femme enceinte qui fait des exercices de yoga


The essentials of yoga for pregnant women

Reading time : 11 min

Great news, yoga is not just reserved for yogis, you can perfectly initiate yourself to yoga pregnant woman. Yoga during pregnancy is beneficial both for the woman to improve her physical and mental condition and for the baby. Discover the wonderful world of yoga for pregnant women. 


Yoga exercises for pregnant women: their usefulness

Yoga exercises for pregnant women are essential to maintain physical fitness and to de-stress from everyday life during one of the most important stages in the life of a future mother. However, it is important to note that pregnancy is unique and specific to each person. 


Forget stress and relax

Yoga has a philosophy which is to reconcile body, mind and soul for millennia. It offers a effective way to loosen, of reduce stress and of feel better in your body and in your mind. Here are some of the reasons why Yoga can be a great way to manage stress and relax.

To find out more about the benefits of yoga on stress, we talk about it in a specific article. 

To relax, managing your breathing play an important role. Indeed, breathing exercises relieve stress and calm the mind thanks to the rise of oxygen in the cells and the regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. 

We also see that the meditation allows you to Live in the moment and therefore free your mind from all intrusive thoughts and stress. Furthermore, this combination leads to a longer concentration span from your brain and more effective control of negative thoughts. 


Create a bond with the baby

Beyond relieving yourself and practicing physical activity, yoga will allow you to get closer to the baby and to have a deep connection with him. It is particularly through breathing exercises that you will feel this effect since you will work to give it more space. 

In addition, the feelings of well-being that you experience will be directly transmitted to your baby. He will be on the lookout when it comes to exercises because he too has his preferences! This is why it will guide you to make the best choice. 

Finally, the simple process of taking lessons in itself indicates special moments of you to yourselves and of you with your child. From the beginning until the first meeting, it will be both of you.  


Breathe correctly for childbirth 

Yoga for pregnant women focuses on abdominal breathing. It's a natural form of breathing, but one that we lose as we grow. During yoga sessions, some teachers teach you a deep abdominal breathing which requires the engagement and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum. This is an essential exercise to best prepare yourself for childbirth. Here's how to practice abdominal breathing. 

To start, get into a comfortable position like on all fours with your butt in the air, for example. Start from the position on all fours and then move your butt back slightly to the back of your knees. Your buttocks should not touch your heels, your forearms touch each other on the floor and your forehead rests on them. 

This posture is not chosen at random sinceit allows your body to naturally absorb the respiratory movement of the abdomen. When you inhale, your stomach relaxes and your child's hammock lowers towards the ground then as you exhale, your transverse abdominal muscle tightens and rises as well as your baby's hammock. 

Then, engage your perineum with your breathing, you will observe that it relaxes during inhalation and rises when exhaling. You have experienced the “perineum exhales”! 

Repeat this breath several times, focusing on your rhythm and the depth of your breath. In addition to good preparation for childbirth, it helps you to reduce stress, anxiety and improve your blood circulation. 


femme enceinte qui fait des exercices de yoga et de respiration

Yoga postures to enjoy your pregnancy

Practicing a moderate-intensity sport like yoga is beneficial for your health and that of the baby. You can even find pleasure in it, which is why we offer you a little revitalizing cocktail of yoga exercises for pregnant women so that you can make the most of your pregnancy.


The cat and the dog

The cat and dog pose is a simple but effective exercise for pregnant women. She relieves and strengthens the lower back. If you have pain in this area, stay here and find out how to get relief. 

To do this, get on all fours, your knees should be in line with your hips and your arms with your shoulders. Not forgetting that you must keep your back and head straight. 

Then, inhale as you lift your head and tailbone, pushing toward the floor. 

Then, exhale while rounding your back, tucking your chin and lifting your tailbone. 

Finally, repeat this gesture several times, alternating inhale and exhale. To make the exercise easier, you can synchronize your breathing with your movements. 

This position helps relieve lower back pain, strengthen back and abdominal muscles. Moreover, your spine will be more flexible.  


Quick meditation

Quick meditation is a breathing exercise used to introduce your yoga session. It is simple to make and we will show it to you right away.

Before getting into position, find a quiet, comfortable environment where you can sit comfortably with your legs crossed and your back straight.

Secondly, place your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach. 

Third, breathe slowly and deeply through your stomach while gently moving your head up and down. Become aware of your body and continue to breathe in and out calmly. If you feel tension, try to relax it. 

