Pilates exercices abdominaux : une femme fait un exercice de planche


Pilates abdominal exercises: draw your dream abs

Reading time : 11 min

Sculpt abs with pilates method is not just a dream; it is an accessible reality. Discover pilates targeted abdominal exercises, designed for to strenghten there abdominal strap, improve the posture and increase the flexibility. With precise techniques and a proven method, Pilates proves to be the ideal ally for obtaining a flat stomach.


Introduction to pilates and the benefits for the abdominals

Explore key moves and advanced strategies, each aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of your workout. From minimal equipment to breathing tips, everything is designed to boost your results from pilates abdominal exercises. 

What is Pilates?

Pilates is more than just a series of exercises; it’s a true philosophy of life. Imagined at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Pilates, this concept is based on fundamental principles aimed at the balance of body and of the mind. There Pilates method focuses on the muscle strengthening, improving posture, there flexibility and the breathing. Rooted in the idea that the mind and body are inseparable, this practice encourages not only physical strength but also mental well-being.

Why is Pilates effective for abs?

Why so much enthusiasm around Pilates to sculpt the abs? This practice targets with precision the deep abdominal muscles. Beyond the superficial muscles that most workouts use, Pilates engages the transverse muscles, real pillars of your abdominal strap. By strengthening this foundation, you work towards a flat belly et tonic, but also towards better posture and a strengthened back. The secret lies in the way Pilates exercises orchestrate each movement with breathing, ensuring that each effort is optimized to tone the abs without the risk of injury. Moreover, it is entirely possible to make pilates exercises with ball

Preparation for pilates practice

Before diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Pilates, a little preparation is necessary. Don't panic, we'll guide you!

Necessary Equipment for Home Exercises

Do you think that transforming your living room into a Pilates studio requires a whole arsenal? Think again ! With a few key accessories, you're ready to get started. First of all, a ground sheet. Forget the paper-thin yoga mat, opt for a thicker model to protect your back. Then, the Pilates balls and the elastic bands can add resistance to further sculpt your muscles. And if you feel like a Pilates explorer, themagic circles offer a multitude of additional exercises. But remember, the most important thing is your commitment!

Warming up and safety precautions

A good warm-up is to Pilates what a vocal warm-up is to opera singers: essential! Start with simple stretching, focusing on the muscles you are going to use. Think of your body as a well-oiled machine ready to perform at full capacity. And then there are the safety precautions. Even though Pilates is known for being gentle, listening to your body remains the golden rule. Does a movement seem painful to you? Adapt it or move on to the next one. The idea is not to push your limits to the extreme but to meet them with respect and kindness.

Arm yourself with your mat, your determination, and above all, don't forget to smile. The preparation is complete, the Pilates adventure can begin!

Des femmes réalisent des pilates exercices abdominaux

Pilates exercises to strengthen the abdominals

Ready to sculpt your abs? here are some key Pilates exercises which will transform your abdominal muscles. Let's go!

The Hundred to activate the abdominal strap

The Hundred is the holy grail of Pilates exercises to activate and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Let's take it step by step, so that each movement is one step closer to your goal.

Starting position: Lie on your back on your mat with your legs bent in a table position (90 degrees to the floor). Keep your arms at your sides, palms down. This initial posture is already an invitation to focus your attention on your abs.

Center commitment: Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slightly lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Imagine that an invisible thread is pulling the top of your head forward. This is the time to contract your abdominals as if you were trying to bring your navel closer to your spine.

Leg lift: Extend your legs and glutes toward the ceiling, or, for an added challenge, lower them to a 45-degree angle. The lower your legs are, the more intense the exercise. Find the angle that challenges your abs without putting pressure on your back.

Beats : Start vigorously beating your arms up and down like scissors, at a small amplitude, as if you were kicking water. These beats should be fast and rhythmic, in perfect harmony with your breathing.

Breathing: Inhale through your nose for 5 arms beats, then exhale through your mouth for the next 5 beats. This controlled breathing is crucial; it oxygenates your muscles and intensifies the effect of exercise.

Duration : The goal is to hold this exercise for 100 arm beats, hence its name. If you're just starting out, start with a smaller goal and gradually increase the duration.

Return to calm : Once you reach 100 beats, gently bring your legs toward your chest, release your head and shoulders to the floor, and take a moment to breathe deeply, appreciating the energy flowing through your body.

This exercise, both simple and demanding, is a real test of strength and endurance for your abdominals. But beyond the physical aspect, the Hundred is also a meditation in movement, a moment to synchronize each breath with each beat, each thought with each action. Your abs will thank you, we promise!

Roll-Up to work the major rights

The Roll-Up is a powerful ally in the quest to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Follow these steps to master this iconic Pilates exercise, and feel its magic work on your body.

Initial installation: Start by lying on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you on your mat. Extend your arms overhead, but not touching the floor, to maintain active tension in your abs from the start.

