yoga à deux : un duo pratiquant une position


Yoga for two: motivation to take up sport

Reading time : 7 min

Yoga is a discipline that is done in groups during classes but the practical is done alone and is considered private and personal. Besides, yogis don't care what you do on the mat. But if you changed that by practicing yoga for two


Some tips before starting yoga as a couple

The discipline of yoga for two has developed all over the world and in France. Moreover, you will find many yoga classes which free up slots for yoga for two. This is due to the fact that over time, it is difficult for some enthusiasts to go to their class alone and that a desire to share a sport with a partner arises. 

Being together to get closer to yoga philosophy

In yoga philosophy, friendly relations, family Or community are just as essential than physical activity. In fact, the latter make it possible to acquire a good will, of empathy and create a trust in your relationships. These are ethical values of yoga known as Yamas.  

Additionally, being a good friend and being supported by your community helps highlight your deep spiritual qualities of yoga. 

The importance of communicating

In this type of yoga, the communication is a element key. For what ? Because your partner doesn't know what's going through your body and mind. If you feel uncomfortable or that one posture East painful, communicate this information to your pair in order to find a alternative. Likewise, if the person in front of you request of stop A gesture or to slow down, listen to him and carry out his requests. 

No need to put pressure on yourself

During a traditional course, it is possible that you perfected your alignment, get out of your comfort zone looking for the posture perfect. However, in couples yoga it doesn't work. In fact, everyone has a body different with some proportions and abilities different. You will not have the same way of moving and it is possible that one asymmetry is formed during positions. This is normal since it is necessary that the installation meets your respective needs. 

Keep it simple

It's important to respect everyone's hygiene routine. This goes through the not wearing perfumed products or moisturizing products like hand cream. You may bump into a person allergic to these substances. Stay safe. Additionally, moisturizing products can make you slide in certain positions and to compromise your stability. It is for these reasons that it is recommended to leave your products at home. 

yoga à deux : un duo pratiquant une posture

Poses to do as a duo

Even if the majority of yoga postures are performed alone, some require two people. So this is the opportunity to discover some new ones! Furthermore, postures that you perform alone can be transformed into duo postures. They will be aesthetic and will give back trust in you et renforceront vos muscles. C’est un véritable défi à relever, prêt à découvrir les postures à partager ? Par ailleurs, si vous avez le souhait de tonifier votre abdomen, n’hésitez pas à lire notre article sur postures to get a flat stomach

Standing pincer pose

This is one of the most interesting postures to perform as a couple posture. She open your shoulders and is usually practiced with a chair. But this time, your support will be your partner! She works your trust, your coordination and your stability. Alors, comment s’exécute-t-elle ? 

Stand, back to back, an arm's length apart. Place your feet hip-width apart and gently flex them. Inhale deeply then exhale as you lean forward at the hips, keeping your back and spine straight. During your descent, hang your arms and join your partner's hands. Release your weight towards the floor as well as your shoulders and head. Stay in this posture for a few breaths. 

Sukhasana & parivritta Sukhasana 

Sukhasana & parivritta Sukhasana is a very common method of cross-legged meditation with the legs intertwined or crossed. This posture is conducive to let go, to the relaxation, to the deep connection with your friend and relaxation. It is practiced alone but this time you will be back to back with your partner to meditate. Here's how to practice it together. 

Sit cross-legged back to back with your partner. Your spine should be straight and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Next, cross your legs and put your feet on your thighs. Continue by rotating your torso clockwise. As for your partner, he will turn counterclockwise. If you wish, to help each other maintain balance, you can place your hands on your partner's thighs. Once turned, gently stretch backwards, keeping your spine straight, maintaining even breathing. Finally, to return to the basic position, roll your body into a seated posture. Take a break. Then reverse the direction of rotation with your partner for 5 breaths. 

Paschimottanasana & Matsyasana

These are stretching postures that aim to improve flexibility. Here's how to reproduce them in pairs. 

Asseyez-vous face à votre partenaire, jambes tendues. Dans la posture Paschimottanasana, inspirez profondément, levez vos bras au-dessus de votre tête tout en les étirant en direction du ciel. Expirez en fléchissant votre buste vers l’avant depuis vos hanches. Pendant que vous exécutez cette posture, votre partenaire se tient debout derrière vous en plaçant ses mains sur vos épaules afin de vous fournir un soutien. Maintenez la position pendant quelques respirations profondes en étirant les muscles ischio jambiers, votre dos et vos épaules. Du côté de la posture Matsyasana, le second membre se positionne sur votre dos. Pour ce faire, il s’assoit derrière vous. Il prend appui sur ses pieds et se déploie sur votre dos de sorte que vous soyez, fesses contre fesses, tête contre tête et épaules contre épaules. Maintenez cette position durant quelques respirations. 

