pilates bras : une femme fait l'exercice de la planche


Pilates arms: exercises for toned and firm arms

Reading time : 8 min

Do you want to firm and tone your arms with proven methods? Arm Pilates offers a unique approach that effectively targets the arm muscles. This article explores specific Pilates exercises that strengthen and sculpt the triceps, biceps, and shoulders.


What is Pilates?

By integrating precise and controlled movements, Pilates arms not only tones but also improves posture and flexibility. These exercises are suitable for all levels and emphasize quality of movement rather than quantity.

Pilates, often seen as a silent dance between body and mind, is above all a method of muscle strengthening which encompasses much more than just movements. It's an invitation to discover the strength that lies within your deep muscles, including those that shape and tone your arms.

This sport, developed by Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century, is distinguished by its holistic approach. It's not just about pumping iron or mechanically repeating movements; it's about building harmony between your body and your mind, thus promoting an overall improvement in health and an increase in muscular strength.

How does Pilates target the arms?

In its quest for bodily balance, Pilates leaves nothing to chance, including arm work. But how, exactly, does this method manage to sculpt arms that are not just strong, but elegantly toned ? The answer lies in the precision of his movements.

Pilates exercises are designed to target muscles in a way isolated et intense. By using slow movements et controlled, this method activates the arm muscles in a way that emphasizes quality over quantity. Every movement is an act of concentration, where stability and posture play crucial roles. This not only strengthens the muscles but also improves their coordination and efficiency.

Examples of basic arm exercises

For those who are just starting out or want to incorporate arm-focused Pilates exercises into their routine, here are some foundational moves:

  • Extension of the arms in a lying position: Lie on your back with your arms stretched above your head. Slowly raise your arms toward the ceiling and then lower them back to the starting position. This exercise promotes toning without imposing excessive stress.
  • The circle of arms: Still lying down, extend your arms to each side at shoulder height. Draw small circles in the air with your arms, keeping your shoulders relaxed. This helps strengthen the stabilizing muscles around the shoulders and arms.
  • Prayer in motion: Sitting with your legs crossed, bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your chest. Press your palms together as hard as possible, then gently release. Repeat this exercise to work the muscles in your forearms and biceps.


These exercises are just the tip of the iceberg in the wide world of Pilates, but they are a great starting point for those looking to strengthen and tone their arms. By practicing regularly, you will discover not only an improvement in your strength but also in your posture, essential to an effective and safe practice of Pilates.


pilates bras : deux femmes font l'exercice de la planche

Pilates exercises to tone the triceps

If you're looking to sculpt your arms, the triceps are a key component that shouldn't be overlooked. Often overshadowed by the biceps, the triceps are nevertheless crucial to obtaining firm and well-shaped arms. Pilates, with its gentle but deeply effective method, offers a series of specific exercises to target this often recalcitrant area.

Specific exercises to work the triceps

Here are some Pilates exercises that specifically focus on strengthening and toning the triceps. These movements require precision and consistency, but the results are worth it.

  • Pilates push-ups: Unlike traditional push-ups, Pilates push-ups are done with a smaller range of motion and increased focus on the triceps. In a plank position, with your hands under your shoulders, bend your elbows slightly and keep your forearms straight. Lower your body just a few inches, then raise back up, focusing on contracting your triceps.
  • The triceps kickback: Get a resistance band for this exercise. On all fours, one arm stabilized by the band under your hand, the other holding the end of the band. Keep the elbow of this arm raised to chest height, then extend the arm completely behind you, before gently returning it to the starting position. This exercise isolates the triceps very effectively.
  • “Boxing” with resistance: Stand or sit with a resistance band attached behind you. Hold the end of the strip with both hands. Extend one arm straight out in front of you, as if throwing a punch, then bring it back with control. Alternate arms and feel the resistance working your triceps with each movement.


These exercises, in addition to strengthening the triceps, also help to improve your overall posture, a significant advantage of Pilates. Body alignment and control of each movement play a vital role in the effectiveness of these exercises. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you will not only see firmer triceps but also an improvement in your functional strength, which is beneficial for many other daily activities.

Pilates exercises to strengthen the biceps

While Pilates is often associated with toning and strengthening deep muscles and stabilizing muscles, it also offers excellent techniques for targeting more visible muscles, such as the biceps. Strengthening the biceps with Pilates can contribute to better arm functionality in daily tasks and sports, while improving overall arm aesthetics.

Exercises for the biceps

Here is a selection of Pilates exercises that focus on strengthening the biceps, each encouraging not only strength but also better body awareness and improved coordination.

