Poses - Barre


Top 3 sports to integrate into your well-being routine

Reading time : 5 min

Are you looking for activities to do for improve your well-being ? You are in the right place ! Discover our selection of sports to practice to take care of yourself.


Yoga, for your general well-being

If we talk to you about sport to relax and take care of your mind, yoga is probably THE sport that comes to mind. And with good reason. We explain why!


What is this ?

The discipline has its origins several thousand years ago. in India.

As it has expanded over time and around the world, its practice has evolved and become largely modernized. However, the objective remains the same from the start: promote the well-being by uniting body and mind.

Today, there are more than twenty different types of yoga. The best known are the hatha yoga, classic yoga, quite zen, and vinyasa yoga, a yoga whose sequences between movements are more dynamic.

Each type of yoga uses different means to advocate self-acceptance. They can help you exercise, escape, relax or all three at the same time. 

It's up to you to find the one that suits you best. Don’t hesitate to try several to find the one you like best.


What are the benefits?

With each yoga session, you learn to know your body better and to control your breathing. Joint pain and tension linked to everyday stress will soon be nothing more than a bad memory.

The postures and transitions used in yoga allow you to sculpt and D'align your body. YOU tone your muscles and at the same time work on your cardio.

Although this is not the desired goal, practicing yoga allows you to refine yourself. This is particularly the case with the vinyasa yoga.


Who can practice?

Yoga is aimed has everyone regardless of your gender, height, physical condition and weight. 

His practice is not not at all dangerous

A point of attention can however be given in the case of bikram yoga where the session takes place in a room heated to between 30 and 40°. In this case, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor before attending a course.

More than just a physical activity, yoga is a way of life. Whether for your personal development, for your mental or your health, there are many reasons to take up yoga. 

Pilates, to improve your posture

Unlike yoga, Pilates is a deep muscle strengthening from the body. It teaches you how to reuse your body without exhausting it. It is the ideal sport for keep fit or for to clear the mind.


What is this ?

The Pilates method was founded by Joseph Pilates in New York in 1920.

It helps you to develop your body in a harmonious way by strengthening in particular your deep muscles responsible for posture.

This discipline also allows you to improve your self control and the control of your body. It is therefore beneficial for both your body and your mind.

Its practice is often carried out with gym equipment like a small ball and a carpet.


What are the benefits?

We told you, Pilates helps you improve your posture in general.

To do this, the method is based on your deep breathing, control and fluidity of your movements. 

The exercises performed allow you to mainly target the center of your body. In particular, you strengthen your abdominal strap, your back muscles and your glutes

The final result ? YOU eliminate fat, your stomach firms up and you become slimmer.

By using the gymnastics ball, you also improve your balance and your centering

During a session, you chain movements in harmony with your breathing. You then improve your coordination and then gain strength and flexibility. 

Over time, you release tension and eliminate stress. What more ?


Who can practice?

Just like yoga, Pilates can be practiced by everyone. The exercises performed are not neither traumatic nor violent for your body. 

The method is gentle, precise et progressive. You can adapt the exercises according to your level, your needs, your pace of life and your possible pathologies.

If you suffer from back problems or injuries related to your posture, Pilates is particularly recommended for you. relieve your pain.

If in doubt, we nevertheless advise you to contact a healthcare professional.

The bar on the ground, to strengthen your body

More and more popular today, the floor bar, also called the floor bar, helps you to sculpt a body as a prima ballerina, without tutu or pirouettes. 


What is this ?

The floor bar is the adaptation to land of exercises normally performed on the bar in classic dance

Close to Pilates, this discipline was invented by the Russian dancer and choreographer Boris Kniaseff in the 1940s.

The goal is not to go hard and exert yourself by increasing your heart rate. On the contrary, you will rather focus on execution different movements in order to strengthen your muscles in depth.


What are the benefits?

Alliance between stretching et muscle strengthening, bar exercises on the floor allow you to firm your body with efficiency and gentleness.

As in classical dance, you work the deep muscles of your abdominals, you slim your legs et sculpt your glutes

By practicing the barre on the ground, you also improve your flexibility and your posture

Every part of your body is intensely engaged with every movement. Your concentration and your rigor are therefore required throughout the duration of the session.


Who can practice?

If classical dance sometimes abuses your joints, the floor barre is, on the contrary, a gentle discipline. Carried out on the ground, it is not traumatic for your joints.

It is also not necessary to be a seasoned classical dancer to register for a class. No matter your physical condition. The most important thing is to go at your own pace, especially during stretching exercises, so as not to injure yourself. 

If you start this sport, stay motivated! The barre is a discipline precise and patient. Take advantage of each class to  relieve your muscles and gradually improve your skills.

Are you looking for a barre classes in Paris ? Come and discover POSES Studio!

Well-being the POSES way 

If you want to try and add one of these 3 sports to your well-being routine, we given Meet at studio POSES in the Marsh.

YOGA Flow, PILATES Flow or BARRE Flow (our latest), all our classes are dynamic, accessible to all et inclusive. During 50 minutes, you alternate between positions and Pulse muscle strengthening sequences. 

Come work out and sculpt your body to the rhythm of catchy playlists. 

At Poses, our mantra is clear: no body shaming, no judgment!

Regardless of their level, our members must be able to to feel comfortable as soon as they open the door to our minimalist studio. 

For workouts inspired by yoga, Pilates or barre, we're waiting for you on the mat! Inhale, exhale and sweat in our dimly lit room.

Enter POSES, leave the outside world behind.