You can add visualization like a calming image or repeat a positive mantra like “I am connected to my baby and my body” to focus and achieve full meditation. 

To close the meditation, take a few breaths, gently wake your body starting with the toes and fingers then open your eyes.

This exercise helps you relax and refocus on your pregnancy. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your sleep quality and promote your connection with your child. 


Lateral stretch 

Lateral stretching is applied to work the muscles of the back, chest and ribs. These are areas that we are not used to stretching, what if we reversed the trend? 

Start by sitting correctly on your mat while spreading your legs as far apart as possible. Then, bring your right heel against your thigh or in the center. Your left leg remains stiff and your toes point toward you. 

Continue by raising your right arm above your head, slowly lean to your right side, inhale and exhale slowly 5 times then repeat on the other side. 

This posture stretches the muscles of the back, pelvis, ribs, relieves back tension and expands your chest. 


Butterfly pose

The butterfly pose is an asana that allows you to prepare for the birth of your child, let's see what it is.

To put it into practice, sit cross-legged, place your feet together and bring them in so that they touch your buttocks. Then, like a butterfly, make flapping movements up and down with your knees. 

This position helps open your hips and firm your pelvic muscles. 

Postures to relieve pregnancy pain

Yoga is recommended during pregnancy for good reasons. Not only does it tone your body, but it relieves your back, stomach or blood circulation pain. It is therefore accessible to everyone to relax and alleviate the pain accumulated over 9 months.


Cow head pose 

The cow head posture is practiced for relieve false sciatica. Maybe you are affected without knowing it, so what is it? It's a nerve pain you feel in your lower back that gives you electric shocks all over your leg. To alleviate it, the cow's head posture is an excellent way since it comes relax the sacroiliac joint which is located at the bottom of the spine. 

To reproduce it, start in a seated position, legs straight. One leg is bent to one side then place the other leg on top and bend there as well. Knees overlap and feet close to hips. Raise one arm alongside your head, rotating it until your hand reaches your upper back. Bring the other arm together and clasp your hands behind your back.


Tree pose

If you suffer from cramps, tree pose can help. 

Stand and find stability on one foot. Come and place the other foot in the crook of the opposite thigh. Raise your arms, extend them horizontally at chest level and join your hands in prayer. Hold this pose for 5 breaths. 

This position makes work your legs et eliminates the risk of painful cramps caused by pregnancy.


Mountain posture

Pregnancy is a time when you feel out of breath and that's completely normal. This is due to the baby taking up more and more space and blood volume increasing by 50%, which increases the heart rate, which produces faster shortness of breath. 

How to do mountain pose? Start in a standing position, feet hip-width apart, keep your back straight, arms extended towards the ground. Bend your knees slightly and anchor yourself firmly into the ground. Then breathe slowly.

The posture allows you toimprove your mobility and help you regain your balance.


femme enceinte qui fait une séance de yoga chez elle avec des cours en ligne

Exercises to do at home

If you're at home and streaming platforms aren't enough for you anymore, do yoga! It allows you stretch gently and D'eliminate pain that you can have while you are pregnant so that you can enjoy your pregnancy peacefully at home.


The half-bridge

Half-bridge posture prepares your body for childbirth by building your power and control over your body in addition to relieving lower back pain.

Here's how to perform the half-bridge pose. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, legs bent and feet flat on the floor. The feet should be in line with the hips and the arms should be parallel to the body. As you inhale, push your feet and arms into the floor and lift your hips toward the ceiling while keeping your shoulders and head on the floor. Try to keep your knees in the same line as your ankles. Keep your thighs and glutes engaged to keep your body stable. Hold the half-bridge pose for a few deep breaths.

This is an ideal posture for toning your back, leg, perineum and gluteal muscles and simultaneously opening your shoulders and chest.


Warrior pose

It is common during pregnancy to experience stomach aches caused by hormonal changes. Other than waiting, there's not much else to do except the warrior pose. 

To put it in place, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Turn your right foot outward at a 90-degree angle and your left foot inward at a 45-degree angle. Keep your feet in line with your hips and your arms at your sides.

As you inhale, bend your right knee and lower your pelvis until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your right knee above your right ankle and keep your left foot flat on the floor. Stretch your arms outward to shoulder height, palms facing down.

Hold warrior pose for a few deep breaths. To come out of the pose, exhale and slowly straighten your right knee. Bring your right foot forward and return to a standing position. Repeat the pose on the other side.