Side angle posture

This position is generally done alone, but there is a variation that allows it to be performed in pairs. It's a posture beneficial for the whole body. She strengthens both the knees, ankles, shoulders, legs, thighs, lungs, abdomen, chest and waist. The position is effective for boster every system in your body in eliminating THE cramps and the toxins. It is carried out in this way: 

Mettez-vous debout face à votre ami en plaçant vos pieds à la distance que vous souhaitez. Placez votre pied droit vers l’extérieur à 90 degrés pendant que votre partenaire tourne son pied gauche de la même manière. Pliez votre genou droit et votre partenaire le gauche. Ensuite, tendez vos bras sur le côté. Votre bras droit s’étend vers l’avant et le gauche à l’arrière. Votre binôme fait l’opposé. Poursuivez en vous inclinant vers la droite en gardant votre dos droit. Votre main droite touche le sol. Votre partenaire suivra le même procédé. Pour lui, le bras gauche s’étend vers le ciel en ouvrant la poitrine. Répétez l’opération dans le sens inversé. Tenez cette posture pendant quelques respirations. 

Chair posture

Chair pose is a basic of yoga. She is effective et practical for the beginners especially if you want to do it together. It's a powerful position who asks for a strength throughout the body and the legs. She stimulates your balance, your organs, your lower muscles et stretch your spine. You can do it in the following way. 

Stand, back to back, an arm's length apart. Bend your knees slightly and position your feet so they are parallel. Then, extend your arms in front of you and join your palms with those of your partner, holding them firmly but gently. Establish a signal. Once you feel ready, lower your hips simultaneously as if you were going to sit in a chair. Distribute your weight evenly across your feet, making sure your knees stay in line with your ankles. Throughout the descent, keep your back straight, if you or your partner cannot do this, encourage each other to maintain correct posture. Finally, hold the posture for 5 to 10 deep breaths in sync with your duo. To come out of the position, push off your feet and slowly stand up straight by straightening your legs.  

The benefits of couples yoga

We see that yoga in pairs reveals a communication and one physical report by immersing yourself in a state of relaxation doing forget THE stress. Yoga trains a lphysical and mental letting go which allows a spiritual rapprochement et strengthening links with your partner. By practicing this discipline, your pair becomes a stimulation, A engine of sporting and positive values

In case you do yoga with your lover, know that yoga for two increases libido et improves sex life. What's more, this strengthens attraction between partners. 

In addition, yoga gives a energy boost. The use of breathing and postures increases heart rate and oxygen level in the body. Furthermore, this physical activity consolidates awareness of your body and your partner. Additionally, yoga teaches you to listen to your body, your needs and those of your partner. 

yoga à deux : un binôme effectuant une posture

To conclude

Yoga for two is a experience enriching et pleasant to live. Being together for a physical activity is a leitmotif and allows you to better achieve your goals while spending a sweet moment with someone close to you. It’s also an opportunity to catch up with those around you. This method allows you to know others better through the omnipresence of communication, respect for choices, abandoning perfectionism and sharing yoga philosophy. 

THE postures yoga for two are taken from classic yoga positions but adapted in variations to be done as a duo. We saw 4: 

  • Chair posture
  • Side angle posture
  • Paschimottanasana & Matsyasana
  • Sukhasana & parivritta Sukhasana 
  • Standing pincer pose


Paired yoga has many benefits for practitioners. Here are a few : 

  • Strengthening links
  • Muscle strengthening
  • Building trust
  • Improves stability and balance
  • Reduces stress
  • Increases heart rate
  • Develops body awareness
  • Learn to listen to your own needs and those of others
  • Increases libido

Do yoga for two at POSES

Duo yoga intrigues you and tempts you? This is good because at POSES, our coaches develop flows accessible to all levels whether you are an expert, beginner or intermediate. 

POSES is the place you need to build a cocoon of well-being mixed with sport in the heart of Paris. Those are 50 minute sessions which are reserved for you. Make a friend with you basic warm-up that helps you get mobility, of the strength with fluidity et muscle strengthening. 

Make your postures et movements under light shows with background exclusive playlists and motivating. 

So many reasons to join POSES, so want to start the mat with your partner?