Pilates débutant : exercice avec anneau


Pilates for beginners: the practical guide to getting started

Reading time : 8 min

Pilates is an ideal exercise method for beginners. Are you looking to strengthen your body, improve your posture and reduce stress? This article will guide you step by step to start Pilates with confidence.

Discover the benefits of Pilates, from strengthening muscles to improving flexibility. Learn how to choose the right class, the necessary equipment and how to prepare your body and mind for each session.

Ready to transform your fitness routine? This comprehensive guide is designed especially for you. Start your Pilates journey here!


What is Pilates?

Definition and origins of Pilates

Pilates is a method of physical exercise that was created at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Pilates, a sports and rehabilitation enthusiast. Originally, this method was used to help injured soldiers regain their physical fitness. Today, Pilates is practiced by millions of people around the world, seeking to improve their fitness, posture and overall well-being.

Joseph Pilates developed this method by combining gymnastics, yoga and martial arts techniques, focusing on fundamental principles that are still at the heart of modern practice.

Fundamentals of Pilates

Pilates is based on several key principles, essential to reap the maximum benefits from this practice:

  • Breathing : Controlled breathing is crucial in Pilates. It helps to oxygenate the blood, reduce tension and improve concentration.
  • Concentration : Every movement must be done with full attention. This concentration allows you to better perform the exercises and strengthen the connection between body and mind.
  • Control : Pilates movements must be performed with precise control to avoid injury and maximize effectiveness.
  • Centering : The center of the body, often called the “core”, is the basis of all movements in Pilates. It includes the abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and glutes.
  • Fluidity : Movements must be fluid and graceful, avoiding jerks and unnecessary tension.
  • Precision : Each exercise must be performed with great precision, respecting the correct alignments and positions.

These principles make Pilates a holistic practice that improves not only physical fitness, but also mental clarity and stress management.

Pilates débutant : exercice avec ballon

The benefits of Pilates

Pilates offers a multitude of benefits for the body and mind, which explains why this method has become so popular. Here are some of the most notable benefits:

Overall and balanced muscle strengthening

Pilates targets all muscle groups, including the deep muscles often neglected by other forms of exercise. This balanced approach allows you to develop harmonious strength, thus avoiding muscular imbalances which can lead to injuries.

Improved posture and body alignment

By strengthening the core of the body and emphasizing correct alignments, Pilates helps correct poor posture. Better posture reduces stress on the spine and joints, promoting better long-term health.

Increased flexibility and joint mobility

THE Pilates exercises include fluid, controlled movements that stretch and lengthen muscles. This improves flexibility and joint mobility, making daily movements easier and reducing the risk of injury.

Reduced stress and anxiety

Pilates incorporates deep breathing and mental focus techniques, which promotes a state of relaxation and well-being. This regular practice can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, contributing to better mental health.

Prevention and management of back pain

By strengthening the core of the body and improving alignment, Pilates can prevent and relieve back pain. The exercises target the back muscles and abdominal muscles, essential for supporting a healthy spine.

Beginner Pilates: getting started right

Choosing the right course or program

For beginners, choosing the right Pilates class is crucial. You have several options to consider:

  • Classes in studio or online : Studio classes offer personalized coaching with a qualified instructor who can correct your posture and guide you. Online courses, on the other hand, are flexible and can be taken at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.
  • Difficulty levels : It is important to start with lessons for beginners. These classes are designed to introduce the basics and principles of Pilates, allowing you to progress safely to intermediate and advanced levels.
  • Course formats : You can choose between individual, small group or large group lessons. Individual lessons offer personalized attention, while small groups allow you to benefit from social interaction while receiving specific advice. Larger groups are often more approachable and dynamic.

Necessary equipment

To start Pilates, you don't need to invest in a lot of equipment. Here's what you'll need:

  • Comfortable dress : Wear clothing that allows great freedom of movement and does not interfere with exercise. Leggings and fitted t-shirts are often popular choices.
  • Non-slip floor mat : A good Pilates mat provides support and grip, preventing slipping during exercises.
  • Optional accessories : Although not essential for beginners, certain accessories can enrich your practice. A Pilates ball, resistance bands and a hoop can be useful to diversify your exercises.

Prepare yourself physically and mentally

Before starting each Pilates session, it is essential to prepare well:

  • Warm-up before the session : A proper warm-up increases blood circulation and prepares your muscles for exercise. This may include gentle stretching and joint movements.
  • Deep, controlled breathing : Learn to control your breathing, because it is central to the practice of Pilates. Lateral breathing is often used to effectively oxygenate muscles and improve concentration.
  • Concentration and mental presence : Pilates is not only a physical exercise, it is also a mental exercise. Concentration on each movement and mindfulness during the session are essential to obtain maximum benefits.