Kegel exercise

The Kegel exercise is a technique for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles by making them more flexible and stronger. It may be especially beneficial for pregnant women, as it can help strengthen these muscles, which may be weakened during pregnancy and childbirth.

The pelvic floor muscles are important for supporting the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus and rectum. During pregnancy, these muscles may become less effective due to the extra weight of the uterus and increased hormones. Kegel exercise can help strengthen them and prevent urinary leakage during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Here are the steps to successfully perform the Kegel exercise. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Find the pelvic floor muscles by contracting your lower abdomen and lift them from the inside. Hold the contraction for a few seconds, then slowly release the muscles. Repeat this contraction and relaxation for 10 to 15 repetitions.

To find out more about the yoga and relaxation, check out our article!  

The benefits of prenatal yoga

Yoga is much more than a physical activity. He improves the physical and psychological quality of a pregnant woman. Between postures, stretches and breathing exercises, the yoga exercises for pregnant women have benefits that you might not suspect. 


Good preparation for childbirth

As mentioned previously, the positions and breathing exercises teach you to see one side of childbirth and to take the right actions when the time comes. 

Prenatal yoga is a great way to strengthen the muscles of the body, in particular the pelvic floor muscles, which are important to support the uterus and baby during pregnancy and to help with childbirth. Prenatal yoga poses can also strengthen the abdominal, back and leg muscles, which are used during childbirth. 

It is also effective for improve blood circulation in the body, which is important during pregnancy. Good blood circulation can help prevent swelling in the legs and ankles, as well as other common health problems during pregnancy.

In terms of stress and anxiety, yoga calms these negative emotions thanks to the breathing and meditation techniques used. These have the effect of relaxing pregnant women physically and mentally. 

Finally, most importantly, yoga prepares you mentally for childbirth. This is explained by postures and breathing techniques that help you connect with your body and your baby. In addition, these techniques develop a trust in you and in your ability to give birth. 


Preparing for postnatal 

The benefits of prenatal yoga classes continue beyond childbirth. Indeed, prenatal yoga can be excellent preparation for postnatal helping new mothers recover from childbirth, has strengthen muscles, has relieve stress and to improve their mental and physical health.

After giving birth, a woman's body goes through many changes. Prenatal yoga can help prepare the body for this transition. Prenatal yoga postures can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Prenatal yoga can also help you strengthen muscles after childbirth. We are talking about the abdominal muscles, back and legs, which worked a lot during childbirth. This can help to relieve postnatal pain and tension and improve posture. 

Prenatal yoga can also help relieve postnatal stress. Giving birth can be a stressful and exhausting event, and prenatal yoga can help you feel better and find a moment of peace and tranquility. 


The benefits 

Prenatal yoga offers many benefits as a method of care: 

  • Reduces pregnancy pain such as reflux, back pain, lower back pain and tones the pelvic muscles 

  • Relaxation techniques eliminate anxiety and help manage emotions

  • Allows you to have a better posture, agility and mobility

  • Regenerates energy

  • Improves mental health

    To find out more, head to our article which covers benefits of yoga.

To conclude

Yoga exercises for pregnant women are full of benefits, what if we took stock of what they bring you? 

Yoga allows you to: 

  • YOU loosen and of relieve stress through breathing exercises

  • Combine body and mind

  • Helps with good blood circulation

  • Eases tension after childbirth

  • Meditation anchors you in the present moment to limit intrusive thoughts

  • Breathing exercises strengthen the bond with your child and have a deep connection with him

  • Abdominal breathing is an effective exercise for you prepare for childbirth 

  • There are postures so you can love your pregnancy more et relieve your mental health like quick meditation

  • You will be able ease your pregnancy pain such as false sciatica, back pain and painful cramps thanks to certain postures like the cow's head pose

  • For strengthen your body, including pelvic, back, leg, gluteal and abdominal muscles at home before childbirth


Experience your best pregnancy at POSES Studio

Are you convinced by the benefits of yoga during pregnancy? Then POSES Studio is made for you!

Discover yoga in a new form, you won't be able to do without it. yoga flow.

 What is the concept of POSES Studio? it's a 50 minute workout gently diving into theessential yoga postures and exercises in a subdued atmosphere accompanied by light effects. 

Do not hesitate to notify your coach at the start of the class, so that she can give you exercises adapted to your pregnancy!

Have confidence and let yourself be guided by our experienced coaches who will go at your pace.