Preparatory inhalation: Take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the exercise. Feel each vertebra pressed against the floor, your body ready to unwind.

Activation of the abdominals: As you exhale, engage your abdominal muscles to lift your arms, head, and then shoulders off the floor. Imagine trying to bend your body around an imaginary ball placed on your stomach.

Vertebral climb by vertebral: Continue rolling upward, lifting each vertebra off the ground, one by one, until you are seated and leaning forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands. Your movement should be smooth and controlled.

Advanced stretch: Once in the fully extended position, stretch further forward, increasing the stretch in your rectus abdominis and back. Breathe deeply in this position, savoring every second of the stretch.

Return to control: Inhale and begin to step back, reversing the movement. Roll down, vertebra by vertebra, controlling the movement with your abs, until your back touches the floor, arms extended overhead.

Breathing and rhythm: The Roll-Up is as much about breathing as it is about movement. Coordinate your breathing with each phase of the exercise, inhaling as you stretch forward and exhaling as you curl down. This breathing rhythm helps intensify abdominal activation and maintain control.

Repetition : For best results, repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times, focusing on the smoothness and precision of the movement rather than the quantity.

The Roll-Up, with its combination of strength and flexibility, is more than just an exercise; it's a celebration of your body's potential. Each repetition is an opportunity to discover the depth of your core strength and the beauty of a perfectly executed movement.

Double Leg Stretch to target the transverse muscles

The Double Leg Stretch is the exercise par excellence for soliciting and strengthening the transverse abdominal muscles. Here's how to proceed, step by step, to get the most out of this fundamental Pilates exercise.

Starting position: Lie on your back on a comfortable mat. Bend your knees toward your chest and place your hands on your ankles or behind your knees, depending on your comfort. This initial posture creates a deep connection with your abdominals, especially the transverse muscles.

Preparation of the bust: As you inhale, gently engage your abdominals to lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Be sure to keep your neck long and relaxed, as if an apple were resting between your chin and your chest. This slight elevation increases the activation of the deep abdominal muscles.

Extension : Exhale while simultaneously extending your arms and legs. The arms should pass next to your ears, and the legs extend at a low angle, thus intensifying the work of the transverse muscles. Imagine reaching out to touch opposite walls of the room with your hands and feet.

Arm circle and leg tuck: Inhale as you bring your arms around your head in a large circle until you grasp your ankles again or behind your knees, while folding your legs toward your chest. This complete action creates a moment of maximum tension in the abdominal muscles, intensely soliciting the transverse muscles.

Breathing: The key to the effectiveness of the Double Leg Stretch lies in synchronizing the breathing with the movements. Exhale deeply during the extension to help engage the abdominals even more, and inhale when returning to the starting position to prepare the muscles for the next action.

Repetitions: To start, aim for 5 to 10 repetitions of this exercise, focusing on smoothness and precision of movements. As your strength and endurance improve, gradually increase the number of repetitions.

The Double Leg Stretch is not just an exercise; it's a dance between strength and fluidity, where every movement counts and every breath strengthens your center. By practicing regularly, you will discover a new depth in your core strength, essential for a flat, toned stomach.

Criss-Cross to strengthen the obliques

The Criss-Cross stands out as an essential exercise for targeting and strengthening the oblique muscles, those guardians of your slim waist and your twist. Here's how to break down this exercise to maximize its effectiveness.

Initial position : Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your head to gently support your neck without pulling on it. Bend your knees and raise them to form a 90-degree angle, aligning your knees above your hips. This position prepares your obliques to spring into action.

Activation of the obliques: Engage your abs to lift your shoulders off the floor, keeping your lower back pressed into the mat. This initial raise activates the abdominal muscles and emphasizes the obliques from the start.

Rotation and extension: Exhale and bring your right elbow toward your left knee while extending your right leg a few inches off the floor. Rotating the torso deeply activates the obliques on the side you're rotating toward, while extending the leg provides additional resistance.

Change of side: Inhale while returning to the central position, then exhale while repeating the movement on the opposite side: left elbow to right knee and extension of the left leg. This alternating movement creates a dynamic “scissor” that sculpts the obliques and refines the waist.

Rhythm and breathing: The secret of Criss-Cross lies in the sustained rhythm and coordinated breathing. The movement should be fluid but controlled, with each rotation accompanied by an exhalation which helps intensify the work of the obliques.

Repetitions and intensity: Start by performing 10 to 15 repetitions on each side, making sure to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. As you gain strength and endurance, increase the number of repetitions or pace to intensify the challenge.

Criss-Cross doesn't just strengthen the obliques; it also improves coordination and flexibility of the trunk, essential elements for a multitude of daily and sporting activities. By regularly incorporating this exercise into your routine, you will not only work towards stronger obliques and a more defined waistline, but also towards better health and functionality of your body as a whole.

Advanced techniques for a flat stomach

For those looking to push their limits and sculpt an even flatter stomach, introducing advanced techniques and innovative exercises into your Pilates routine can make all the difference. Here's how to enrich your training with new targeted methods.

