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yoga sinusite : une femme fait un exercice de respiration


How to unblock sinusitis using sinusitis yoga?

Reading time : 8 min

Sinusitis is a infection which affects almost 90% of the French population. Yoga is one of the methods for relieve. In addition to being a natural practice, She limits affection sinuses and calms side effects of the virus. To make the pain disappear and return to normal breathing, you can count on the postures et breathing techniques suitable for sinusitis yoga. 


What are the factors of yoga sinusitis? 

Yoga helps open the rib cage as well as the respiratory tract. Why this discipline? Because it improves blood circulation, improves breathing, strengthens the immune system and the respiratory system. 


You are probably wondering what is sinusitis? It's about a inflammation of the sinus. These are air-filled cavities located around the skull, nose, cheeks and eyes. It may be original viral Or bacterial, or simply triggered by a allergy. How do you recognize sinusitis? 


Generally, sinusitis results in nasal congestion, pressure in the head, headache, thick runny nose, differences in smell and taste as well as the presence of fever in some cases. 


Sinusitis can cause several complications, although rare, such as: 

  • Extensive infection at eye or ear level. 
  • Periorbital cellulitis, c’est quand l’infection se propage autour des tissus de l’orbite de l’œil, ce qui peut provoquer des rougeurs ou des gonflements. 
  • Chronic complications such as long-term sinus infections. 
  • Spread of infection to the lower respiratory tract which can lead to pneumonia or bronchitis. 

Breathing techniques to relieve sinusitis

Breathing techniques are ideal for decongest the sinuses, reduce inflammation, infection and calm headaches. Discover more'pranayama exercises

Alternate breathing

Breathing is used during sinusitis since it stimulates airflow through the sinuses, helping to unclog the nasal passages. THE yoga maintains the immune system

Pour commencer, asseyez-vous dans une position méditative avec le dos droit et les épaules détendues. Ensuite, utilisez votre pouce droit pour fermer votre narine droite, puis, avec l’annulaire, fermez la narine gauche. Les doigts libres restent étendus. Vous pouvez prendre quelques respirations pour préparer votre corps. 

Use your right thumb again to close the right nostril. Next, breathe deeply and slowly through your left nostril. Repeat the same gesture with the right ring finger to block the left nostril. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then, release your right nostril and exhale slowly through it. Inhale through it and close it with your thumb. Hold your breath again. Afterwards, unblock your left nostril. Finally, repeat this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Deep abdominal breathing

Deep abdominal breathing activates the diaphragm, this muscle under the lungs. Thus, this promotes a rdeep breath and an better air circulation in the parts below the lungs. 

First, sit in a comfortable posture. Inhale slowly through your nose so that the air fills the lower part of the lungs first. Focus on expanding your abdomen rather than elevating your chest. Feel your abdomen empty and fill with air as you place your hands on your stomach. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then, exhale slowly through your nose while contracting your abdomen. Finally, take a break before resuming the exercise. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Rapid abdominal breathing

Rapid abdominal breathing emphasizes short, rapid exhalations. In addition, it promotes a better oxygen flow to the sinuses and helps loosen mucus

Get into a comfortable position. Take a passive breath through your nose. Then, exhale quickly through your nose while contracting your abdominal muscles. Maintain a steady, rapid pace, letting the inhale flow naturally after each active inhale. Then, contract your abdominal muscles with each exhale. Do a 30-second session and gradually increase the duration.  

The net

You can also turn to yogic purification, neti. This involves washing a blocked nose using a catheter and lukewarm water. It's a simple method that eliminates phlegm and any other clutter. Moreover, it is effective in preventing seasonal coughs or sinusitis and other ENT diseases. 

yoga sinusite : une femme fait une posture de yoga

Yoga postures to alleviate sinusitis 

Yoga postures help relieve the pressure exerted by sinusitis, open the rib cage and drain mucus

Twisting on the ground

Twists in yoga are a category of posture that involves a trunk rotation. They are practiced in a seated position to gently rotate the spine and open the rib cage. 

To replicate this posture, come into a seated position with your legs extended forward. Start by bending your right knee, placing your foot on the ground, close to your left leg. Continue by bringing the right foot towards the outer side of the left thigh with the foot anchored in the ground. Next, raise your left arm toward the sky while stretching your spine. Then, place your right hand behind your back to support the posture. Stay like this for 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Return to the initial position and repeat the exercise, switching sides. 

The candle

The candle pose is a inversion complete body which engaged THE muscles of the trunk, shoulders and neck. Since it is based on a body support, this creates an effect of beneficial drainage for the sinuses

To begin, lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs extended. Engage your abdominal muscles, bend your knees and slowly lift your legs toward the sky. Place your hands at your lower back to support your body. In this way, support yourself on your arms to straighten your legs upwards until a straight line is created with your trunk. Pay attention to where your feet are pointing. Hold this position for 30 seconds while breathing deeply. To return to the initial position, lower your legs slowly in a controlled manner. 

