yoga du visage : une femme fait un exercice pour le cou


Facial yoga: the solution to fight against imperfections?

Reading time : 8 min

Are you looking for a natural method to strengthen your skin ? Facial yoga is the practice for you! Between movements et massage, this technique tones, relaxes et rejuvenates your face. 


Is facial yoga really effective?

Facial yoga has been successful for several years. Inspired by hatha yoga and Chinese medicine, facial yoga aims to slow the effects of old age by stimulating vital energy via acupuncture points. But does he really deserve the attention we give him? Let's explore the facts, its advantages and disadvantages to remove the questions surrounding this practice. 

The arguments in favor of the effectiveness of facial yoga

Facial yoga is based on simple but powerful principles: targeted exercise of the facial muscles, stimulation of blood and lymphatic circulation, and the deep relaxation. Through a series of movements and of breathing techniques, this practice aims to to strenghten, tone et loosen facial muscles, while promoting elimination of toxins and in stimulating collagen production.


According to a 2018 study by JAMA Network, this practice can transform your face. By strengthening the firmness et elasticity skin, she reduces age perceived for three years on average. Sylvie Lefranc, facial yoga expert, confirms these benefits by emphasizing that spectacular results can be obtained in a few days, without the help of miracle creams or scalpels. On social media, many people share their positive experiences with impressive before-and-after shots. In addition to the aesthetic benefits, facial yoga promotes relaxation, reduces stress, stimulates the immune system, and prevents various ailments such as headaches, sinusitis, or even bruxism.

The limits and precautions of facial yoga

However, no rose is without thorns, and facial yoga does not escape a few precautions. Done poorly or too intensively, exercises can cause body aches, redness, even irritations. It is essential to follow good practices to avoid these inconveniences. Additionally, face yoga is not recommended for everyone. People suffering from certain facial or neck pathologies, such as cervical hernia, thyroiditis, or facial paralysis, should avoid this practice. In addition, regularity is the key to success: practice facial yoga on clean and hydrated skin, avoiding creating additional wrinkles during movements.

Take your genetics into account

In addition, it is important to take into account the constraints imposed by facial yoga. To begin, the results are variables from one person to another. Indeed, some may see significant improvements, while others may have less obvious changes. This is linked to genetics and age. Then, you have to arm yourself with patience because the results are not instantaneous. Indeed, the exercises are carried out over a long period of time to obtain optimal results. Finally, take the time toperform movements correctly at risk of muscle tension caused by inappropriate or excessive movements. Can facial yoga be your beauty ally? Now let's discover the best exercises to firm each part of your face.


yoga du visage : une femme fait un exercice

What are the best facial yoga exercises?

Explore the fascinating world of facial yoga exercises and discover how to sculpt your face with simple and effective movements. We'll detail best practices for each area, helping you achieve a harmonious balance. These are exercises that you can easily add to your morning yoga routine. 

Neck exercises

The nape and neck are areas that are often neglected even though they are exposed to the signs of aging. Over time, the neck can lose its sound elasticity, of his firmness and may reveal wrinkles, folds and a double chin. In addition, the skin of the neck is more fragile and thinner than that of the face. Fortunately, certain exercises can keep your neck looking youthful!

This first exercise involves practicing gentle rotations and targeted stretches to help tone this area. Try gently lifting your chin toward the ceiling alternating with side tilts. They can contribute to a skin more farm and to a appearance more young.

Other exercises

You can also perform pinching. Use your index finger and thumb on each hand and pinch your skin around your jawline, starting from your chin to your ears. Repeat this movement 20 times, increasing the pressure while making sure to lift your skin slightly upward. Thus, you will obtain a skin more farm, with over tone and more smooth

Then you can proceed to a massage. To do this, use your index fingers and thumbs to grasp the skin under the chin. Roll it under your fingers, starting from the center to the sides. Perform this gesture 20 times. This massage allows you to dislodge fats accumulated and reduce double chin

Exercises for the oval

What is facial oval? This is the area that concerns the cheekbones, temples and cheeks. It determines the shape of the face. But, as we age, the skin can become to release, deform or dig. To remedy this, you can firm and reshape it using several exercises. 

The first exercise is to form a V with your index and middle fingers. Place the tops of your fingers under your chin. Slide them quickly from the chin to the ears, pressing lightly on the skin. Repeat this movement 5 times. This exercise allows you to have a skin more tense, a face more young and outlines better defined

Other exercises

If you like to smile, the next exercise is for you! Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips and pull them down to create an inverted smile. Stay like this for a few seconds and release. Do this 10 times increasing in strength and duration. It allows you to obtain a skin more smooth and one oval more farm

For the last exercise, form an O shape with your mouth by stretching your lips and clenching your teeth. Look up to the sky, eyes wide open. Hold this posture for a few seconds and repeat 10 times. This method gives you a skin more smooth, relaxed et flexible

Cheekbone exercises

The cheekbones are the protruding parts of the cheeks, they give relief and charm to the face. But, they can lose in volume and in definition. However, it is possible to enhance, sculpt and strengthen them with simple exercises. 


