. It's a form dynamic traditional yoga which is done in a classic or heated room. You should not be afraid of being constantly on the move, because it is a intensive discipline. She offers physical exercises. A session consists of a sequence of around thirty postures which are different in each class. All to music. 

What does power yoga do for you? Your muscles are used a lot, so you sweat your heart rate increases, but the good news is that you burn calories, YOU strengthen your stamina, YOU reduce your cellulite And you sharpen your figure

Power yoga is a practice pace. It is advisable to have authorization from your general practitioner to engage in this activity if you are sensitive to heat and intensive exercise for 1 hour. 


Bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is an extreme version of power yoga. If you thought a heated room was more than enough, wait until you see the conditions of bikram yoga! It is practiced in a room heated to more than 40° with a humidity rate at 40%. Do not hesitate to read our article on THE yoga Bikram to learn more.

The sessions consist of 26 classic postures twice in a row accompanied by 2 breathing exercises for 90 minutes

Bikram yoga causes heavy sweating which helps burn fat, work on your figure et promotes weight loss. By practicing it regularly, the results will be more visible. Bikram yoga works all your muscles. Thanks to the heat of the room, your muscles are relaxed and therefore easier to handle, which makes the effort more intense and you will obtain a flat stomach

This practice tests your limits so it is not recommended for people with cardiovascular problems. 


Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a form of dynamic yoga based on 8 principles :

  • The rules of life 
  • Self-discipline
  • Breathing
  • Body postures
  • Mastery of the senses
  • Meditation
  • Concentration
  • The state of full consciousness


What is different about Ashtanga yoga is that each posture is associated with a number of breaths ranging from 5 to 8. You are led to change postures regularly. They are accompanied by stretches that give you energy, of the strength, but also contractions needed to move your breath into the deeper parts of your body thanks to the synchronization of your gestures with your breath. 

The other singularity of this yoga is that it is constructed by increasingly complex predefined series. But if you don't feel like moving on to the next posture, you can stay on the previous posture to absorb it more. Conversely, if you want to practice the next posture, but you are not comfortable enough with the previous posture, you must master it better to move on to the next one.

This requires you to energy and one physical engagement. You stimulate your body through breathing, which activates your internal heat Who cleans your body. After the effort, comfort, since by practicing this form of yoga, you reduce your toxins, increase your stamina And you lose fat in the long term.  


Vinyasa yoga

THE vinyasa yoga is also based on coordination between postures and breathing. Compared to the above yogas, there are more choices in the postures since they are adaptable according to your level and needs. The little extra of Vinyasa is that postures change with each session

In addition, to relax you, the sessions are done to music with the leitmotif of letting go and of good mood. There is no judgment or search for performance, on the contrary, the goal is to progress at your own pace

Vinyasa remains a energetic, sporty practice et fast. Your muscles and your body work a lot, which allows you to melt your excess skin, flat stomach supplement, without you even realizing it! Better yet, with vinyasa yoga you can sculpt your body like a dancer. 


yoga pour maigrir des cuisses : 2 femmes pendant leur séance de yoga

Adapted postures 

To lose weight in your thighs, there are many yoga poses Who facilitate weight loss and slimming thighs. If you are interested, here are some exercises to do.


Chair posture

You will almost be in a chair! You must have a straight back, bend your knees so that with the help of them, your buttocks and your thighs form a right angle as if you were going to sit down. Then, extend your arms toward the sky as if you were going to pick up the moon. Then inhale and exhale deeply for 30 seconds. 

As you practice this posture, you will strengthen your legs, your glutes et refine your thighs


Warrior pose 2

To perform this posture, you must place your right and left legs in a side lunge, leaving a gap so that you can move. This gesture will work your back. Next, turn your right foot outward 90°. The rotation should come from the groin. Your pelvis should be aligned. Finally, extend your right arm forward and your left arm backwards so that they are parallel to the floor. Hold the posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute then repeat this position on the other side. 

What does this posture bring you in the long term? YOU strengthen, stabilize, stretch and shape your thighs


The 3-legged dog pose

This posture is similar to starting a handstand. To successfully carry out the dog posture on 3 legs, arms outstretched, feet and hands anchored in the ground. Slowly, you will lift the leg on which you are most comfortable while keeping your hips parallel and your back straight. Let your head touch your carpet or floor. This is a posture that you should only hold for a few seconds and then move your hands back to the other side.

It contributes to the loss of thighs sinceshe stretches et promotes flexibility of the hamstring muscles or even refine your thighs if you use it often. 


Half-moon pose

Here, it's about distributing your weight on your right leg so that you lift your left leg out to the side. Your body and head will be tilted to the side, so you can use your right hand for support on the ground while your left hand is pulled towards the sky. This posture should be held for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Come back with your feet together and stretch your back. That's it !

The benefits of this pose are strengthening your inner thighs, stretching your hamstring muscles and the strengthening your calves.


