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In sport, the breathing is an essential element that should not be neglected to perform the exercises correctly. Thus, the breathing in Pilates is just as much! Its aim is to oxygenate the lungs and so promote blood circulation dans l’organisme. Voyons ensemble les détails de la respiration en Pilates, le processus pour allier respiration et mouvement et quelques exercices pour s’entraîner ! Vous avez envie de vous lancer dans des Pilates classes in Paris ? Follow the leader.
Breathing and Pilates are two completely complementary aspects that are important to master in practice. So, it is not the same breathing as yoga. To be able to apply it during exercises, training is necessary.
Initiated by Joseph Pilates, there Pilates method is an increasingly popular discipline. And yet, this method has not just been created. In fact, it emerged in England at the beginning of the 20th century. Its main aim was tosupport the injured in regaining their mobilitye via exercises during their re-education.
Thus, Pilates is inspired bydance exercises, gymnastics, yoga and thus allows you to work the deep muscles gently. Patients were helped through machines on which we could find straps in order to support the body during the movement.
Joseph Pilates has taught his method to different instructors around the globe, which has meant that it has developed significantly over the years!
There breathing in Pilates is an integral part of the process to excel in the discipline. So, the more you master your breathing, the more effects the exercises will have on your body!
Joseph Pilates said it: “Breathing is first action of life, and the last. […] il est tragiquement déplorable de contempler les millions de personnes qui n’ont jamais appris à maîtriser l’art de la bonne respiration.”
Breathing is thus the mantra of discipline. However, you may have difficulty applying the correct breathing during your first sessions and this is completely normal. There rigor is required to master Pilates!
As you may know, the Pilates and yoga have similarities but are nevertheless clearly distinguishable from each other. Indeed, several elements differentiate them and breathing is one of them!
Thus, breathing in Pilates and breathing in yoga are to be differentiated by their difference in rhythm. Indeed, in yoga, all the exercises are punctuated by thedeep inhalation and exhalation, which is done both through the mouth and through the nose. As a general rule, we begins the movement with an exhalation so as to evacuate the excess air present in the lungs.
THE Pilates as for him, he focuses more on the importance ofdeep exhalation in order to activate certain muscles. Inspiration does not need to be deep unlike yoga.
To find out more, see our article Pilates or yoga: what are the differences?
You understood, Pilates and breathing are two terms inseparable. We explain to you how breathing helps you in Pilates and to what extent it is required to activate your muscles.
Breathing alone engages 3 muscles, also called stabilizing muscles :
Working on your breathing while doing Pilates exercises allows you to work these muscles effectively. This also allows secure the exercises and so avoid any risk of injury during practice.
To promote muscle activation, it is important to understand your body to find the right way to breathe. For this you must understand where the muscles are located engaged during breathing.
Focus first on the good execution of the movement, then apply the breathing on it. The more you do things step by step, the better you will understand how it works.
Don't worry if you struggle. At the start of the practice, you will need to do a considerable effort of concentration to coordinate breathing and exercises. The more you work and the more Pilates sessions you do, the more you will observe your body succeeding in doing both simultaneously.
To master your breathing, you need to engage in a learning process. Seul l’entraînement vous fera progresser et rendra votre respiration un automation for your body during your Pilates sessions. We'll explain it all to you!
There chest breathing helps stabilize the pelvis and bust while keeping the abdominal belt contracted.
Put into practice :
Position yourself standing, by putting the hands on your ribs, that is, under your chest. Stand tall with your spine straight so that you grow as tall as possible. Exhale First of all through the mouth to get the air out of your lungs and then inhale gently through your nose. Vous allez sentir vos côtes s’écarter, cela signifie que vos poumons s’emplissent d’air et que la cage thoracique s’ouvre.
Exhale then, as if you wanted to mist, so as to exhale through the deepest part of your throat. Then try to do raise your perineum like you want him to touch your belly button. To do this, pull your stomach in so that you feel that your ribs are tightening while tucking your shoulders.
Perform this pattern several times pour comprendre votre respiration de sorte à qu’elle soit slow And more and more fluid !
It is recommended to carry out a exhalation through the mouth to make it more active and deep. However, it should not not be too fast. Indeed, it can have a harmful effect on the rib cage and tension on the pelvic floor. So rather favor a slow exhalation through the mouth !
Finally, the exhalation must be done when the effort is most intense, in order to activate the muscles of the perineum and the abdominal muscles.
To summarize, Pilates is a sporting activity carried out from a optimal breathing. Indeed, breathing is therefore completely inseparable from the practice and must therefore be mastered to achieve proven results in Pilates. This involves in particular controlled breathing which will allow do your stretches properly.
It is important during practice for several reasons:
To do this, breathing must be worked regularly. This can be done through exercises that you can do at home or at any time of the day. If you can't find the time, take advantage of your Pilates sessions to practice breathing with concrete exercises!
You now have all the keys in hand to learn to breathe properly and excel in the discipline!
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21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studios
6 rue de l'Echiquier, 75010 Paris
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studio Good News
6 rue de l'Échessboard, 75010 Paris
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