Basic exercises to get started

Floor exercises

Floor Pilates is a great starting point for beginners. Here are some basic exercises to get you started:

Lateral breathing

Lateral breathing is essential to oxygenate your muscles and stabilize your core. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat. Inhale deeply through your nose, inflating your ribs laterally. Exhale through your mouth, gently contracting your abdominals. Repeat several times to master this technique.

Print the back

This exercise helps strengthen the deep abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat. Gently press your lower back against the mat, contracting your abdominals. Release then repeat. This movement improves the connection between your lower back and core.

Spinal Stretching

To improve spinal flexibility, sit with your legs extended in front of you. Slowly roll your spine forward, vertebra by vertebra, trying to touch your toes. Hold for a few seconds then return to a seated position, unwinding the spine vertebra by vertebra.

Basic deck

The bridge strengthens the glutes and lower back. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat. Lift your hips toward the ceiling, contracting your glutes and abs. Go back down slowly without touching the ground. Repeat several times.

Chest opening

This exercise stretches the chest muscles and improves posture. Lie on your back with your arms outstretched. Bring your knees toward your chest and let them gently fall to one side, turning your head in the opposite direction. Hold then switch sides.

Standing exercises

Standing Pilates exercises strengthen posture and stability. Here are some examples :

Posture aligned against a wall

Hold on against a wall, heels, buttocks, shoulders and head in contact with the wall. Hold this position to reinforce awareness of your posture.

Raises on demi-pointes

To strengthen the calves and improve balance, stand straight with your feet parallel. Get up on the demi-pointes and then slowly come back down. Repeat several times.

Squats with a ball

To work your thighs and glutes, hold a ball between your knees and perform squats. Keep your back straight and your abs tight throughout the movement.

Controlled torso twists

To improve core flexibility, stand up straight with your feet apart. Slowly turn your torso to one side, opposite arms straight. Return to center then switch sides.

Exercises with accessories

Accessories add an extra dimension to your Pilates practice. Here are some basic exercises:

Working with a ball

Use a ball for massages and stretching. For example, place the ball under your back and roll gently to massage the spine.

Use a rubber band

The elastics strengthen the arms and shoulders. Hold a rubber band between your hands and perform outward pulling movements, maintaining resistance.

Exercises with a hoop

The hoop is excellent for improving joint mobility. Hold the hoop with both hands and use circular movements to stretch your shoulders and arms.

Tips and tricks for progress

Adopt a regular routine

To get the most out of your Pilates practice, regularity is essential. Here are some tips for incorporating Pilates into your daily routine:

  • Recommended frequency of sessions : It is advisable to practice Pilates at least two to three times a week. This helps strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and maintain the benefits over the long term.
  • Integrate Pilates into your schedule : Plan your sessions as you would any other important activity. Choose times of day when you are most likely to stick to your commitment, whether that's in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening.

Listen to your body and respect its limits

Pilates should be an enjoyable and beneficial practice. To avoid injury and maximize benefits, follow these recommendations:

  • Avoid painful movements : If an exercise causes pain, stop immediately and adjust your position. Never force beyond your abilities.
  • Progress at your own pace : Every body is different. Progress gradually, increasing the intensity and complexity of the exercises as you gain strength and flexibility. Respect your own pace and don't compare yourself to others.

Vary the exercises and challenges

To avoid monotony and continue to progress, it is important to vary your exercises:

  • Explore new exercise variations : Pilates offers a multitude of variations for each movement. Try different variations to target different muscles and maintain your interest.
  • Gradually increase intensity and duration : As you gain strength, increase the duration of your sessions and the intensity of the exercises. Add accessories like light weights, rubber bands or balls to take on new challenges.

Stay motivated and persevere

Motivation is the key to maintaining a regular practice. Here are some tips for staying engaged:

  • Set realistic goals : Establish clear and achievable goals. Whether it's improving your posture, increasing your flexibility or strengthening your core, realistic goals will help you measure your progress.
  • Celebrate your progress, even if modest : Every little improvement is worth celebrating. Recognizing your progress, even the most modest ones, strengthens your motivation and encourages you to continue.
  • Share your experience with other practitioners : Joining a Pilates community can be very motivating. Share your successes, challenges, and tips with other practitioners to support each other.



Pilates is an effective method for improving your physical and mental fitness. By taking appropriate courses and using the necessary equipment, you can start with complete confidence. Remember to prepare your body and mind before each session.

The basic exercises will help you strengthen your body in a balanced way. Adopt a regular routine and listen to your body to progress safely. Vary the exercises and stay motivated to keep moving forward.

Explore other articles to deepen your knowledge of Pilates and discover new methods of well-being. Continue your journey to better overall health. Good practice !

Discover Pilates at POSES

Enter the world of Pilates at POSES to discover immersive classes based on non-judgment and group energy.

At POSES Studio, our classes, developed by expert coaches, adapt to all levels, from beginners to seasoned athletes.

Immerse yourself in a serene atmosphere and enjoy a mental break during your Pilates session. Our coaches are with you every step of the way, helping you master the movements and refine your technique.