Integration of new exercises for an enriched routine

To continue to boost your progress and avoid monotony, it is crucial to add new exercises to your routine. These advanced moves will target your core from different angles and add variety to your sessions.

Teaser : The Teaser is an advanced Pilates exercise that intensely works the abdominals. Lying on your back with your legs in the air at a 45-degree angle, lift your upper body to try to touch your toes with your hands, forming a V with your body. This movement requires considerable abdominal strength and impeccable balance.

Swan Dive: Although it primarily targets the back, the Swan Dive also helps strengthen the abs by engaging the core to stabilize the movement. Lie on your stomach, hands near your shoulders, and lift your upper body in an arc, then rock slightly forward and back, keeping your abs activated.

Jackknife: The Jackknife takes the Teaser concept to the next level. Lying on your back, throw your legs up and over your head, then use your abs to lift your pelvis off the floor, bringing your feet toward the ceiling. Slowly go back down without letting your feet touch the ground.

Saw: This exercise improves flexibility while working the obliques. Sitting with your legs apart and your arms extended sideways, turn your torso and lean over to “saw” your left foot with your right hand, then alternate. The twisting movement deeply engages the obliques.

Progressions and adjustments to challenge your body

Beyond introducing new exercises, here's how to continue to increase the intensity and challenge your body:

Integration of isometric breaks: Add isometric pauses at the end of each movement for maximum abdominal muscle contraction. For example, hold the Teaser position for a few seconds before returning to the initial position.

Use of various equipment: The integration of Pilates balls, foam rollers, or Pilates rings can not only increase resistance but also introduce new dimensions of stability to your exercises, forcing your abs to work harder.

Gradual increase in complexity: Start each exercise in its simplest form, then gradually increase the complexity by adding movements or changing the working angle to continue to challenge your core.

By regularly enriching your Pilates routine with new exercises and advanced techniques, you will not only maintain interest and commitment to your workout, but also ensure steady progress towards a flat, toned stomach.

Tips to Maximize Results

To turn your Pilates workout into an ab-sculpting machine, there's more than just following the moves. Here are key tips to help you maximize your results and see changes faster and more effectively.

Ideal frequency and duration of sessions

Consistency is king when it comes to sculpting your body with Pilates. Here's how to structure your routine:

Frequency : Ideally, incorporate Pilates sessions into your routine 3 to 4 times a week. This allows your body to recover while maintaining a steady stimulus for progression.

Duration : A session of 45 to 60 minutes is ideal. This gives you enough time to properly warm up your body, work each muscle group in depth and finish with a cool down.

Importance of breathing in Pilates

Breathing should not be neglected; it is at the heart of the practice of Pilates:

Deep breathing : Practice chest breathing to improve oxygenation and the effectiveness of your exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose to fill your lungs with air, then exhale sharply through your mouth to further engage your abs.

Synchronization: Align your breathing with your movements. For example, exhale during the most intense efforts to help activate your core. This not only improves performance but also exercise safety.

Nutrition and hydration

Your diet and hydration play a crucial role in sculpting your abs:

Balanced diet : Eat a diet rich in protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains to provide your body with the nutrients needed for recovery and building muscle.

Hydration: Drink enough water throughout the day, not just during your sessions. Proper hydration aids digestion, improves metabolism and helps prevent injuries by keeping body tissues supple.

Rest and recovery

Rest is just as important as training:

Quality sleep: Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to allow your body to regenerate and repair itself.

Active rest days: Build active rest days into your routine, where you do light activities like walking, yoga, or swimming. This helps maintain mobility while promoting recovery.

By following these tips, you create an optimal environment for your body, not only to maximize the benefits of your Pilates sessions but also to promote overall health and lasting well-being.

Pilates exercices abdominaux : une femme réalise un hundred


Pilates exercises offer an effective method for sculpting the abdominals, combining strength and flexibility. Targeting the abdominal strap from all angles guarantees visible and lasting results. Regularity, correct technique and adequate breathing are the keys to maximizing the effectiveness of each session.

To go beyond, the integration of advanced techniques and varied exercises pushes the body to new levels of performance. Add stretching, resistance, play on angles and isometric breaks to intensify abdominal work, accelerating progress towards a flat stomach.

Build your abs at POSES

If the world of Pilates intrigues you and you are ready to dive into this discipline, you are exactly where you need to be!

Discover the Pilates Flow at the house of POSES Studio, your ideal stopover to take a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Our sessions are designed to suit everyone, whatever your level or goals.

Get ready for 50 minutes of a workout combining the traditional Pilates method with the energy of cardio thanks to our exclusive sequences Pulse&Pose. Under the expert guidance of our coaches, merge the effectiveness of Pilates and the intensity of cardio for effective weight loss.

Treat yourself to a real escape during our classes, and leave the studio feeling light and serene.