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Accueil » Accueil » Yoga forms » Yoga during menstruation: the right solution to soothe pain
During the red period, many women are afraid of practicing a sporting activity because of pain. Between stomach aches, headaches, back pain, cramps, nausea and endometriosis for some, the question of recommending yoga arises. Furthermore, the main characteristic of yoga is that it is adaptable. So why yoga during menstruation wouldn't it be possible? Follow us in this article to find out why yoga is useful during menstrual periods, the yoga you need, the postures to calm pain and the benefits.
Les règles peuvent être douloureuses, c’est pourquoi la motivation n’est pas toujours aux premières loges. Toutefois, maintenir une activité physique est recommandé. Bingo ! Le yoga est une pratique douce et relaxante qui n’aggrave pas vos douleurs. Le yoga pour les règles vous aidera à atténuer vos maux de manière naturelle.
Let's start with numbers. One in two women suffer from pain menstrual. Another 10 percent suffer from endometriosis. This is not inevitable since yoga has the ability to ease period pain. Please note that there are no contraindications to practicing yoga during your period. In reality, the yoga maybe beneficial provided that you execute the adapted postures. Plus, there's nothing better than relieving pain naturally. Indeed, by practicing yoga, you will secrete hormones which are responsible for your physical and mental well-being, Those are the endorphins. These hormones are considered natural painkillers that can ease your period pain.
As mentioned previously, yoga is a gentle discipline and calm which does not require any particular effort. Being a practice to low intensity, it is less brutal on the body than other activities such as rugby, boxing or horse riding for example. Furthermore, the latter are strongly discouraged since they shake the uterus and press on the perineum. Yoga presents a advantage, that of being able to perform even in a state of fatigue and lack of energy. It is also interesting because of its possibility of carrying out relaxation yoga exercises.
Let’s take rugby as an example. It is a stimulating sport but it is not an appropriate sport to calm menstrual pain. Being a violent and intense physical activity including blows and physical contact, these shocks can accentuate the pain by producing powerful uterine contractions and maintaining abdominal tension.
In addition, this discipline can cause injuries. These can delay the recovery of your condition during this period and prolong the duration of your pain.
Finally, rugby compared to yoga does not promote relaxation at all. Indeed, it requires a large capacity of physical and mental energy. It makes you horny, which is not the goal since for soften THE pain, it is necessary to have calm and some relaxation.
Qu’on soit familier avec le yoga ou pas, il existe d’innombrables yoga différents. Même si aucun d’entre eux n’a de contre-indications durant cette période, certaines formes de yoga correspondent plus à la recherche de l’apaisement de la dysménorrhée. Outre ces variantes, vous pouvez vous diriger vers des yoga postures immune system.
Why hatha yoga? Because it is a form of yoga calm et accessible to all. It is perfect for menstrual pain since it alternates between still postures and breathing exercises For to work in depth the perineum and the muscles abs. Being a form that focuses on breathing, it is effective for relieve THE cramps and help you have a best traffic blood. Additionally, hatha yoga reduces your stress and anxiety, which is favorable for this time of the month. Curious to learn more? go to our article What type of yoga to choose?
Yin yoga can be used for women suffering from excessive period pain since it is a slow yoga aiming to make yogis hold the postures over time in order tostretch your muscles et improve your flexibility. It is also a yoga open to accessories, particularly cushions and bricks. This is good news for those feeling back pain et abdominal since yin yoga relieves them thanks to its exercises. Finally, it helps you get rid of your pain through an exercise. meditation which will take away your stress.
This style of yoga is relaxing et soft which uses long-term postures in company accessories like folded blankets. So, your body East relaxed, your stress East lesser and your body is ready for a session of relaxation.
To maximize your chances of erasing your pain, it is important to carefully select the postures that can heal you. Here are some postures to reproduce that will help you reduce your pain.
It is a stretching position that directly targets your pelvic muscles as well as those located at the bottom of the stomach to do disappear your cramps. To reproduce it, kneel on the floor, spread your knees, lean back while trying to touch your feet. Do not hesitate to inhale then expand your chest by leaning on your shoulder blades for 1 minute.
