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pilates mal de dos : une femme s'étire le dos


Pilates for the back: the 8 exercises that save your back

Reading time : 5 min

Back pain is a recurring problem, regardless of age, mode of activity or activity performed. It can be associated with several causes such as stress, trauma or poor posture. But, there are pilates exercises for the back which help to relieve back pain


Pilates exercises for the back and spine

If you suffer from back pain, you can trust the pilates method of Joseph Pilates. In fact, this sport helps relieve back pain by strengthening the deep muscles of the back, perineum and stomach by stretching the muscles and releasing tension. You will then discover the benefits of pilates for the back! 

The pelvis tilt

The pelvic tilt exercise mobilizes the spine, strengthens the abdominal muscles and releases back tension. 

To do it correctly, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat. Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your stomach and opening your ribs. Then, exhale through your mouth while tightening your perineum and pulling in your stomach. Repeat this movement until you are centered. Then, inhale again and exhale as you tilt your pelvis upward, lifting your lower back and glutes off the floor. Make sure your body forms a straight line between your hips, shoulders and knees. 

The end of the exercise

Keep your abs and glutes tight without having to dig or arch your back and neck. After which, you can inhale then exhale while lowering the pelvis towards the ground, unwinding the spine, vertebra by vertebra. Start at the upper back, middle and finish at the bottom. Finally, the tailbone should be the last part to touch the ground. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times, synchronizing the movement with the breathing. 

The Swan

The swan is one of the most effective exercises for stretch the back muscles, correct posture and strengthen the lower back. 

First, get on all fours with your back straight and your stomach drawn in. Inhale deeply through your nose, pulling your stomach in and contracting your perineum. Continue to inhale, then exhale, arching your back and raising your tailbone and head toward the sky. Normally, a curve should form with your back. Inhale and exhale as you round your back while tucking your chin and navel toward the floor. A hump should form with your back. Repeat 10 to 15 times. 

The bridge

The bridge exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals and glutes. It is often used to soothe lower back pain. 

First, get a pilates mat and a cushion. Next, lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat. Afterwards, inhale deeply and exhale while contracting your abdominals while lifting your pelvis off the ground. So your shoulders and knees form a straight line. Stay like this for a few seconds with your stomach and buttocks contracted. Finally, inhale and then slowly lower your pelvis from the floor, from the top to the lower back. Repeat the bridge 10 times. 


The cat tones the abdominal muscles while gently mobilizing the spine. This is a useful exercise for prevent et relieve back pain such as neck pain and lower back pain. 

For this exercise you need a pilates mat and a cushion. Get on all fours on the mat and place the cushion under your stomach to support your back. Then, inhale and gradually arch your back, raising your buttocks and head. Then, exhale while rounding your back by tucking in your navel and chin. Repeat this posture 10 times, alternating the two positions. 

The twist

The twist is an exercise particularly recommended if you suffer from back pain because it allows you to realign the vertebrae and of relax your back muscles. Furthermore, he will stretch the back muscles, more precisely the paravertebral muscles and reduce the pressure exerted on the intervertebral discs in order to reduce and relieve back pain. 

Make the twist

Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and your feet on the ground and place a cushion under your head to support your neck. Next, cross your arms over your chest and inhale deeply. Exhale as you slightly lift your shoulders and head. Breathe in again and exhale while turning your body to the right, without moving your lower body. Next, try to bring your left elbow towards your right knee. Afterwards, inhale while returning to the center and exhale while turning your body to the left. Repeat this exercise, alternating sides, about ten times. 

The roller

THE roll allows you to strengthen your abdominal muscles which support your back, as well ase massage your spine, rigid and painful because of the tensions. 

To do this, lie on your back with your legs straight and place a foam roller under your calves so that your heels are always in contact with the floor. Next, take a deep breath and exhale as you lift your shoulders and head. Breathe in again and exhale as you roll your spine backward using your abdominal muscles. Afterwards, roll the foam roller down your legs to your calves. Do this exercise about ten times. 

The scissor

The scissor will allow you to free the spinal joints as well as reduce pain and inflammation located at the bottom of the back. 

Start by lying on your back with a towel under your head to support your neck. Next, cross your arms over your chest, inhale and exhale as you lift your head and shoulders. Inhale a second time and exhale as you raise your right leg toward the ceiling without bending your knee. Hold your ankle with your hands and pull your leg toward you, keeping your left leg glued and straight on the floor. Take another breath and exhale while changing legs and repeat the operation. Alternate legs 10 times. 

The teaser

The teaser aims to sheath the abdominal strap et protect the spine

Lie on your back with a cushion under your neck. Next, cross your arms over your chest. Inhale deeply and exhale as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Continue by inhaling and exhaling while raising your legs toward the ceiling without bending your knees, keeping your legs together. Keep this position, breathe in and out, bringing your torso closer to your legs, without rounding your back. Next, extend your arms toward your feet. Inhale again and exhale, returning to the initial position. Do this exercise about ten times. 

pilates mal de dos : un femme s'étire le dos

The benefits

Pilates works through different means: 

  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles thanks to the transverse contraction which is the deepest and most important muscle of the abdominal strap. Contraction is achieved by strengthening the trunk and stabilizing the pelvis. In this way, lower back pain is avoided. 
  • Deep muscle toning, notably the erector spinae muscles, which are responsible for stabilizing and extending the spine. 
  • Spinal mobilization via pilates to free the spinal joints. 
  • Stretching the back muscles in order to relax them and make them more elastic and supple in order to prevent stiffness caused by back pain. For those who prefer to practice with equipment, know that you can pilates ball exercises
  • Improved breathing which can be disrupted by back pain on a daily basis. There pilates method utilise le diaphragme et les muscles intercostaux afin de favoriser l’oxygénation des tissus et l’élimination des toxines.  

pilates mal de dos : une femme pratique un exercice sur une machine de pilates

What you should remember

Pilates helps relieve tension, if you are prone to cramps, you can turn to pilates and cramps. 

During this article we have seen different types ofexercises that can relieve pain in your back, including: 

  • The pelvis tilt
  • The Swan
  • The bridge
  • Cat
  • The twist
  • The roller
  • The scissor
  • The teaser

Finally, these exercises have effects beneficial for your body like: 

  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles
  • Strengthening the back muscles
  • Spinal mobilization
  • Stretches the back muscles
  • Improves breathing

Try Pilates at POSES 

If you suffer from back pain or simply want to take care of your back, pilates is an ideal activity. This is good since POSES offers pilates classes. Opt for the formula Pulse&Pose®, made of 50 minute sessions who associate muscle strengthening, bodyweight exercises and isometrics

Come and work on your deep muscles and your balance while eliminating toxins under a subdued atmosphere. Additionally, increase your mobility, your strength and your stability on the relaxing playlists with the support of our coaches the most experienced to teach you pilates in the best possible way. 

At POSES, sculpt your body gently and effectively from the first class.