power yoga : une femme pratiquant une posture de yoga


Power yoga: strengthen your body and calm your mind

Reading time : 8 min

There is not a single yoga but an infinity for satisfy et seduce all types of yogis. Generally, the yoga is known to be a gentle activity, perfect for relaxing. But this time, the power yoga stands out for its energizing and dynamic approach. Ideal if you are looking to rstrengthen your body, find inner peace and work on your flexibility. 


The origins of power yoga

Power yoga is a dynamic and demanding style of yoga. Summer is here, it's the opportunity to try a new way of practicing yoga. Additionally, varying your workouts can provide new challenges for your body to adapt to, which will improve your fitness. By discovering its journey and how it works, you will no longer be able to do without it! 

His birth

Power yoga with sound athletic approach became a popular practice in the world of fitness and well-being. But then, how did this form of yoga come to life? Above all, yoga itself has its origins in ancient India, several thousand years ago. As a reminder, the term “yoga” means “union” of body and mind. 

At the end of the 20th century, power yoga began to appear, notably thanks to masters  K. Pattabhi Jois and BKS Iyengar. In fact, the latter have adapted postures and made adjustments on classic yoga postures, in order to make them accessible to a wider audience. Then, they integrated fluidity elements and of dynamism for a more dynamic practice. However, it is not to them that the spotlight belongs. 

The emergence of power yoga

Indeed, it was an American teacher, Bryan Kest, who popularized the term “power yoga”. Furthermore, in the 1980s, Kest taught a form of dynamic yoga focused on Muscular force. He took the principles of traditional yoga and added physical training and fitness elements so that its students experience a stimulating and physical experience. 

In the years that followed, power yoga became popular in the United States and other parts of the world. Then, yoga teachers appropriated this style to develop their own power yoga by integrating variations and nuances.

Today, power yoga continues toevolve and to revolutionize. New styles and approaches are emerging combining traditional yoga, yoga techniques, meditation et physical training. It's a way of giving practitioners a chance to find the form of power yoga that suits them. 

power yoga : une femme exerçant un pose de yoga

The principles of power yoga

Power yoga combines movement, strength and breathing to achieve a complete experience for the body and mind. For this to work, power yoga relies on several principles that we will explore now. 

Strong minded

There mental and physical strength are part of the Fundamental principles power yoga. Indeed, power yoga is much more than a physical practice. In reality, the practice of power yoga requires a strong and omnipresent mental presence. It results in a focus on alignment, breathing and the fluid movement of postures. For these elements to be applied, you must be attentive at the slightest sensation, thought et emotion which manifest themselves. As a result, mental strength develops. 

Forms of mental strength

Furthermore, the mental strength cultivated by yoga manifests itself in different forms. Firstly, by concentration which requires you to live in the present moment, leaving aside distractions. This allows a better coordination between body and mind as well as a smoother practice

Secondly, this type of yoga is physically uncompromising et also pushes you to get out of your comfort zone mentally. In particular via postures or some sequences intense or difficult to achieve which can test one's resolve. It's in persevering and in pushing the limits that the mental strength strengthens as well as the ability to face challenges on a daily basis and on the mat.

Finally, power yoga develops your mental strength by doing increase self-confidence. Just take for example the success of complex postures or overcoming physical obstacles. 

Physical force

Obviously, power yoga is known for its stimulating physical aspect. Thanks to the sequences and rapid sequences of postures, the physical strength of the entire body is developed. 

To begin with, physical strength increases via muscle strengthening. Particularly through postures that work the deep and superficial muscles. 

Then, fluid sequences are also beneficial for developing thephysical endurance which contributes to physical strength. Take the case of an endurance athlete, if he does a sustained session for more than an hour, he needs physical resistance to maintain energy and rhythm throughout the session. 

Finally, physical strength is also found in the balance. It is helpful in strengthening the core of the body and providing stability. 

Flexibility and flexibility

There flexibility and the flexibility play a key role in power yoga but also in urban yoga. Power yoga allows you to discover bodily flexibility as well as helping your body and mind stretch. 

First, during dynamic postures and sequences, the muscles and the connective tissues of the body are stimulated. Moreover, the fluid movements allowactively stretch muscles while giving them strength et flexibility. Then the transitions between the postures create a stretching continuous which promotes relaxation of the joints and muscles

Second, certain postures specifically target the body's major muscle groups. Then stretching are carried out for lengthen muscles et improve range of motion. This has the effect ofimprovement of flexibility. 

Movements and breathing

Third, to gain more flexibility, movements et stretching assets strain the joints in their full amplitude, which increases their mobility and flexibility for a better joint flexibility so that they can move freely. 

Finally, the deep breathing contributes to the suppleness and flexibility of the body. Indeed, when breathing is deep and regular during practice, the muscle relaxation and the rReleasing tension is easy. 

Conscious breathing 

Conscious breathing is at the heart of power yoga. It is essential to establish a deep connection between body and mind and for harmonize the movements of the body via the respiratory flow. 

To begin with, awareness of the breath will allow concentration on the present moment, as well as creating a interior space conducive to mindfulness. This will result in concentration on sensations, breathing fluctuations and rhythm. 

Then, breathing is useful for coordination with movements. Indeed, the posture sequences are designed to be synchronized with the breathing, creating a continuous harmonious flow. 


Let's continue with conscious breathing which allows us to calm the nervous system. By practicing deep breathing, relaxation of the parasympathetic system is activated. 

