Découvrez les bienfaits du Pilates Reformer : exercices, techniques et conseils pour renforcer votre corps en toute sécurité.
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Discover a revolutionary method: fit pilates. Discipline halfway through traditional pilates and fitness. Que vous soyez à la recherche d’une activité pour vous détendre, vous muscler ou simplement améliorer votre bien-être général, le fit pilates se présente comme une solution idéale.
Le fit pilates se présente comme une méthode pilates combinant la précision de la danse classique à la dynamique et à l’intensité du fitness. Elle vous permet de sculpter le corps, d’améliorer la posture et de libérer les tensions quotidiennes de votre esprit. Cette technique est efficace pour ceux qui cherchent à renforcer leur musculature en gardant la conscience corporelle qu’apporte le pilates.
Inspired by the pilates method by Joseph Pilates, fit pilates provides many benefits:
Fit pilates targets each part of the body with particular attention. For the upper body, it offers exercises that reinforce, tone, And improve there flexibility arms, shoulders, back, and abdominals. Here are 3 perfect for sculpting your upper body, each of which can be adapted to your fitness level. There are also pilates workout according to your needs.
This exercise is ideal for working on the upper abs et lower all in strengthening the back. Lie on your back with your legs extended toward the ceiling. Keep your hands either under your hips for added support. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly lower your legs toward the floor without letting your back arch. Pull them up with control. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times, making sure to keep your back pressed against the floor to avoid strain.
For to strenghten THE center of your body and improve your posture, the double leg stretch is a must. Lie on your back, knees bent toward your chest, head and shoulders slightly off the floor. As you inhale, extend your arms behind your head and your legs in front of you, forming a long straight line. Exhale as you bring your knees toward your chest and your arms around your legs. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions, focusing on the smooth, controlled movement of your limbs.
The hundred is a pillar of pilates, stimulating circulation, strengthening the abdominals, And improving respiratory capacity. Lie on your back with your legs in a tabletop position (knees above your hips and shins parallel to the floor). Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and extend your arms alongside your body, palms down. Vigorously beat your arms up and down while breathing rhythmically (five inhales and five exhales) for a total of 100 beats.
Pilates push-up is a variation of the traditional push-up that incorporates the principles of pilates for deeper work of the upper body muscles, particularly the pectorals, THE triceps and the deltoids, while engaging the core. Start in a high plank position with hands directly under your shoulders. Engage your abs and keep your body in a straight line. Bend your elbows to lower your body in control, then come back up. To make it more accessible, you can perform this exercise on your knees. Do 8 to 12 repetitions.
This is a great exercise for strengthen the back, shoulders and abdominals. Lie on your stomach with your arms outstretched in front of you. Lift your right arm and left leg simultaneously, then alternate with your left arm and right leg, as if you were swimming. Keep your gaze downward so as not to arch your neck. Perform this exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing regularly.
Each exercise must be performed with attention particular to the shape, to the breathing, and at control pour maximiser les bienfaits et minimiser le risque de blessure. Commencez avec un nombre de répétitions gérable, en augmentant progressivement à mesure que votre force et votre endurance s’améliorent. Avec ces exercices de fit pilates pour le haut du corps, vous travaillerez vers une silhouette more tonic, a better posture, and an increased strength.
There strength, there flexibility, and the toning of the lower body are essential for balance and an overall posture. Fit Pilates offers specific exercises that target the glutes, thighs, calves, and ankles, helping to sculpt and strengthen these areas. Here is a selection of exercises dedicated to the lower body.
This is an excellent exercise for tone the glutes et strengthen lower back muscles. Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor, legs bent, and arms at your sides. As you exhale, raise your pelvis toward the ceiling, contracting your glutes and keeping your abs engaged. Make sure your feet and shoulders stay firmly on the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself. Repeat 10 to 15 times for best results.