The cobra 

As its name suggests, this posture imitates the cobra raise. She mobilizes the spine, the muscles around the sinuses and the back. 

To perform it, lie on your stomach with your feet together and your toes facing back. Next, place your hands under your shoulders with your hands pointing forward. Your elbows should be close to your body and your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Inhale and slowly straighten your core while lifting your head and chest off the floor. After which, you can extend your arms while keeping your elbows slightly bent. Hold the posture for 30 seconds while breathing deeply. To finish, exhale as you lower your trunk towards the ground. 


The fish pose consists of performing a rear extension upper body, open the throat and chest

First, lie on your back with your legs extended. Place your hands under your buttocks with palms facing down. During an inhale, lift your trunk off the ground using your arms. Next, arch your back, letting your head fall back until it touches the floor. A curvature should form at your neck. Hold this posture for 15 to 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Finally, on an exhale, slowly lower your trunk back to the ground. 

The camel

This yoga posture requires a intense back stretch as well as a opening of the heart by mobilizing both muscles of the chest, abdomen and neck. 

Start by kneeling on a yoga mat with your knees at hip height. Next, engage your thigh muscles to stay stable. Place your hands on your kidneys with fingers pointing down. Continue by tilting your pelvis forward while arching your back and opening your heart. Once this is done, try to bring your hands together with your feet while breathing deeply, with your head tilted back. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position by lifting your head and straightening your trunk. 

Child's pose

The child's posture is adapted to a time of rest for gently stretch your back, open the shoulders and promote relaxation. Thus, it helps to release tension and decongest the nasal area

For this posture, get on your knees. Continue by spreading your knees at hip height. Next, bring your butt toward your heels, stretching your upper body forward. Afterwards, extend your arms in front of you with palms facing down until your forehead touches the floor. Release the pressure by letting your weight settle on your heels. Breathe regularly and deeply, inflating your abdomen with each inhalation. Stay in this posture for 1 to 3 minutes. To come out of the pose, slowly walk your hands forward, get on all fours and sit down. 

The bridge

Bridge pose is used to stimulate the sinus area by opening the chest

Get into a lying position. Inhale as you push firmly through your feet, raising your hips toward the ceiling. While your hips are suspended, slide your arms while interlacing your fingers, so that they are support for your shoulders. Continue by raising your hips again until your chest is open and your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the posture for 30 seconds while breathing deeply. As you exhale, lower your vertebrae one by one until your back is on the floor.  

Rabbit pose

This posture promotes drainage of the sinuses thanks to gravity

It is practiced on your knees, with your buttocks on your heels. On an inhale, tilt your torso forward from your hips, bringing your forehead toward the floor. Next, extend your arms forward, placing them on the floor. Try to shift your weight forward by resting the top of your head on the floor. If you can, wrap your arms around your heels. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds while breathing deeply. 

The benefits

Yoga can help relieve the symptoms of sinusitis which we will detail right away. Furthermore, in the event of illness you can also turn to the yoga therapy and the restorative yoga. 

Stimulation of blood circulation

Certain specific yoga postures promote blood circulation throughout the body, including the head. Thus, this allows for effective drainage of the sinuses to relieve congestion. 

Opening of the airways

Postures focused on opening the chest like that of the cobra and the bridge allow you to stretch the thoracic muscles and therefore open the airways for deep breathing and soothe the feeling of oppression linked to sinusitis. 

Provides drainage 

Thanks to inverted postures, notably the candle and the rabbit pose, they help to better direct blood flow towards the head, which stimulates sinus drainage and clears the nasal passages. 

Tension relief

Stretching postures like twists help release tension in the back, shoulders and neck caused by illness. They also help reduce facial pressure created by this facial. 

yoga sinusite : une femme fait une posture de yoga

To conclude

If you are looking for natural solutions to relieve your sinusitis? Know that yoga offers breathing techniques and postures made to help reduce the effects of sinusitis. Indeed, by practicing yoga regularly, youstimulate blood circulation and theopening of the airways for a natural drainage of the sinuses. 

Reduce your sinusitis at POSES

Say goodbye to your cold or sinusitis at POSES ! Feel yourself breathing thanks to 50 minute immersive sessions. Healing enters you with the help of transitions, movements et postures representative yoga. 

Let yourself be carried away by the delicate rhythm courses led by relaxing playlists and an dim light. Afraid of missing a step? Our coaches take care to always be attentive so as not to leave any yogi behind! 

Faites partie de l’expérience yoga, Pilates ou barre flow chez POSES.