yoga pour le dos : une femme fait une posture


Yoga for the back: how to relieve and prevent pain?

Reading time : 6 min

In our relentless quest for balance and well-being in a fast-paced world, yoga emerges as a lifeline, especially for those of us navigating troubled waters. of the back pain. This ancient practice, recognized for its gentleness and holistic approach to self-care. Yoga for the back offers a refuge and a remedy against the pain that assail our back, our spine, the true pillar of our body and our mobility.



Back pain often finds its roots in our sedentary lifestyle, our unsuitable postures in front of the screen, or even in the physical and emotional burden that we carry daily. The results ? A range from minor discomfort to chronic pain that seeps into every corner of our existence, limiting our ability to fully enjoy life and realize our potential.

Yoga, with its postures (asanas), his mastery of breathing (pranayama) and its meditation, comes forward as a promising solution, not only to relieve this pain but also to strengthen our body from the inside, thus offering us armor against future assaults. By emphasizing flexibility, strength and balance, yoga teaches us to listen to our body, respect its limits while gently nudging it towards a better version of itself.

yoga pour le dos : une femme réalise une posture

Yoga for the back: postures to perform to relieve back pain

Yoga, this ancient practice, offers an invaluable respite for those who know how to immerse themselves in it, especially when it comes to combating back pain. Here, for you, is an anthology of carefully chosen postures, the promise of a relieved back and a pampered spine. Follow the leader !

Cat Cow

Starting position : On all fours, knees under hips, hands under shoulders.

Inspiration : Arch your back by lowering your stomach towards the ground, raise your head and look towards the sky.

Expiry : Round the back, pull the navel towards the spine, lower the head, look towards the navel.

Pace : Fluid, according to your breathing. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

This alternation stimulates the spine and promotes better circulation in the spinal disc.

Downward facing dog posture

Starting position : On all fours.

Movement : Lift the tailbone up and back, forming an inverted V.

Final position : Heels pushing toward the ground, head between arms, hands firmly anchored.

Duration : Hold 3 to 5 deep breaths.

Downward facing dog is ideal for stretching the posterior chain, this posture also strengthens the arms and legs.

Extended Triangle

Starting position : Stand up, spread your legs wide.

Movement : Stretch one arm down and the other toward the sky, opening the chest and stretching the sides of the body.

Key points : Looking at the raised hand, so comfortable. Keep both legs firm and straight.

Duration : Hold 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side.

Promotes flexibility of the spine and strengthens the legs.

Sphinx Pose

Starting position : Lying on your stomach.

Movement : Press on the forearms to lift the torso, keeping the elbows under the shoulders.

Key points : Shoulders away from the ears, look straight ahead.

Duration : Hold for 1 to 2 minutes.

This posture gently opens the chest and back, stimulating the lower back.

Cobra Pose

Starting position : Lying on your stomach, hands under your shoulders.

Movement : Push on the hands to straighten the bust as much as is comfortable.

Key points : Engage the back muscles, not just the arms. Keep a slight bend in your elbows.

Duration : Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

Strengthens the back while improving spinal flexibility.

Locust Pose

Starting position : Lying face down, arms alongside your body.

Movement : Simultaneously lift your head, torso, arms and legs off the floor.

Key points : Look straight ahead or slightly downward to keep the neck long.

Duration : Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, release, then repeat.

Stimulates and strengthens the entire back part of the body.

Bridge Installation

Starting position : On the back, feet flat and close to the buttocks.

Movement : Lift the pelvis towards the sky, pressing the feet and shoulders into the ground.

Key points : Keep your knees aligned with your hips. Use the arms for more leverage or interlace them under your back.

Duration : Hold 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Improves leg strength and spinal flexibility.

Half Lord of the Fishes

Starting position : Sit, one leg extended, the other bent over with the foot flat on the ground.

Movement : Twisting the trunk toward the bent leg, pushing the elbow against the opposite knee.

Key points : Keep the spine extended. Twist from the waist, not the shoulders.

Duration : Hold 30 to 60 seconds on each side.

Promotes spinal mobility and relaxes the back muscles.

Two-Knee Spinal Twist

Starting position : On the back, knees brought towards the chest.