Also, conscious breathing helps to feel a increased vitality and energy. This is how your body stores more oxygen, stimulates metabolism and allows for better blood circulation. 

In addition, breathing strengthens the concentration and mental presence. It anchors attention in the present moment. 

Finally, breathing is a powerful tool for manage emotions and find emotional balance. Deep breathing helps soothe the emotional system, promoting a state of calm and emotional stability. 

The postures 

Power yoga is a dynamic practice that houses a wide range of postures to strengthen the body, stretch muscles and improve balance. These postures combined with conscious breathing create a fulfilling and complete experience during the power yoga class. Here are some postures present in general. Power yoga brings together postures already existing in the yoga styles of bikram yoga, vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga and ashtanga yoga. 

Low plank pose

The low plank pose is one of the iconic postures of hot yoga. This strong posture strengthens arms, shoulders and core muscles. She is also part of the yoga warrior flow

To reproduce it, start in a high plank position with your hands placed under your shoulders and your legs stretched back. Then widen your feet to hip height. Your body should form a straight line. Next, engage your core muscles by tucking your belly button toward your spine. Continue by bending your elbows back while keeping your arms close to your body. Continue lowering slowly until your arms form a 90° angle. Finally, hold this position for a few breaths. 

Low lunge posture

It's a stretching posture powerful of this discipline which involves the whole body. It restores strength in the legs as well as core stability and flexibility in the legs. 

To do this, place yourself in a high plank position. Next, step your right foot forward between your hands, making sure your knee is above your ankle. After which, place your back knee on the floor by extending your back leg backwards. Afterwards, your body should form a straight line, the abdominal muscles should be engaged and your hands should be on either side of your foot. 

Second part of the posture

On this, bend your leg 90°, your thigh parallel to the ground and your shin perpendicular to it. Regarding your back foot, it should be in a toe position with your toes pointing forward. Continue by engaging your hip muscles and slightly pushing your pelvis forward to open them. On this, you can stretch your arms upward with shoulders relaxed and shoulder blades together. Finish by holding this position for a few breaths. 

Chair pose

The seated half twist pose is a powerful twisting pose. 

To begin, ground yourself by standing with your feet parallel. Then, put the weight of your body on the left foot as you sink into the ground with your leg straight. Continue by placing the sole of your right foot against your inner malleolus of the left foot, the heel sticking your ankle while leaving your toes against the ground. Place your hands together in a salute position in front of your chest.

Second stage of posture

 Next, step up and press the sole of your right foot against the inside of your left knee. Then open your right knee to the side. Your clasped hands are placed above the top of your head. In the process, pull your elbows back, keeping your shoulders low. Afterwards, hold for six still breaths, pushing the ground back with your supporting foot between each breath. While you are in respiratory suspension, tighten your sphincters and perineum. Conversely, as you exhale, draw in your abdomen, stomach, belly and navel. Also, tighten your gluteal muscles. Then, once the lungs are empty, relax your abdomen. 

Third stage of posture

Continue by bending your right leg, take your right ankle with one hand and bring the heel to the top of your left thigh and open the latter outwards. After which, you can press the sole of your foot against your thigh which is resisting the pressure of the foot. Finally, hold the posture for a few breaths. 

A classic power yoga session

The duration of a yoga class varies between 45 minutes and 1 hour. Firstly, the teacher takes a few minutes at the start of class to refocus students' attention during the session in order to make parasitic thoughts disappear. Then comes the performing sun salutation series synchronized with inspiration and expiration. After that, it's the turn of asanas to intervene. Finally, the class ends with the corpse pose. Thus the students are ready for a guided meditation. During this time, practitioners can relax their muscles and catch their breath. 

What power yoga does for you

Regular practice of power yoga ensures many virtues notably : 

  • Better flexibility in joints and muscles

  • Improved balance

  • A toned body

  • An extension of physical endurance

  • Greater vitality

  • A refined silhouette

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Learn to let go and reconnect to the present moment

  • Greater concentration time

  • Better sleep quality

power yoga : des femmes faisant une posture de yoga

Power yoga in broad terms

Power yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that combines fitness et traditional yoga. It is based on 5 main principles

  • Conscious breathing

  • Strong minded

  • Physical force

  • Vitality

  • Flexibility and flexibility

We also gave 3 key examples of postures present in a power yoga session: 

  • Low plank posture

  • Chair pose

  • Low lunge posture

Finally, we explained the benefits power yoga: 

  • Better balance

  • Body toning

  • Gain of vitality

  • More flexibility in muscles and joints

  • Increased physical endurance

  • Reduced anxiety and stress

  • Refinement of the silhouette

  • Cultivate letting go and reconnecting to the present moment

  • Superior sleep quality

  • Promotes concentration

Be intense at POSES

THE dynamic yoga starting to seduce you? Put on your best sports outfit and trust POSES to make you love this type of yoga. But what is the concept of POSES? Those are 50 minute sessions during which you revisit the best of yoga postures, transitions and movements. Tempting, right? 

But it doesn't stop there! You will have the opportunity to discover our Pulse® sequences who will make you sweat with their muscle strengthening, bodyweight exercises and isometrics, not forgetting the strength and the fluidity who accompanies them. 

Our passionate coaches are counting on you to move to the rhythm of exclusive playlists under the background of dim light. They are just waiting for you!