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pilates and back pain


Pilates and back pain: the solution to relieve your pain?

Reading time : 7 min

You have back pain and you wonder about the effectiveness of Pilates ? Indeed, it is not uncommon for a doctor or healthcare professional recommends discipline to their patients to relieve pain in the long term. It's not without reason! Pilates allows you to work the limbs linked to the back and therefore reduce symptoms. We'll explain!


Pilates and back pain: the basics of the discipline

Are Pilates and back pain compatible? The answer is yes, the Pilates method is a discipline perfectly suited to back pain. It allows, among other things, to correct posture, strengthen muscles, improve mobility or even reposition the pelvis. Do you want to get started in Pilates in Paris ? Follow the leader !


The Pilates method

The Pilates method was initiated by Joseph Pilates At Twentieth century. In relatively fragile health, Joseph Pilates created a discipline combining the benefits of dance, of the gymnastic, of muscle strengthening or breathing exercises.  

The primary aim of the discipline was tohelping hospital patients to work their body gently, particularly in the event of re-education members. The exercises target deep muscles and are not very aggressive for the body. 

In its early days, the exercises were carried out using machines and straps to help support the injured and make them perform movements with softness and support.

Over the years, Pilates has grown and become a sport favored by all celebrities and star coaches. Little by little, his reputation was no longer to be done and Pilates is now present around the world

To find out more about the Pilates method, read our article!


The main pillars of the discipline

Like any sporting and spiritual discipline, Pilates has main pillars on which its great lessons

  • Breathing : une bonne respiration est essentielle dans tous les sports car elle permet une meilleure performance globale du corps. En effet, inspirer de l’oxygène et expirer le CO2 permet d’improve blood circulation and so facilitate the effort. In addition, it also allows reduce the risk of injury.
  • Concentration : concentrating is the key to success in Pilates because it is important to completely clear your head. Thus, you will only have in mind the correct execution of the different postures and movements as well as your breathing.
  • Stabilization : also called centering, stabilizing your body is the very basis of Pilates. Therefore, you must find this stabilization for yourself which starts from the trunk of your body to subsequently be able to perform the exercises correctly.
  • Control : control its body and mind so that it only formsone single block. The more you can fully control your body, the more you will avoid muscle injuries. 
  • Fluidity : Fluidity is essential for Pilates. Indeed, during a session, the movements and postures follow each other in a slow and deep way in order to target the deep muscle as best as possible. A single repetition but controlled fluidity between each movement. 
  • Precision : in addition to the front pillar, precision is required in Pilates to work the right muscles and obtain results that meet your expectations. Be precise from start to finish so you can be proud of yourself at the end of the session!

If these 6 pillars are respected, then you will have understood everything about Pilates and will be able to fully exploit its potential on your body. 

The benefits of Pilates for the back

As you might expect, Pilates has bienfaits sur l’entièreté du corps. Nevertheless, it is a very good discipline to precisely target the back.


Correct posture 

Since the beginning of Covid-19, THE telework has become a standard in the professional sphere and has had a strong impact on worker postures. In fact, some people did not have the equipment at their disposal to work in good conditions and therefore started working on their bed or even their couch. So, this bent position has become, over time, the position of the body and has therefore led to real, sometimes irreversible, damage.

One of the primary benefits of Pilates is its ability to correct the natural posture of the body. Indeed, the more exercises or Pilates sessions you do, the more you will see your posture naturally straighten

L'stretching muscles depth has a lot to do with it, but also the stabilization of your body during all the exercises. 

Thus, having good posture allows you to reduce pain, THE risk of injury and more generally the musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)


Strengthen the abdominal muscles

There abdominal strap is closely linked to your back because it helps maintain it. Thus, it is important to strengthen these muscles because the back is involved in practically all the movements we make on a daily basis. In fact, the back muscles as well as the spine is called upon to: 

  • to walk
  • run
  • push/pull
  • to carry
  • bend over
  • etc.

The more you strengthen your abdominal muscles as well as your back, the more it will be protected from possible injuries and will protect you from all kinds of pain. 


Improve body mobility

Pilates also has the benefit of flexibility work. So, if your flexibility is improved, you will notice real changes in your mobility daily. 

Developing your flexibility does not necessarily mean classical dancer exercises and all that goes with it. When we work on our flexibility, we train the joints and muscles to stretch intensely et to return to their initial position


Reposition the pelvis and back

Finally, practicing Pilates regularly allows, in the long term, to reposition the pelvis and back and thus alleviate your pain in the long term. Indeed, when the back and the pelvis are replaced correctly, that is to say in an aligned manner, the spine is less painful

If you are subject to lower back pain, hernias, etc. Pilates is the perfect sport for you!


pilates and back pain


Some exercises to relieve your back

here is a non-exhaustive list some exercises to relieve your back! We advise you to repeat these exercises several times a week in order to see results on your back. 