Movement : Drop knees to one side, keeping shoulders on the floor. Extend your arms to form a T.

Key points : Turn your head away from your knees to accentuate the twist.

Duration : Hold 1 to 2 minutes on each side.

This twist relieves tension in the back and helps align the spine.

Child's Pose

Starting position : On your knees, hips on your heels.

Movement : Lean forward, extending your arms in front or alongside your body.

Key points : Rest the forehead on the floor, release any tension in the back, shoulders and arms.

Duration : Stay 1 to 3 minutes.

A moment of deep relaxation for the back, shoulders and mind.

These postures, practiced regularly, will help you build a back more strong and more flexible, thereby reducing pain and increasing your general well-being. Remember, listening to your body is essential; never force a posture beyond your comfort. This very pleasant posture is also part of the somatic yoga catalog

Types of yoga suitable for back pain

In the quest for back pain relief, not all yoga is equal. Some, by their approaches and intensities, stand out to become your privileged allies. Here we go for an overview!

Classical yoga

Classical yoga is a bit like the benevolent big brother of all forms of yoga. He advocates a practice gentle et moderate, emphasizing the postures (asanas) and breathing (pranayama).

Why adopt it? It's simple: it allows a holistic approach, reinforcing et stretching THE back gently, while calming the mind. Beginners or those suffering from chronic pain will find a haven of peace and comfort there.

Thermal yoga

Little known but oh so precious, thermal yoga is a practice where heat plays a key role. Think of a slightly heated room, where the muscles can loosen more easily, thus promoting a greater range of movement.

The major advantage? The heat helps reduce muscle stiffness, allowing followers to venture deeper into each posture without risking injury. Ideal for those looking to combine flexibility et relief.

Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga, with its dynamic rhythm and series structure, is a challenge in itself. It's not the first one that comes to mind for back pain, but think again.

Its benefits? It strengthens the body in a balanced way, including the back and core, essential for maintaining good posture and preventing back pain. Be careful though, this practice requires endurance and a certain familiarity with yoga.

Vinyasa yoga

THE vinyasa, it's here fluidity embodied. The postures follow one another to the rhythm of breathing, in a dance where each movement is synchronized with an inspiration or an expiration.

Why let yourself be tempted? This fluidity promotes mobility and the flexibility, crucial for a healthy back. In addition, the constant adaptation to new postures stimulates body awareness, helping to better manage back tensions on a daily basis.

Yoga nidra

Finally, yoga nidra, or sleep yoga, although less focused on physical postures, deserves its place in this panorama. He invites a deep relaxation, guided by the voice of the instructor, allowing total mental and physical letting go.

His hidden treasure? Through its action on stress and nervous tension, often the culprit of our back pain, yoga nidra is a powerful tool for prevention and of relief.

Each type of yoga offers different keys to opening the doors to a relieved back and a more fulfilled life. Explore, experiment and listen to your body. He will guide you towards the practice that suits you best, gradually transforming the sessions into privileged moments of connection and well-being. Your back, like your mind, will thank you for it.

yoga pour le dos : une femme joint ses deux mains dans le dos


Yoga proves to be a gentle and effective approach to relieving back pain. It offers specific postures that stretch, strengthen and stabilize the back, providing lasting and preventative relief. Choosing the right type of yoga, whether classical, thermal, ashtanga, vinyasa or nidra, depends on your needs and physical condition, each offering unique benefits for your back health.

These adapted and caring practices not only improve your posture but play a crucial role in managing and reducing pain. They encourage better body awareness, essential for maintaining a healthy back over time. By integrating yoga into your routine, you give your back the chance to regain strength and flexibility, while cultivating a serene and focused mind.

Relieve your back with POSES

If you suffer from back pain or simply want to take care of your back, yoga is the perfect option. Good news, POSES offers yoga classes! 

Take advantage of our 50 minute sessions which mix postures, movements et transitions of dynamic yoga. Join us to work on your deep muscles and improve your balance, while evacuating toxins in a intimate atmosphere. Additionally, develop your mobility, strength et stability by letting yourself be carried by soothing music, all guided by our coaches the most qualified, who will introduce you to pilates in an optimal way.

With POSES, shape your body gently and effectively from the first session.