femme qui suit un cours de yoga en ligne pour lutter contre la fatigue


Yoga tires you out: perfect in case you feel sluggish

Reading time : 10 min

Yoga is a discipline that requires you to listen to your body. Human beings tend to respect obligations such as sports classes. Between work, stress and overwork, your body and mind become tired. In a daily life in search of performance, you can count on a major ally, the yoga fatigue


Opt for a fatigue style of yoga

Doing yoga when you are tired is not a bad thing. You just need to adapt your yoga practice in awareness of your physical and moral capacities. To be able to enjoy fatigue yoga, you can turn to different types of gentle yoga. 


Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is a slow yoga Who relieves fatigue. It is a practice that does not require a lot of effort or reflection since it is a sequence of identical postures from start to finish. The slowness of Hatha is characterized by maintaining postures which vary from a few seconds to a few minutes. The asanas aim to rebalance energies, strengthen your metabolism and prepare you for the meditation phase at the end of the session. 

It's also a great way to stretch all areas of your body. Whether it's your legs, arms, spine, hips or abs, there's something for everyone. The parts worked will be relaxed and you will feel lighter, calm and less tired. 

Apart from postures, Hatha reserves a large space for breathing and meditation. As you know, asanas are synchronized with the breath. This allows a better oxygenation of tissues, muscles and organs but it also plays on the mind by refocusing on you. Finally, meditation allows you to live in the present moment.  

Among the benefits of Hatha yoga, we note that it improves the quality of your sleep and breathing, reduces stress, anxiety and the need for control. Physically, it gives you solidification of the abdominal strap, better balance and promotes weight loss.

To learn more about this style of yoga and muscle strengthening, go to our dedicated article! 


Yoga nidra

Yoga nidra is undoubtedly the most effective form in cases of fatigue. We can guess from its name since “nidra” means sleep. Be careful, this does not mean that you will be able to fall asleep! It is a lucid and mediative sleep aimed at relaxing the body and keeping the mind awake.. You are in a state of waking sleep. 

Yoga nidra is often practiced lying on your back with your limbs extended and your eyes closed. During the practice, theThe practitioner is guided by a voice gentle through a series of instructions aimed at relaxing the different parts of the body and calming the mind which immerses you in meditation through music or chanting of mantras. It allows your body to relax, to go deep into the unconscious, of you reload and you to rest. This practice can help reduce anxiety, reduce muscle tension and improve sleep quality. What to trust in yoga to relax !

Yoga nidra can also be helpful for people with chronic fatigue, as it can help increase energy by regulating the levels of hormones such as cortisol and melatonin. 

It is important to note that yoga nidra should not be considered a cure for fatigue, but rather a complement to a healthy lifestyle. To achieve best results, it is important to practice yoga nidra regularly, sleep well and eat healthily.

Yoga nidra is a deep meditation practice that can help combat fatigue by reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and increasing energy. It is an accessible practice for everyone and can provide many mental and physical health benefits. 

If you would like to know more about the yoga for sleep, read our article on the subject!


Yin yoga

Yin yoga is a gentle yoga practice that can help combat fatigue by providing a much-needed break for the body and mind. This form of yoga focuses on the slow, deep stretches of the soft tissues of the body, such as ligaments, tendons and fascia. It can help to stimulate blood circulation and improve flexibility, which can help reduce muscle tension and fatigue.

It is often practiced using poses held for long periods of time, sometimes up to several minutes. The postures are supported by cushions, blocks or blankets to help maximize muscle relaxation. The goal of this practice is to give the body's soft tissues ample time to expand slowly and in a controlled manner, which can help improve blood circulation, reduce pain, and stimulate healing. 

It can also help to calms the mind by allowing practitioners to focus on their breathing and their body. This practice can help reduce stress, lead to better sleep, which can help restore energy. 

Do you want to start practicing a anti-stress yoga ? We'll explain to you what it is!


cours de yoga pour lutter contre la fatigue

Rest practices

Poses and types of yoga aren't the only ways to combat fatigue. In fact, you can rely on meditation, breathing and visualization techniques to recharge your batteries and get off to a good start. 



