Yoga détox : Une femme faisant une posture


Detox yoga to feel good in your body

Reading time : 8 min

You have probably already heard the term “detox” which has been very popular in recent years. This technique no longer needs to prove itself, so why not use it in yoga? THE detox yoga will help you eliminate toxins and anything that is not useful to your body. This style of yoga is designed to make you feel light and give you back energy


Detox yoga in a few words

Summer is coming and you may feel tired, heavy and suffering from irregular digestion. In this case, your detoxification may tend to slow down and be less effective. It may be time to try detox yoga which will help you digest better, sleep and regain energy. 

Its origin 

In fact, the origins of detox yoga date back millennia to when yoga itself was created. Indeed, he has always dedicated a important place for purification and detoxification of the body. If we refer to the yoga philosophy, LThe body is the temple of the soul, it is therefore essential to keep it healthy and pure for a balanced and spiritual life. 

Detoxification for what? It is used for release stored toxins, whether they are food, environmental or simply bad emotions. By making them disappear, yogis hope restore vitality and balance in the body

Obviously, over the years, different detoxification techniques have developed. Today we find internal cleaning which is a method including purification of the digestive and respiratory system. 

A popularization of detox yoga

During the last decade, detox yoga has been a victim of its own success. For what ? There was an awareness of negative effects of the toxins on health and there was a desire to have a healthy and balanced life. Now, there are detox yoga classes that offer a sequence of specific postures with twists, inversions and meditation. 

Why start detox yoga? 

A detox period lasts 3 to 15 days up to 4 times a year. Practicable everywhere, even as urban yoga. This is a time when you need to be particularly attentive to your lifestyle. Also, this is a time when you can develop your full potential on the plan mental, physical et emotional. But detox yoga has very specific objectives. 

Good for toxins and digestion

To begin with, certain postures, notably the twists, THE flexions Before and the abdominal compression postures energize the internal organs involved in digestion such as the intestines, liver and stomach. The postures are performed on these areas, therefore, they cause the blood circulation in the abdominal region. Which helps to improve digestion and to eliminate waste quickly. 

Digestive problems

There are other ways to facilitate digestion such as abdominal muscle strengthening, particularly the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal wall muscles. If the muscles become strong, this encourages healthy digestion by maintaining the proper functioning of the internal organs involved in the digestive process. 

Concerning the elimination of toxins, stretching, THE compression postures and the pressures act like a gentle massage which allowsexpel toxins

Then, the inverted postures favor the lymphatic drainage and activate the lymphatic system. The latter plays an essential role in theevacuation of toxins. 

In the same vein, detox yoga includes breathing techniques which help to purify et oxygenate THE body. By consciously breathing deeply, blood and lymphatic circulation are activated. So, the toxins are cleared and the digestive system soothed. 

Best moves

The movements stimulate the lymphatic system. It is he who is responsible for the release of toxins. It plays a key role in detox and for the immune system. For example, the sun greetings are a series that allows you to get some movement back. It is important to get the body back into action because the lymph is congested by night sleep. In addition, mobilizing the joints eliminates the toxins that are deposited on them. 

yoga détox : une femme faisant une posture de yoga

Specific techniques of detox yoga

Yoga has a large number of specific techniques for detoxifying purposes, here are some of them: 

    • The contraction of flight : It is a form ofself-massage abdominal organs. What does it consist of ? It is a retraction of the stomach towards the back then simulate an inhaling movement by blocking the breath. This act will create a call for air, raise the diaphragm and stimulate the spine. This practice aims to become a posture of awakening energy and consciousness. 
    • Kapalabhati : It's a forced expiration by tucking in the stomach. You must push the navel towards the spine while contracting the abdominals. Then you have to wait for a spontaneous inspiration. It is an exercise in purification.  
    • Bhastrika : In this case, exhalation and inspiration are forced. The practice consists of inflating the stomach, opening the rib cage and exhaling while drawing in the stomach. This breathing allowseliminate toxins. 

Furthermore, these techniques can be complementary to yoga positions for men.

Complex exercises 

      • dog breathing : Breathing involves sticking your tongue out as far as possible and then start breathing. During inhalations and exhalations through the mouth, the tongue remains out. You will feel heavy breathing; hold for 3 minutes. Finally, you must inhale then hold your breath for 15 seconds and press your tongue against the upper palate. This exercise aims to bring energy, protect the immune system For fight diseases et work your thyroid gland. 
      • Lion posture : Il s’agit de mettre les fesses sur les talons, mains posées sur les genoux en les retournant vers soi, le menton est à l’avant. Poussez la langue contre le voile du palais tout en inspirant. Les poumons remplis, vous ouvrez la bouche et tirez la langue le plus loin possible vers le menton. Pendant l’expiration, criez longuement “ah”. Vous devriez sentir une vibration au fond de la gorge et doit être perceptible à l’ouïe. This breathing cleanses and purifies the body. 

Detox according to yoga

Selon la philosophie yoga, la détoxification concerne plus d’éléments que la simple élimination de toxines. Elle sous-entend la mental purification, emotional et spiritual practitioners. In this discipline, detox is seen as follows: 

First of all, as said previously, yoga considers the bodily envelope as the sanctuary of the soul. It is therefore essential to maintain it and keep it pure. It is through the asanas and the pranayamas that yoga dispels waste accumulés dans l’organisme. Par ailleurs, la pratique seule du yoga ne suffit pas, il est nécessaire d’avoir une Healthy eating to support physical detoxification. 