  • Bicep curl with resistance band: Sit on a mat with your legs extended in front of you, a resistance band under your feet. Hold the other end with both hands. Keep your elbows close to your body and your palms facing up. Bend your elbows and pull the band toward your shoulders, then slowly lower your arms. This exercise specifically targets the biceps while minimizing the risk of injury.
  • Front elevation with rotation: Standing with a resistance band under one foot, grip the end with the opposite hand. Start with your hand at hip level, palm facing the body. Raising your arm in front of you until horizontal, turn your hand so that the palm is facing the ceiling at the end of the movement. This adds a twist that further engages the biceps.
  • The bow exercise: Stand up and spread your legs slightly. With a resistance band held in each hand, extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height, palms facing each other. Pull the bands by spreading your arms out to the sides in an arc, while keeping your elbows slightly bent. This move not only works the biceps, it also helps strengthen the chest and shoulder muscles.


Incorporating these exercises into your Pilates routine can help you develop stronger, more defined biceps. In addition to strength, these exercises improve flexibility and mobility in the arms, shoulders, and even back, thanks to the holistic nature of Pilates which targets muscular balance and coordination.

Pilates exercises to work the shoulders

The shoulders play a vital role in almost all arm movements and are essential for maintaining correct posture. Pilates exercises for the shoulders not only strengthen this area, but also improve stability and mobility, reducing the risk of injury.

Exercises to strengthen the shoulders

For those looking to strengthen their shoulders while maintaining health and functionality, Pilates offers targeted exercises that combine finesse and intensity. Here are some effective shoulder exercises:

  • The “Pilates Press”: Standing or sitting, grab a resistance band and hold it with both hands, arms raised vertically above your head. Slowly lower your elbows to a 90-degree angle, then raise back up. Make sure the movement is controlled and focused on activating the shoulder muscles.
  • Shoulder rotations with band: Sitting or standing, hold a resistance band with both hands in front of you, arms straight. Pull arms outward, keeping arms straight, then return to center. This exercise works shoulder mobility as well as their strength.
  • Lateral raises with light dumbbells: Standing with a small dumbbell in each hand, keep your arms straight and raise them sideways until they are parallel to the floor. Then lower them slowly. This movement targets the deltoid muscles, which surround the shoulders, promoting their strengthening and definition.


Each of these exercises emphasizes precision and control, fundamental principles of Pilates that help maximize efficiency while minimizing the risk of overload or injury. By regularly incorporating these movements into your Pilates routine, you will see a noticeable improvement in shoulder strength, which will contribute to better performance in other Pilates exercises and in your daily activities.

Importance of breathing and posture

Pilates, much more than a series of exercises, is an integrated approach that combines physical movement with controlled breathing and proper posture. These elements are crucial not only for exercise effectiveness but also for preventing injuries and promoting overall body health.

Correct arm alignment during exercises

Arm alignment in Pilates exercises isn't just a matter of aesthetics; it is an essential component to ensure movement efficiency and joint safety. Incorrect alignment can lead to unnecessary strain, particularly on the shoulders and wrists, and reduce the impact of exercises. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep your shoulders down and relaxed: This helps prevent tension in the neck and shoulders, allowing the arms to move freely and efficiently.
  • Align the wrists with the forearms: This prevents wrist strain and supports better force transmission through the arms.
  • Actively engage your center: The core supports your entire body and helps maintain good posture, which is crucial for proper arm alignment.

Intensity and progression

How you manage the intensity and progression of your Pilates exercises can have a significant impact on your muscle development and endurance. It is vital to start slowly and progress gradually to allow the body to adapt without risk of injury. Here's how to integrate these principles:

  • Respect your pace: Increase exercise intensity only when you feel comfortable with current levels.
  • Use breathing to control effort: Deep, rhythmic breathing helps manage effort and maintain concentration and endurance during exercises.
  • Watch your posture: Good posture is essential to perform movements correctly and maximize their effectiveness. It also helps prevent fatigue and injuries.


Incorporating correct breathing and posture into your Pilates routine not only improves performance in exercises targeting the arms, but also strengthens your overall Pilates practice. This allows for better flow of energy through the body, increased endurance and greater overall strength.


Pilates bras : un groupe de femme font un exercice de pilates avec des élastiques


Pilates is a powerful ally for strengthening and toning your arms. Thanks to targeted exercises, you engage the arm muscles effectively, guaranteeing harmonious and aesthetic development. Each Pilates movement emphasizes precision and stability, thus optimizing the toning of the triceps, biceps and shoulders.

Incorporating correct breathing and posture techniques into your Pilates routine not only increases the effectiveness of the exercises but also promotes better overall body health. These essential practices support precise and safe execution, contributing to lasting results.

Tone your arms at POSES

If you are looking for discipline athletic at a time gentle for the body and effective for working all your muscles, Pilates is an excellent option. 

At the house of POSES Studio, our classes are carefully designed by experienced coaches, suitable for everyone, from experienced athletes to beginners. 

Let yourself be enveloped by a soothing atmosphere and take a mental break during your Pilates session. Our coaches will accompany you every step of the way, helping you master the movements and improve your technique.