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Pilates is a method created by Joseph Pilates, popular for a decade, particularly for its benefits for body and mind. But, it requires certain devices and sometimes requires going to a gym. So, to help you strengthen your body at home, we present to you some pilates exercises on the wall.
Pilates on the wall is an alternative to pilates which is a gentle sports practice allowing you to tone your body. It's the perfect sport to improve your posture and flexibility. For more peace of mind, you can do pilates exercises on the wall at home! This is an interesting approach since it offers more support and allows you to deepen the benefits of pilates.
As the name suggests, wall pilates involves using a wall as the central element of the practice. This is what allows the practitioner to support, stretch or lean during an exercise. So specific muscles can be worked. But there are other types of pilates.
One of the most important benefits of wall pilates is that the wall acts as a solid contact point, allowing the practitioner toe maintain postures over a long period of time. In addition, the practice emphasizes thebody alignment. Also, pilates on the wall requests any further deep muscles, which is difficult to do on the ground. Finally, it makes it possible to carry out deep stretches and of vary the movements.
There are a multitude of pilates exercises on the wall. We offer you some of them.
The wall bridge exercise is a variation of the classic bridge exercise. The latter aims to strengthen the deep back muscles, gluteal muscles, thigh muscles and abdominals. Here, the wall offers better stability to work the muscles more intensely.
To perform this posture, lie on your back, arms alongside your body, buttocks against the wall, knees bent and feet on the ground.
Next, take a deep breath, then exhale slowly and prepare to lift your hips. Press firmly on your feet and lift them off the floor by pushing against the wall. Rise until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
Then, contract your gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles to maintain the posture. Breathe deeply and regularly. Finally, lower your hips toward the floor and return to the starting position.
Wall scissors focus on the muscle strengthening of the abdominals and leg muscles.
To replicate this exercise, lie on your back with your butt against a wall, legs extended straight up along the wall. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Next, lift one leg toward the ceiling with your knee straight. The other leg should remain straight and glued to the wall. Form a 90° right angle with your leg, when it is perpendicular to the floor, hold it in this position while the other leg remains along the wall. Afterwards, contract your abdominals and engage the muscles of your lifted leg. Continue by slowly lowering the raised leg while lifting the other. Alternate the leg movement as if you were walking while lying down. Breathe deeply while performing the movements then repeat the exercise.
The hundred is one of pilates exercises emblematic. He lingers on the rmuscular strengthening of the abdominal muscles, he developed also endurance et improves breathing.
To do this exercise, lie on your back with your buttocks against the wall and your legs extended upwards. Take a deep breath in and out. Start by lifting your legs off the floor with your knees straight and your feet at hip height so your legs are perpendicular to the floor. Next, lift your head and shoulders off the floor and arms extended, parallel to the floor. Then, pump your arms up and down in a steady motion, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Wall stretch helps you stretch your spine, legs, shoulders and arms. Also, it offers a deep release of muscle tension for a better flexibility.
Pour faire le wall stretch, mettez-vous debout, les pieds écartés et les talons à 15cm du mur. Commencez par lever vos bras au-dessus de votre tête avec les paumes tournées vers l’intérieur. Ensuite, inclinez lentement votre corps vers la droite, les bras étirés et les épaules détendues. Respirez profondément pour ressentir l’étirement de votre côté gauche. Restez ainsi pendant 20 à 30 secondes en respirant régulièrement. Puis, retournez en position verticale avec les bras au-dessus de la tête. Reprenez en reproduisant l’inclinaison vers la gauche, en ressentant l’étirement du côté droit. Enfin, réitérez l’exercice en changeant le sens de l’inclinaison.
The exercise of the windshield wiper allowsimprove flexibility of the spine and of strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles.
To perform the exercise correctly, lie on your back with your buttocks against the wall, legs extended upwards and arms spread crosswise. Inhale and exhale. Slowly lower your legs to the right, keeping your knees straight and your feet in contact with the wall. Next, turn your head and trunk to the left while your legs angle to the right. Hold the position for a few breaths, feeling the stretch in your spine and along your ribs. Then return to the starting position using your abdominal muscles to lift your legs. Finally, repeat the exercise on the other side by tilting your leg to the left and turning your head and trunk to the right.
The board against the wall strengthens core muscles, especially the abdominals and the stabilizing muscles of the back.
To begin, stand facing the wall, an arm's length away. Place your hands flat on the wall at shoulder height. Then, slowly tilt your torso forward while keeping your arms straight. Engage your abdominal muscles for strong posture. Afterwards, step your feet back one by one with your legs straight so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels while contracting your abdominals. Repeat the action several times.
The chair helps strengthening of thigh muscles, stabilizing muscles of the trunk and glutes.
This posture is performed standing, facing the wall an arm's length away. Slowly tilt your torso forward with your back straight. Next, bend your knees and lower yourself as if you were going to sit in a chair. Once you are in a seated position, check that your knees form a 90° angle then let your arms rest on the wall. Hold the position by engaging the muscles in your butt and thighs and breathe deeply.
Lunges are a versatile exercise aimed at strengthen leg muscles, particularly the glutes, THE quadriceps and the trunk stabilizing muscles. The lunges are done as follows.
Stand facing the wall at an arm's length and place your hands flat on the wall. Next, step forward with your right leg and bend your knees, lowering into a lunge position. Lower yourself until your back knee is close to the floor. Maintain this posture by engaging the muscles of your thighs and glutes while keeping your back straight. Repeat the exercise, alternating legs.
The vertical roll down strengthens abdominal muscles, flexibility and spine.
Start by standing up, gently pressing your back against the wall, from your pelvis to your shoulders. Breathe then unwind your spine, leaning forward as if your back were sliding along the wall. Next, stretch your arms out in front as you bend. Continue bending until your hands touch the floor. Finally, reverse the movement by slowly moving your spine up the wall.
There pilates method is a discipline that aims to strengthen the entire body while improving posture, coordination and flexibility. But, it offers much morebenefits which we will discover in a moment.
The wall as a support allows you to perform pilates exercises with precision. In fact, the muscles are better targeted, which promotes complete muscular development.
Thanks to the wall, you have a more stable and aligned position since you have better body awareness.
By taking the wall as support, it is easier to perform exercises and stretches that increase the flexibility of the lower limbs and spine. Thus, you gain mobility and amplitude in your daily life.
Certain relaxation exercises as well as stretching help relieve muscle tension.
Contact with the wall allows you to better feel body movements and positions.
The article is coming to an end, it’s time to take stock! Pilates on the wall is a gentle practice that allows you to improve your posture, your flexibility and above all to best strengthen the muscles of the day that you have targeted.
Then we saw different exercises present in wall pilates:
Then, we were interested in profits what this discipline brings:
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POSES Studios
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POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
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6 rue de l’Échiquier, 75010 Paris
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