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bikram yoga


What is Bikram yoga? A practice that is debated

Reading time : 3 min

THE Bikram yoga caught your attention? It must be said that almost 50 years after its creation, this very intense yoga practiced in a room heated to more than 40° continues to attract new followers. Intriguing ? Yes, but not suitable for everyone! Are you looking for a yoga class in Paris? Wondering if this type of dynamic yoga is right for you? If there is a more accessible alternative? (Spoiler alert : yes, POSES Studio!) Here's everything you need to know before you get started. 


Bikram Yoga: dynamic and intense hot yoga

The origins of Bikram yoga

Bikram Choudhury is the name of the man behind the phenomenon of Bikram yoga. Having grown up in India, this yogi arrived in the United States in the 1970s with one goal in mind: to make his yoga, synthesized from the Hatha yoga. Since the opening of the first Bikram yoga center in Los Angeles, numerous studios have sprung up around the world. 


What does a Bikram yoga class look like?

A room heated to more than 40°, a humidity level of 40% and mirrors, that's for context. As for the practice, it consists of a fixed series of 26 classic postures (Hatha yoga) repeated twice in a row and 2 breathing exercises. After 90 minutes of effort, we don't hide the fact that a quick shower is necessary... 

From LA to Berlin, via Sydney, each session takes place in the same way. Looking for a Bikram yoga class in Paris ? Espace Bikram (17th arrondissement) offers dozens of classes per week. 

An effective but controversial practice

What are the benefits of Bikram yoga?

Are Bikram yoga enthusiasts crazy? No not necessarily ! If this demanding practice is so appealing, it is because it promises numerous benefits: 

For the body : Bikram yoga allows you to work all the muscles of the body in depth, reduce joint pain and (re)find balance and flexibility. Heat facilitates movement, increases cardiovascular effort and makes

sweat in large quantities to detoxify the body. Finally, practiced regularly, Bikram yoga refines the silhouette! 

For the mind : if you complete a session, you will come out particularly relaxed. Bikram yoga is 100% effective in combating everyday stress and tension! 

To find out more about the yoga and stress, check out our dedicated article!


A (too) extreme practice?

Bikram yoga, we love it or we hate it. Considered very intense, this form of hot yoga is not suitable for everyone. It is even strongly not recommended for people suffering from heart problems or blood pressure. If the hot and humid atmosphere is favorable to surpassing oneself, it is not without risks. Discomfort, dizziness, extreme fatigue, nausea or even dehydration are not uncommon during Bikram yoga classes. Especially when it comes to the first! 

The secret to lasting 1h30? Listen to yourself, breathe and drink (a lot)! 

Studio POSES: physical yoga but without risks

Otherwise, for those looking for a yoga class in Paris rhythmic and invigorating but accessible, there is POSES Studio! A unique and immersive experience in the heart of the Marais. HAS halfway between classic dynamic yoga (Vinyasa) and Bikram yoga, POSES yoga is intended to be complete, effective and suitable for everyone. It doesn't matter your age, your weight, your level or your possible health problems. Our flows signatures have been designed for all of you. The most important thing for us? Make you feel at home! 

At the house of POSES, yoga is practiced simply, in kindness and above all in a good atmosphere. Be careful, our Hip-Hop / Indie Rock playlists are addictive! The room, plunged into darkness, is heated to an ideal temperature of 25°. The classes, more physical than normal, last no more than 50 minutes. Just what you need to gain strength and mobility, get sculpted and sweat, all while having fun. The only risk you take by participating in a Poses® yoga session is that you won't be able to do without it... 

Yogis in Paris, the Poses® studio is waiting for you!