The 3 detoxes

Next, yoga tackles a mental detox. Indeed, in yoga the mind is a key element for detoxification. To do this, practices of meditation, of concentration and of mindfulness aiming to eliminate negative thoughts and the bad habits. This allows access to a inner peace and an self-consciousness

Let's continue with a emotional detox. Yoga is based on the belief that negative emotions such as stress, anger and sadness can produce emotional toxins that disrupt inner balance. The goal is to release emotional blockages to develop a emotional stability and of love towards oneself and others.  

Finally, yoga includes a spiritual detox. The latter aims to connect body and mind as well as your you superior and to your spiritual nature in order to arrive at a expansion of consciousness

Detox yoga poses

Why are there yoga asana postures detox specials? They are used to stimulate the motor organs of digestion and those who allowevacuation of toxins. Here are some to do on an empty stomach or two hours after your last meal. 

Elimination pose

To perform this posture, lie on your back on a yoga mat. Then bend your knees and bring them closer to your chest. Next, wrap your arms around your knees and hug them to your chest. Finally, rock from both sides to massage your colon. This posture is useful for stimulate digestion, relieve stomach aches and calm the nervous system. 

The butterfly at rest

The resting butterfly is performed on the ground with legs outstretched. Next, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, leaving your knees open to the sides. Afterwards, gradually lie down on the floor, keeping the same position. Then lower your arms alongside your body, palms facing the sky. Continue by closing your eyes and breathe deeply, releasing the present tension. Stay like this for a few minutes. This pose is performed for relieve stress. Also she fpromotes blood circulation in the abdominal area which is beneficial for the process of detoxification

The seated twist

To practice twisting, sit on the floor with your legs straight. Then bend your right leg, placing your right foot on the outside of your left thigh near the shin. Next, bend your left leg and put your left foot close to your right hip so that your heel touches the side of your butt. Continue by placing your right hand behind your right hip. Exhale as you gently turn your torso to the right and then use your left hand, placing it on the outside of your right thigh. Stay in this position for a few breaths while lengthening your spine with each inhale and twist a little more into the twist after exhaling. To support yourself, you can use a cushion. Finally, repeat the operation on the other side. The seated twist is used because of its massage of the internal organs, its ability to circulate blood in the abdominal area and eliminate toxins. 

Fallen angel pose

To perform this pose, stand facing your yoga mat. Start by externally rotating your right foot 90 degrees while your left foot is angled inward. Next, bend your right knee 90 degrees. After which, you place your right hand on the ground on your right foot. At the same time, raise your left leg then bring it horizontally, perpendicular to the ground, the weight of the body rests on your right arm. Next, stretch your left arm towards the sky. Finally, hold the pose for a few breaths and repeat on the other side. This is a posture that will do your liver good. 

The benefits

By practicing this sport you will discover many benefits yoga. It's a way of taking care of yourself and acquiring a certain well-being. Curious ? Here are some benefits of detox yoga: 

  • Elimination of toxins
  • Stimulates lymphatic system
  • Improves digestion
  • Stress reduction
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increases vital energy flow
  • Better flexibility
  • Brings self-awareness

yoga détox : une femme faisant une posture d'inversion

The important points of detox yoga

The history of yoga dates back to the ancient traditions of yoga, millennia ago. Nothing shocking since yoga philosophy has always paid particular attention to the purification and to the detoxification from the body. Detox yoga is a form of dynamic yoga with two goals: release the toxins present and give back vitality essentielle au corps. Si aujourd’hui, nous parlons d’un genre à part entière, le yoga détox c’est parce que depuis une décennie les populations du monde entier s’interrogent sur la notion de train de vie équilibrée et veulent l’obtenir. 

Detox yoga is accompanied by a detox duration of 3 to 15 days. The discipline is distinguished by two specific goals: flush out toxins and improve movement. To remove toxins, detox yoga uses twisting, inverted, compression postures, stretching, muscle strengthening and breathing techniques. Then, for the movements, it is the sun salutations and the joints which are used to make the lymphatic and immune system work. 

The specialties of detox yoga

The particularity of detox yoga is that it uses massages and forced breathing techniques such as: 

  • dog breathing
  • Lion posture
  • Kapalabhati
  • Bhastrika 
  • The contraction of flight

Furthermore, detox yoga several visions of detox

  • Emotional detox
  • Spiritual detox
  • Physical detox
  • Mental detox

If you are interested in detox, you can practice these 4 poses

  • Elimination pose
  • The butterfly at rest
  • The seated twist
  • Fallen angel pose

Need more motivation? Discover his virtues

  • Evacuation of toxins
  • Increases vital energy flow
  • Develop flexibility
  • Reduces stress
  • Learn self-awareness
  • Optimizes digestion
  • Strengthens the lymphatic and immune system 

Learn how to eliminate your toxins at POSES

Do you want to combine sport and detox? Come visit POSES! Meet in the heart of Paris for a detox yoga session to help you to strenghten, learn news postures et movements by following a single flow which passes through isometry and bodyweight exercises

Use the space for 50 minute sessions plunged into darkness on energizing playlists. Are you taking the wrong step? It doesn't matter, our passionate 100% coaches et 100% understanding are here to make you progress at your own pace, without judgement. 

Convinced by sports detox?