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idées reçues sur le yoga : une femme pratique une posture de yoga


Received ideas about yoga: let's sort out the truth from the falsehood

Reading time : 6 min

Some preconceived ideas about yoga can brake Or to discourage people interested in this age-old practice. This sport is often stigmatized by society, imagining a thin, slender woman with an offbeat lifestyle. But these clichés are not true and today we are going to debunk them.   


Misconceptions about yoga: yoga is not a sport

Yoga is subject to multiple clichés which do not necessarily correspond to reality. But we will show you that yoga is an accessible discipline, whatever your age, your physical condition or your level. No more preconceived ideas about yoga! 

Yoga as a sport

Yoga is an age-old practice that aims to harmonize a mind with a body. But some think that it is not a sport because yoga does not make you sweat and has no rules or competition. However, these arguments do not reflect reality since yoga is a physical activity who asks for coordination, effort and endurance

Physical effort through yoga

Yoga involves performing postures that work all muscle groups. Moreover, whatever the categories of yoga chosen, physical effort is required. For example, the hatha yoga is a type of yoga soft et relaxing where the postures are practiced slowly and where breathing takes an important place within the practice. Conversely, in the vinyasa yoga, the positions follow one another in a manner dynamic playing on the cardio. In yoga in general, some postures are more difficult than others; the latter are sweat and request the deep muscles, especially those of the abdominals, glutes and back. Thus, yoga is not limited to a simple relaxation, it is a real gymnastics that works the entire body. 

A goal of well-being

Another element that makes yoga a sport is the goal of well-being. Indeed, yoga aims toimprove physical and mental condition. In particular by improving posture, blood circulation, breathing and even the quality of sleep. It also prevents injuries and chronic pain. In addition, it helps improve physical performance by increasing strength, coordination, flexibility and agility. 

Misconception #2: Yoga is reserved for women

Dans l’esprit commun, le yoga est une pratique associée à la douceur et à la féminité dues à des normes sociales qui font penser que le yoga n’est pas fait pour les hommes car ce n’est pas une activité qui correspond aux attentes sociales. Mais, ce n’est pas pour autant que le yoga est conçu pour les femmes. Au contraire, historiquement, le yoga était un yoga for men, 2000 years ago. It is based on holistic universal principles of the human being which goes beyond the masculine and feminine. 


idées reçues sur le yoga : une femme fait une posture de yoga

Misconception #3: You have to be flexible to do yoga

Many people think that you have to be flexible to do yoga, this can intimidate them, especially with images of yogis performing impressive postures. Additionally, beginners tend to compare themselves to other beginners, so they may feel frustrated and think that they are not at the required level. But, rest assured, you don't have to be flexible to start yoga. On the contrary, if you are looking to gain flexibility, this is the sport for you!

Deconstructing prejudice

This prejudice is false for several reasons. The first is that yoga adapts to the needs and abilities of each person. This makes it easy to find yoga that suits you according to your goals. Furthermore, yoga is a evolving practice. In fact, it is not intended to reproduce postures perfectly, but simply to explore the possibilities of your body. This is why it is not obligatory to start yoga with a base of flexibility since it allows you to gain flexibility while respecting your rhythm. This discipline improves flexibility by working on the joints and muscles. 

Misconception #4: You have to be young to do yoga

Yoga is not a question of age but of attitude. It can therefore be practiced at any age, whether you are young or senior. You simply need to choose the type of yoga that suits you according to your physical condition, your needs and your desires. There is a yoga for seniors which offers gentle postures, stretching, breathing exercises and relaxation. 

Furthermore, yoga is a practice beneficial for seniors: 

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Prevents muscle stiffness and pain
  • Increase strength and balance
  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • Improve breathing
  • Promotes sleep and memory
  • Develop self-confidence

Misconception #5: Yoga is expensive

Yoga has a reputation for being a luxury sport, reserved for people who can afford expensive classes. But if you want access to classes led by a qualified teacher, prices may rise quickly. 

The price depends on the criteria

Prices are not fixed and certain criteria must be taken into account: 

  • The type of yoga : some yogas are more popular than others, which can influence prices. 
  • The place : yoga classes can take place in specialized places such as gyms or associations. Consequently, the price of the courses may vary depending on the amount of the rent or the notoriety of the place. 
  • The duration : Generally, yoga classes last between 45 minutes and 2 hours. The longer the course, the more expensive it will be. 
  • The number of students : Individual yoga classes are more expensive because they offer a personalized experience tailored to your needs. 
  • The teacher's level : the more qualified and experienced the teacher, the more expensive it will be.


Depending on these criteria, yoga classes can range from 5 to 50€, on average. 

Misconception #6: Yoga is a quick fix for weight loss

Contrary to popular belief, yoga does not directly make you lose weight. For example, a hatha yoga session corresponds to an hour of relaxing walking which burns 144 calories on average. Even the most dynamic forms of yoga like'ashtanga yoga or vinyasa only burns 300 calories, which is less than jogging. Furthermore, yoga does not aim to lose weight, in fact its primary goal is to harmonize the body and mind. 

Yoga supports weight loss factors

If yoga does not cause weight loss directly, it has indirect effects on the factors that influence weight. Thus, it can help burn calories in different ways: 

  • Yoga allows you to reduce stress and anxiety, which can help regulate appetite and prevent compulsive snacking. 
  • Yoga improves sleep, thus, it helps burn calories and reduce sugar cravings. 
  • Yoga plays on the awareness, which can help develop a healthy and balanced diet. 


Mais le yoga ne suffit pas à lui-même pour maigrir, il doit être accompagné d’une adapted diet. In fact, diet represents 70% of weight loss compared to 30% for physical activity. There are basic principles for adopting a healthy diet: 

  • Eat in reasonable quantities. 
  • Favor natural, unprocessed foods.
  • Limit industrial foods

Misconception #7: Yoga is a religion

Yoga is not a religion in the sense that it is not represented by rituals or cults and does not require belief in a particular deity. Indeed, yoga is defined rather as a philosophy or an art of living which offers techniques to achieve a state of inner peace and accepting all facets of one's personality. Even if it is true that yoga is inspired by spiritual movements such as Buddhism or Hinduism. But, it has nothing to do with these religions. 

Furthermore, yoga can be practiced with or without a spiritual dimension. Indeed, yoga can be seen as a path to self-realization to access a higher level of consciousness. In this case, we are talking about a quest for the meaning of life. It can also be interpreted as a relationship with a higher reality, God. 


idées reçues sur le yoga : une femme faisant une technique de respiration

What to remember about preconceived ideas about yoga

During this article, we have deconstructed THE prejudices the most popular around yoga: 

  • Yoga is not a religion
  • Yoga does not directly cause weight loss
  • Yoga is not expensive
  • Yoga is not just for young people
  • Yoga is mixed
  • Yoga is a sport
  • Yoga does not require basic flexibility

Change your mind about yoga at POSES

Get real with POSES! Whether you are young or senior, a woman or a man, POSES offers you 50 minute immersive sessions yoga without the need for flexibility, just letting yourself be carried by the transitions, THE movements and the postures headlights yoga. 

Far from clichés, POSES punctuates its courses with playlists sweet and an light sifted. Don't panic, if your flexibility is playing tricks on you, you can count on our coaches present to show you the gestures.  

Break down prejudices with POSES!