Yoga meditation is an effective way to combat fatigue improving mental and physical health. Regular meditation practice can help reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue by calming the mind and strengthening the body. By focusing on breathing and maintaining a calm posture, yoga meditation can help you relax and regain the energy you need to face your day.

She focuses on the conscious breathing, to regulate the breath and soothe the mind. It is through the simple act of stopping in time and clearing your mind that mediation takes place. It is effective in reducing stress, anxiety and better managing negative emotions by slowing the heart rate and increasing blood circulation. Additionally, meditation offers better quality of sleep promoting rest and relaxation before sleeping.



Visualization is a useful yoga technique for overcoming fatigue by boosting mental strength and creating a feeling of balance and inner peace. Visualization involves using the imagination to focus on positive, comforting images. We can cite photographs, candles, quotes, a song that brings back memories, etc. 

The concept is for you to sit comfortably and focus on a task or project that you want to accomplish. It has the effect of making you less stressed and anxious, makes it easier to fall asleep and promotes positive thoughts. Visualization can help reduce fatigue by stimulating the production of feel-good chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin.



Breathing is a key element of yoga practice and helps neutralize fatigue by stimulating blood circulation. Conscious breathing can also help increase your energy and overall well-being.

When practicing yoga, conscious breathing is often emphasized. It means that you concentrate on your breathing by slowing it down and deepening it, which can help reduce muscle tension and accelerate blood circulation. It also affects the quality of more restorative sleep because it helps you relax and therefore fall asleep more easily.


Full breathing

There are several different breathing techniques. For example, the full breathing is a breathing technique that involves manipulating your diaphragm to take deep inhales and exhales. This technique brings profound well-being and releases happiness hormones to soothe the feeling of stress and anxiety. 

You can implement these benefits with exercises such as nadi shodhana breathing. More commonly called alternate breathing. It is an ancestral practice which seeks to free the energy channels. Breathing alternates between the left nostril and the right nostril. It allowsbalance your mind and avoid intrusive thoughts. 

To implement it, go to a quiet and pleasant place to lie down or sit. Close your eyes, stop thinking about anything and focus on your breathing. Start by breathing deeply through your nose, while filling your lungs with fresh air. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale through your nose.

Next, place your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your left nostril. Close your left nostril by gently pressing it with your right hand. Inhale slowly through your right nostril and fill your lungs with air. Do not exhale your breath for a few seconds and then release it through the same nostril. 

Repeat this process, alternating nostrils. Inhale through your left nostril, hold your breath, then exhale through your left nostril. Inhale through your right nostril, hold your breath, then exhale through your right nostril. Continue alternating nostrils for 5 to 10 minutes, focusing on your breathing.

Detoxifying breathing

You can also use detoxifying breathing to purify your body. To practice it, start by sitting comfortably in a stable position, such as lotus or chair pose. Place your hands on your knees and close your eyes. Start by breathing slowly and deeply through your nose, filling your lungs with fresh air.

Then hold your breath for one to two seconds. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, pushing the air out forcefully. Repeat this detoxifying breathing process for about five minutes.


femme en position de yoga avec un encens pour lutter contre la fatigue

Postures to counter fatigue

To regain energy quickly, you can adopt different positions. The proposed postures promote irrigation of the brain and circulate new blood to your organs. So you can say goodbye to your chronic fatigue and hello vital energy!



The headstand pose, or Shirshasana in Sanskrit, is a popular yoga exercise that helps resist fatigue. This inverted posture strengthens the legs, arms and core, while stretching the muscles of the shoulders, spine and chest. Regularly practicing the handstand pose facilitates blood circulation in the brain and gives you a boost. 

To practice handstand posture, start by standing with your feet upright. Bend your knees and place your hands flat on the floor. Keep your palms shoulder-width apart and stretch your fingers. Start lifting your hips toward the sky while stretching your legs. Keep your body in a straight line and stretch your legs upward.

