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yoga respiration pranayama : une jeune femme pratiquant un pranayama


The power of breath through yoga pranayama breathing

Reading time : 6 min

Have you ever noticed that you have trouble breathing ? Tant de raisons peuvent en être la cause comme la pollution, les allergies, l’asthme, etc. Peut-être que le yoga breathing pranayama could help you breathe better. These exercises will allow you to regulate and D'improve your breath. Ready to lengthen your breathing? 


The power of yoga pranayama breathing

What does “pranayama” mean? Let’s break this word down. “Prana” translates to life force or breath. “Yama” refers to discipline. Another hidden word “Ayam” which indicates development. We then understand that pranayama can be understood as “the development of the life force through the control of breathing”. Pranayama yoga breathing is essential to achieve this control. 

The importance of breathing exercises 

To carry out your daily tasks correctly, but also to avoid back pain, you need a certain amount of oxygen. For this, you must have a breathing powerful et efficient. This is why yoga helps you acquire these skills through 4 breathing cycles

  • Internal air retention, antara kumbhaka in Sanskrit: this consists of focus on the air retention in the lungs After inspiration
  • External retention (bahya kumbhaka): This cycle focuses on the mastery of the rretention of empty lungs after expiration. 
  • Inhalation (Puraka): air intake effectively and gently.
  • Expiry (Recaka): ejection of used air.

Pranayama exercises exist to make these cycles last.

Reminder: What is pranayma? 

Pranayama is the practice of breathing that allows you toharmonize your vital energy. Word “Prana” represents the breathing et “yama” THE breathing control. We then understand that the central elements of this discipline are the lungs. These organs carry prana and your vital energy with each breath throughout the body via the arteries and blood.

Understanding the pranayama system

As explained above, pranayama consists of relearn how to breathe correctly. We are used to breathing mechanically. It's a subconscious process but it doesn't happen in the right way. 

Pranayama aims to awaken your mental awareness and make breathing an exercise so that she is a balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen present in the blood. In this way, you use your mind to regulate your body. Having control over your mind is essential for meditation and concentration. The more you control your mind, the more you will learn to manage your emotions, have better energy as well as balance and mental clarity. 

When a breath is taken, not everything that is inhaled is exhaled. Some of what you breathed in and carbon dioxide waste gets stuck in your lungs and windpipe as you exhale. It doesn't stop there,Air and waste will recycle within your respiratory system preventing the production of new oxygen. By using pranayama techniques, your lungs empty completely reducing polluted air. Your breathing is more efficient.  

Finally, pranayama improves blood oxygenation. Let's take a general case. A person has the habit of taking short, shallow breaths. This situation increases tenfold if she is stressed or upset by an emotion. This is called shallow breathing. On average, an individual consumes between half and two thirds of their lung capacity, the remaining potential is unused. Therefore, if you learn to breathe optimally, your breaths will bring 50% more oxygen into the blood to nourish your body. 

If you would like additional information, we invite you to read our article dealing with breathing and stress

Extend your respiratory cycle thanks to pranayamas

There are a few methods to extend your breathing cycle. First of all, there is the development of long, delicate and constant inspiration which has the same time as the expiration. Each of these movements ensures a filling and one dump complete of the lungs

Additionally, you can practice expansion of the breathing period by having both filled and empty lungs to develop the effectiveness of the cycle. In this sense, it is important to know how to control your breathing by putting the mind as the first tool so as not to succumb to the impulse and the automatic desire of the body to breathe naturally. 

These techniques have a direct impact on the brain since they modify the dose of oxygen given to the brain via the blood. Additionally, the energy and focus you bring has an effect on your mind and your ability to concentrate. 

yoga respiration pranayama : un homme et une femme pratiquant un exercice de respiraiton

The pranayama exercises you need

In yoga philosophy, pranayama is the gateway step that allows you to access asanas and then the moment of concentration and meditation. These 3 steps help you become aware of your breathing. here are some techniques to have a better breathing. 

Yogic breathing

Yogic breathing is the basic breathing used in yoga. What should you do ? Inhale and exhale through your nose while spreading the breath throughout your body. When inhaling, move your breath from your abdomen to your ribcage then end on your chest. As you exhale, convey your breath in the opposite direction. Note that each breath is done only through the nose to activate 2 nadis which are responsible for circulating energy in each nostril. Breathing through the nose has a significant relaxation effect as you lengthen your exhalations and inhalations. 

Breathing fire

Fire breathing is a powerful technique in yoga. To practice it, it is advisable to be in a comfortable position with your back straight and your hands placed on your knees. To concentrate and relax, take a few deep breaths. Next, you will inhale deeply and then exhale quickly, making noise and contracting your abdomen. If a mental image helps, you can imagine blowing out a candle very quickly with your nose. Repeat this series several times quickly, maintaining a steady, controlled pace. At the end of each inhalation and exhalation, take a big, deep breath and then hold it for a few seconds, that's it, you can breathe! Repeat for 2 to 3 minutes. 

Victorious Breath

This technique is known to cause a soft, soothing sound spread through the contraction of the throat muscles. Get into a comfortable position with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Take deep breaths through your nose while expanding your belly. Close your mouth, exhale slowly and deeply through your nostrils, contracting your throat muscles. From this point on, you should hear a hoarse sound due to the contraction of your glottis. You can exhale completely and then inhale deeply again while keeping your throat muscles tight. Repeat the victorious breath for a few minutes.  

Alternate breathing

Alternate breathing helps soothe your torments and calms insomnia. To reproduce it, place your right thumb on your right nostril and your ring finger above your left nostril. Close your right nostril, breathe through your left. Inhale for 4 seconds. Next, block your left nostril at the same time as you let go of your right nostril. Exhale through the latter for 8 seconds. Inhale through it for another 4 seconds then unblock your left nostril. Place your finger back on your right nostril and exhale through your left for 8 seconds.  


The practice of breathing has many benefits both physically, morally and in terms of your health. We list a few of them: 

  • Increases your lung capacity 
  • Improves the circulation of oxygen in your body
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Stimulates your concentration
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Restores your digestive system 
  • Reduce your pain
  • Better quality sleep 
  • Develop your well-being

yoga respiration pranayama : une femme faisant un exercice de respiration

To conclude

Yoga pranayama breathing focuses on breathing exercises. As we have seen, pranayama is the extension of the force of life through breathing. The different exercises aim to teach you to breathe better. For this there is 4 respiratory cycles: 

  • Exhalation
  • Internal air retention
  • Inhalation
  • External retention

THE pranayama helps you to fill et empty correctly your lungs. Unlike the automatic breathing that we all have, this one leaves less waste and polluted air in your body. In addition, this form of breathing improves your circulation of oxygenation in the blood and brings more 50% new oxygen

If you like this method, you can try these 4 exercises facilement réalisable en tant qu’chair yoga exercises : 

  • Yogic breathing
  • Alternate breathing
  • Breathing fire
  • Victorious Breath

Finally, breathing practices give access to certain virtues

  • Extends your lung capacity
  • Tones up your immune system
  • Soothe your pain
  • Guarantees restful sleep
  • Activate your concentration
  • Restores your digestive system
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Better oxygen circulation
  • Develop your well-being

Learn to breathe better at POSES

Do you feel like you're not breathing fully? Take back your breath at the house of POSES

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