The triangle pose 

You have definitely done this posture at least once in your life! To implement it, simply place your feet one meter apart and leave your left foot slightly open. Next, your pelvis should be tilted to the left side with your left arm extended downward that touches your left ankle. Your right arm points towards the sky. 

This posture contributes to strengthen your quadriceps et loosen your hamstring muscles.

Tips to promote weight loss

Now that you know more about this sport and its exercises, it's up to you to get your hands dirty! Yoga isn't everything. To stay in line, you have to change your eating habits but you will see that it is for the best. We also give you little tips to have the best session and a small point for you to love yourself because weight loss is not always easy.


Adapt your diet

Yoga is not everything, it is also necessary change your diet to increase your chances of losing weight in your thighs. Rest assured, there is no need to go on a drastic diet to help you lose weight because you risk gaining the weight back quickly after stopping the diet. 

Furthermore, to put you on the path to your dietary reconversion, here is some foods to avoid :

  • Sugar (cookies, chocolate, pastries, sweet desserts, soft drinks, sugar)
  • Industrially prepared meals because we don't know all the composition of the dish. (poorly nutritious, low calorie intake, overdose of fats)
  • Yogurts and cheeses that are too fatty
  • Gluten to prevent belly bloating
  • Regular fast food


But it's not the end of the world, you can still eat by choosing healthy and natural products :

  • White meats (poultry, veal etc.)
  • Fish
  • Rice
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Legumes


do not forget to drink plenty of water during the day. You can also hydrate yourself with green tea which is a very good antioxidant. Practice Pilates 

Now that you know the useful exercises to relieve your back pain, you need to choose where to practice it ! At home or in specialized studios for support, the choice is yours!


The benefits 

Yoga exercises help in weight loss and slimming your thighs but they offer other benefits on body, mind and your health. They allow you to work on your flexibility and balance ; of better control your stress ; of consolidate your concentration and memory ; of strengthen your glutes, back and legs because all of your muscles are in action and you improve your breathing which eliminates toxins.


Tips before the sessions

To prepare yourself and make your yoga session as successful as possible, we give you useful tips

You may already know this but you should not do not eat for 2 hours before your session. For what ? Because you are going to use positions that will crush your digestive system. It is therefore recommended not to be in digestion. 

Do a yoga session on an empty stomach in the morning maybe a good solution to better know and understand your body and its limits. Of course, if you do not feel able to complete the session on an empty stomach, you can eat a small snack such as fruit. Avoid eating several as this could create complications in performing the postures. 

Hydrate yourself 30 minutes before the session and 30 minutes after to eliminate your toxins

Be careful gently prepare your muscles before triggering them for your postures.


accept yourself

Yoga is a very good element for “self-love”. It's important to learn to love your body when you're trying to lose weight.. Indeed, yoga alone allows you to lose weight but very slowly. This is why it is recommended that it be a complement of another sport. 

Yoga has a philosophical goal which is the union of body, mind and soul. Weight loss is therefore not the priority, it is aboutlearning to know each other and to reconcile with oneself. However, thanks to meditation and relaxation, you will take a new look at yourself which will help you lose fat and refine your figure. Better yet, thee yoga strengthens acceptance of your body.


yoga pour maigrir des cuisses : 3 femmes en pleine séance de yoga

What you must remember

It's time to take stock the virtues of yoga to lose weight in the thighs

To begin, it is essential to choose the type of yoga according to your desire (dynamic yoga, relaxation yoga, intensive yoga, etc.). It is also important to know the postures that help you achieve your goal and to know what they bring (muscle strengthening, thigh refinement, hamstring stretching, etc.)

To find out more on the subject, see our article on muscle strengthening through yoga.

You also have work on your side! As said before, yoga is a supplement for weight loss. You won't lose weight quickly if you only practice yoga. 

A new lifestyle is welcome in this context. So that you can lose weight in your thighs, you must adopt a healthy diet without sugar or fat while enjoying white meat and fruits and vegetables.

By eliminating your excess at the thigh level, you accumulate physical and psychological benefits and you are doing good to your health! For example, you regain flexibility and balance, you better understand your stress, you strengthen your concentration and your memory and eliminate your toxins through your breathing. 

To prepare yourself as best as possible before the sessions, it is advisable not to eat 2 hours before the session to avoid any difficulty in reproducing a posture. Hydrate yourself 30 minutes before and after the session to remove toxins from your body. Finally, make sure to warm up your muscles before moving on to the postures. 

Discover yoga at POSES Studio 

Do you want to burn calories to lose weight in your thighs? Don't wait any longer and discover yoga in a dynamic way to the rhythm of wild playlists at POSES Studio. 

Release your toxins with some 50 minute sessions under the background of dim light and of complete flows to get you as close as possible to your goal. 

Our coaches are here for you to accompany and make you sweat without judgement ! Our sessions are open et accessible to all

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