Hold the headstand pose for about three to four deep breaths, then slowly release and return to the starting position. You can repeat this exercise two to three times for maximum effect.


The cow cat

The cat-cow pose, or Marjaryasana-Bitilasana in Sanskrit, is a position that helps ward off fatigue. How ? By stretching the spine and energizing the organs.

To perform it, start on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-width apart. Inhale and release your lower back while raising your head upwards. Exhale and bring your chin toward your chest while rolling your back up. Repeat this exercise seven times in a row slowly then seven times in a row quickly. 


Corpse pose

This posture is conducive to a better entry into the state of sleep thanks to its quality of deep relaxation which completely relaxes the body and mind. 

It is very simple to perform, lie on your back with your legs apart. Your arms at your sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and give all your attention to your breathing. Try to relax every muscle in your body, starting at your feet and working your way up to your head. Breathe deeply and let your body calm down. Hold corpse pose for about five to twenty minutes for maximum effect. You can use a cushion or blanket for added comfort if necessary.

The benefits

Fatigue yoga provides benefits such as increased energy, learning to let go and self-confidence. 


Energy boost

Have you ever noticed that yoga helps you regain energy, but did you know the benefits? Don't move, we'll list them for you right away: 

  • Improving blood circulation
  • Muscle oxygenation
  • Nutrition of body cells
  • Muscle strengthening
  • Soothing of the nervous system
  • Meditation
  • Stress reduction


Brings relaxation 

THE let go is one of the fundamental goals in yoga. When you are in the opposite situation, that is, control, apprehension and tension, your body and mind become tired. This is why you need to let go, breathe and relax. Yoga is a very good school for this, here are the benefits: 

  • Live in the present moment
  • Refocus on yourself
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • Release negative thoughts
  • Concentration on breathing
  • Improves sleep quality


Regain self-awareness

Yoga offers a great opportunity: self-reconnection. With stress, fatigue, worries, outings, etc., time for yourself is limited. But with this practice, those days are far behind you and if you got there, it is thanks to these advantages: 

  • Exploring your thoughts and emotions
  • Better self-understanding
  • Concentration on breathing
  • Strengthening self-confidence 


To conclude

Fatigue yoga appears to be an effective solution to counteract fatigue. To make it easier for you, we have given you a short summary. 

Yoga is an age-old practice that lightens the body and mind. Regular yoga practice improves blood circulation, strengthens your muscles, calms the nervous system and eliminates stress. In short, all the ingredients to regain energy. 

To do this, choose a type of yoga that suits you. For slow yoga, go for Hatha yoga. It favors breathing exercises while working your muscles. 

If you want erase fatigue as quickly as possible, yoga nidra is for you. You will be in a lucid and meditative sleep in order to relax as much as possible while being guided by the voice of your teacher.

Concerning Yin yoga, it stretches the soft tissues of the body, which allowsIncreased blood circulation and reduction of muscle tension. Therefore, the fatigue decreases Also. 

Then we saw that meditation has many benefits for the body, mind and soul. Meditation involves focusing on your breathing and reconnecting with yourself, with regular practice, you will find that you will accumulate less stress, anxiety, you will have an easier time concentrating and more clarity. It also improves compassion and understanding towards others, as well as emotional well-being.

Visualization and breathing combat fatigue by alerting your mental strength and creating a feeling of well-being. 

For the benefits, we list this: 

  • Enjoy the moment
  • A reconnection with yourself
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • Release intrusive thoughts
  • Concentration on breathing
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Adventure your thoughts and emotions
  • Better self-understanding
  • Strengthening self-confidence 
  • New blood circulation
  • Muscle oxygenation


Let go of your fatigue at POSES Studio

End your exhaustion with yoga fatigue within Studio POSES.

What is Studio POSES? 50 minutes of workout session flows unrivaled, enough to keep you awake! 

Fatigue or not, our coaches are there to be at your service and at least take you to suitable exercises in the dark. 

So, do you want to exhaust yourself in a different way?