Shoulder bridge 

The exercise of Shoulder bridge, also called Bridge on the shoulders, aims to promote mobility and flexibility of the back by strengthening the abdominal belt

To perform this exercise, place a yoga mat on the floor and lie on your back with your legs bent. Once in position, gently lift the pelvis and repeat the movement several times. 

When you are comfortable with this exercise, you can vary it by lifting one leg while lifting your pelvis. Repeat the movement several times and switch legs



THE Hundred is one of the fundamental exercises of Pilates and calls in particular on the pillar of control. It is an exercise in sheathing perfect when you're starting Pilates.

Lie on your back and keep in mind always stick your lumbar and middle back to the ground so as not to arch your back. Now lift the top of the bust, as if you wanted to bring your chin to your chest. Your shoulder blades should brush the ground. 

Regarding your lower body, your feet are together at the heels, toes slightly turned to the sides. You can perform the exercise with straight legs, bent legs or legs raised towards the sky. 

Now is the time to make small beats up and down with your arms without exceeding the height of your body. Under no circumstances forget your breathing !

If you are doing this exercise alone, it may be interesting to do it facing a mirror in order to see the position you have and if all the criteria are respected.


Rolling like a ball

Rolling like a ball is part of the basic movements of the rocking and rolling category. It allows to correct your arch in case of excessive lumbar arch. 

Place yourself on your mat in a seated position. Bring your legs to your chest, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, feet together and balanced on your buttocks. This is the basic position. Once properly installed, you can tilt backwards then return to the basic position.

Regarding breathing, exhale while rolling backwards et inhale as you return to the base position.


Spine stretch forward

The exercise of Spine stretch forward is used to stretch the spine en appuyant sur le coccyx afin d’assouplir le dos. C’est une technique de stretching plus qu’efficace.

Place yourself in a seated position, legs straight and apart, the tips of your toes flexed towards the sky and your torso straight.. Once correctly positioned, try to put your nose to the ground by rounding your back and with your arms outstretched. 

Perform this movement on an exhalation and slowly return to the basic position while inhaling. 


Legacy circles

Finally, in order to improve the amplitude of your body, gain mobility and strengthen your entire body, we advise you to exercise Legacy circles.

Start by lying on your back on the floor mat, legs stretched on the ground, arms alongside your body and head in the same axis as your body. When you are well established in your basic position, raise one leg facing the sky in tiptoe and make a complete turn of your leg. 

Alternate both legs inspiring when you raise the leg and in exhaling during descent of this same leg.  

Practice Pilates 

Now that you know the useful exercises to relieve your back pain, you need to choose where to practice it ! At home or in specialized studios for support, the choice is yours!


At home

If you want to discover Pilates quietly, without pressure, you can choose to start at home.

You must therefore obtain all the equipment necessary for good practice

  • ground sheet
  • sportswear
  • towel
  • Pilates brick
  • small balloon
  • etc.

The advantage of Pilates is that you don't need a lot of equipment to practice! 

As you may have understood, the correct execution of postures is important to obtain all the benefits of Pilates on the body. It would be a shame not to perform the postures correctly and hurt yourself. 

To avoid this, do not hesitate to place in front of a mirror or even to film you to make sure you do the exercises correctly.


In the studio

If, on the other hand, you think you are not able to position yourself well, don't worry, many spaces are made for !

At the house of Studio POSES, our coaches are there for guide you et help you understand postures lors de l’enchaînement des exercices. Ainsi, il suffit de dire au début de votre session que vous avez des problèmes de dos et certains exercices communs à tous pourront être adaptés à votre cas.


pilates and back pain 

What you must remember

Good news, Pilates and back pain are totally compatible ! In fact, it’s even a discipline that seems made for you. 

She has many virtues To alleviate your back pain and reduce the risk of potential injuries: 

  • Correct your posture
  • Strengthens your abdominal muscles
  • Improves your body mobility
  • Replaces the pelvis and back

Several exercises are ideal for improving your back pain using the benefits stated above: 

  • Shoulder bridge
  • Hundred
  • Rolling like a ball
  • Spine stretch forward
  • Legacy circles

Now it's up to you to discover Pilates and give your body a second wind!

Discover Pilates at POSES Studio 

Do you want to get started with Pilates and you don't really know where to start? Come and discover the Pilates sessions at POSES Studio !

In the program : 50 minutes of workout accessible to all profiles in order to strengthen your balance and your deep muscles. Our flows are designed and thought out to help you escape for the duration of a session. 

Come out of POSES re-boosted, motivated and lighter!