First, you can fill your cheeks with air to create internal pressure to tone the cheekbone muscles and push them upwards. Then, inhale through your nose and hold your breath. Continue by puffing out your cheeks as much as possible. Then, move the air from one cheek to the other by making circles with your mouth. The exercise should last 10 seconds with 5 repetitions. 

There is another exercise that is done using your thumbs and index fingers, placed on each cheekbone. Then, gently pinch your skin between your fingers using circular movements. Do this for 10 seconds. Continue by moving your fingers toward the outside of the cheekbone, following the bone. Repeat pinching along the entire length of the cheekbone, up to the ear. Do this exercise 3 times. This way, you promote the volume and radiance of your cheekbones. 

Eye exercises

The eyes are constantly being used, whether by light, screens, makeup or even reading. As a result, they suffer from signs of fatigue, stress and aging. But, to protect them, relax them or even beautify them, you can carry out exercises. 

For the first exercise, open your eyes wide. Close them strongly and quickly. Open them again and repeat the blink. The exercise is to be done 5 times for 10 seconds. It allows to lubricate your eyes, to to rest and to to clean

Other exercises

For the second exercise, keep your head straight and still while staring at a point in front of you. Slowly move your eyes up, right, down and left, making a complete circle with your eyes. Do this clockwise then counterclockwise. Perform 5 circles in each direction 3 times. This exercise allows you to'to soften and D'stretch your eyes. 

The last exercise involves placing your index fingers and thumbs on your eyebrows, at the height of the inner corner of the eye. Then, pinch your skin between your fingers using circular movements for 10 seconds. Continue by moving your fingers toward the outer corner of your eye, following your eyebrow line. Pinch along the entire length of the eyebrows. Repeat this gesture on your lower lashes, starting from the inner corner of the eye moving towards the outer corner. Do this exercise 3 times. This exercise promotes radiance and vitality in your eyes. 

Exercises for the forehead

The forehead is an area where involuntary contractions appear, which can create horizontal or vertical wrinkles like frown lines. In addition, over time, the forehead loses its shine and suppleness. To correct these imperfections, exercises exist. 

For the first exercise, place your index fingers on your eyebrows, pressing lightly downward. Next, contract your frontal muscles as if to frown, resisting with your fingers. Hold the contraction for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times. This exercise allows you to work the frontal muscles, the main culprits of wrinkles. 

Other exercises

For this exercise, place your hands flat on your forehead with fingers apart and thumbs down, until you cover the entire surface of the forehead. Continue by sliding your hands outwards, starting from the forehead to the temples. Do this for 10 seconds, 5 times. This exercise allows you to smooth the forehead, of the massage and to unwind

Finally, for the last exercise, place your index and middle fingers on your forehead, at the height of your eyebrows. Then gently tap your forehead with your fingers, using quick movements for 10 seconds. Then, move your fingers to the top of the forehead, following the hairline. Tap over the entire height of the forehead. Do this exercise 3 times. He makes the'glow and the vitality on the forehead. 

Lip exercises

Lips can be damaged by everyday actions such as speaking, smiling, biting or applying makeup. But, external aggressions such as wind or cold can fuel dry lips. You can revitalize your face naturally with simple methods. 

To begin, inhale deeply through your nose and hold your breath. Then, purse your lips as if you were going to whistle. Blow out slowly through your mouth, making a “pff” sound. Do this for 10 seconds and inhale through your nose again. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Thus, you will obtain lips more luscious et farms

Other exercises

For the second exercise, place your index fingers at the corners of your mouth and pull them slightly upwards. Next, contract your lip muscles, as if to close them, while resisting with your fingers for 5 seconds. Do the exercise 10 times. This allows you to trtake shape and position from your lips.

The last exercise is to do with your index fingers and thumbs, placed in the middle of each lip. Continue by pursing your lips between your fingers, making circular movements for 10 seconds. Afterwards, move your fingers towards the corner of the lip, following the line. Pinch along the entire length of the lip. Do the same thing on the other lip. Repeat the exercise 10 times. He favors hydration et the shine

The benefits of facial yoga

Facial yoga can have many benefits both physically and psychologically. Here they are : 

  • Facial yoga allows you to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the fibers responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. By working on them, it allows you to prevent and reduce the signs of aging, giving a lifting effect et rejuvenating
  • This method helps strengthen and relax the facial muscles. 
  • Become aware of your face. 
  • To relax. 


yoga du visage : une femme fait un exercice pour les joues


Do you aspire to a smooth and radiant face? Facial yoga stimulates skin firmness, reducing the effects of aging on the skin. The aesthetic benefits are accompanied by deep relaxation, stress reduction and immune benefits. However, the rigor of the exercises and patience are essential, with some precautions to avoid irritation and aches.

Do your body good with POSES

Your facial skin is precious but so is your body! Reduce the effects of age with POSES. Enjoy 50 minutes of immersive session of yoga by letting yourself be carried by the transitions, THE movements and the postures essentials of the discipline. 

Relax with the soft playlists spent during the course and dim light. We know that a moment of inattention is enough to miss a movement. Don't panic, our coaches are there to show you the gestures. 

Tone your body at POSES!