We use this posture to relieve menstrual pain because it has effects on the pelvic and abdominal muscles. During the menstrual cycle, the muscles of the uterus contract to expel blood. This is what produces pain and discomfort. Stretch THE abs and the pelvic muscles with camel pose helps to restrict THE contractions and the pain associated. This position also works your blood circulation in the pelvic region which has the effect of restrict there penalty and the cramps within this area. Finally, the position strengthens the back and chest muscles For brake THE tensions present in the neck and the shoulders.
Child's pose is one of the postures that helps to alleviate there pain since it is a position which relieves lower back pain. To do this, kneel on the floor with your butt on your heels and your knees apart. Make sure your two big toes are touching. All you have to do is breathe deeply, relax your spine, arms in front of you, place your forehead face down on the ground then stretch your neck. Stay like this for 1 minute. It is used for period-related pain because it helps to loosen and of calm THE muscles pelvic et abs.
The downward facing dog pose is a classic among yogis. It is often performed because of its stretching, strengthening and ability to calm the mind. To make it, it's very simple. Get on all fours, raising your knees as you exhale. Next, lift your hips toward the sky and stretch your shoulders and heels. Hold this position for a few breaths. This is a good posture for reduce painful symptoms.
Yoga is an effective method for relieving menstrual pain. However, it is more than necessary to know the postures which can aggravate your condition and which are, therefore, strongly contraindicated when you enter your menstrual cycle. here are the different categories of postures to avoid during menstruation.
Normally, twisting postures help maintain good health. However, during menstruation they have the opposite effect and can worsen painful symptoms. For example, deep twists should be avoided since they can cause compression or a twist intense at the level of the abdomen, what will increase pressure on the uterus et will amplify menstrual pain. More importantly, twists can compress THE internal organs et decrease blood circulation in the pelvic region, whati will intensify the cramps.
Inverted postures are positions where the head is placed below the heart. They should be avoided during your period because they increase your blood flow to the uterus, what amplifies the amount of blood that must be ejected et extension time to menstruation. They can have the opposite consequence, that is to say, reverse the blood flow, therefore exacerbate your pain, your headaches and your fatigue. Finally, inverted postures can cause bleeding excessive ou irréguliers. Cela touche souvent les femmes ayant des règles abondantes ou de l’endométriose.
Yoga is a good way to give yourself a feeling of well-being while reducing your period pain. here are some benefits What you can get from yoga if you do it during your period:
Menstruation is part of the natural cycle of life, but for some women, it represents a real ordeal followed by nausea, vomiting, cramps, back pain, headaches and unbearable abdominal pain. There are many ways to eliminate these disadvantages, including medication. But why not fight nature with nature? It is possible with the yoga.
Yoga is the preferred physical activity to do during your period since it is a sport to low intensity which is possible to practice at any time and in any state, whether fatigue or lack of motivation. By his practice gentle, she is capable of relieving your back pain, headaches or stomach aches.
You can turn to different styles of yoga. Hatha yoga has effects on blood circulation, stress reduction, cramp relief and immune strengthening. It allows you to focus on the gentle postures while being on the lookout for needs of your body to avoid reproducing any uncomfortable positions. If you want to try some postures, like camel pose and downward facing dog.
Yin yoga is a form that could suit you during your period since it is slow and is made of positions adapted to your needs Who stretch et strengthens your muscles and your flexibility. It is also a yoga which reduced your stress et anxiety as well as your cramps et pain thanks to the different positions.
For those wanting to strengthen their muscles, you can definitely get started. yoga muscle strengthening.
Finally, if you are looking for loosen gently until you almost fall asleep, restorative yoga is made for you. Useful if you aim to do a session of relaxation behind.
Because it is easier to know the postures we need rather than those to discard, here are some tips on groups of postures to avoid:
However, if yoga is done correctly and harmful postures have not been produced, you will experience effects which are the following:
Would you like to tune your body and mind by practicing yoga during your period?
Set off to discover the postures, movements et transitions the most important in the world of yoga. Come work on your strength and say goodbye to your menstrual pain at POSES.
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Do your best exercises under the dim light accompanied by our coaches inclusive and non-judgmental with whom you will not see the time spent thanks to the playlists do custom made for an exceptional moment.
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studios
6 rue de l'Echiquier, 75010 Paris
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studio Good News
6 rue de l'Échessboard, 75010 Paris
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