The Side Leg Lift targets abductor muscles, essential for stability of the hip. Lie on your side with your body aligned, leaning on your forearm to support your upper body. Raise the upper leg as high as possible without tilting the pelvis, then lower it with control. Complete 15 to 20 repetitions before switching sides.
Le squat est un exercice fondamental pour travailler l’ensemble du bas du corps, particulièrement les cuisses et les fessiers. Debout, pieds écartés à la largeur des hanches, bras tendus devant vous ou sur les hanches. Fléchissez les genoux et abaissez votre corps comme si vous alliez vous asseoir, en veillant à ce que vos genoux ne dépassent pas vos orteils. Poussez sur vos talons pour revenir à la position de départ. Faites 2 à 3 séries de 10 à 15 répétitions.
These fit pilates exercises for the lower body not only sculpt and tone, but also improve stability and mobility, valuable assets in your daily life as well as in your sporting activities. Integrate them regularly into your routine for visible and lasting results.
Full-body fit pilates exercises are designed to work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, promoting Thus l’harmonie et l’équilibre of the body while improving there coordination and the strength. Ces exercices complets offrent une approche globale de la remise en forme, engageant à la fois le haut et le bas du corps ainsi que le centre, pour un travail profond et efficace. Voici une sélection d’exercices de fit pilates pour travailler profondément votre corps. Si le pilates est une activité qui vous inspire, il en existe plusieurs types.
The teaser is an emblematic pilates exercise that targets the center of the body tout en mettant à l’épreuve votre balance and your concentration. Allongez-vous sur le dos, jambes tendues et bras étendus au-dessus de la tête. Inspirez, puis, en expirant, engagez vos abdominaux pour soulever à la fois le haut et le bas du corps, en formant un « V » avec votre corps. Les bras doivent être parallèles aux jambes. Maintenez la position quelques secondes avant de redescendre lentement. Répétez 5 à 10 fois selon votre niveau de fitness.
This exercise helps improve there spinal flexibility, l’équilibre and the control du corps. Asseyez-vous sur le tapis, genoux pliés vers la poitrine, et enroulez vos bras autour de vos jambes. Basculez légèrement en arrière pour trouver votre point d’équilibre sur le sacrum, puis roulez doucement vers l’arrière avant de revenir à votre position d’équilibre sans poser les pieds au sol. Réalisez 8 à 10 roulements avec contrôle.
L’exercice de la planche est fondamental pour strengthen the center of the body, arms, and legs. Commencez en position de planche sur les avant-bras et les orteils, le corps formant une ligne droite de la tête aux pieds. Veillez à engager vos abdominaux et à ne pas laisser vos hanches s’affaisser. Maintenez la position aussi longtemps que possible, entre 30 secondes à 1 minute. Pour varier, essayez la planche latérale pour cibler les obliques.
Assis avec les jambes écartées et les bras tendus sur les côtés, tournez votre torse vers la droite, étendez votre main gauche vers votre pied droit en un mouvement de scie, en gardant le dos droit. Revenez au centre et répétez de l’autre côté. Cet exercice works spinal rotation, stretches the hamstrings and engages the abdominals.
Asseyez-vous sur le tapis, jambes pliées sur le côté. Étirez un bras au-dessus de votre tête tandis que l’autre se pose sur le tapis à côté de vous. Inclinez-vous à travers le côté, en étirant le flanc tout en gardant l’autre main au sol pour soutien. Cet exercice opens the ribs, stretches the sides and mobilizes the spine.
Fit pilates is a very good way to balance strength et flexibility, ideal if you are looking to gently build muscle. This method effectively combines the benefits of pilates classic with those of fitness, offering a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. With some targeted exercises for the upper, lower body and for complete fitness, you have all the keys to sculpt your body and improve your posture.
Les séquences proposées, du bridge au teaser, sont conçues pour s’suitable for all levels, allowing everyone to progress at their own pace. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you will not only strengthen your muscles, but also improve your breathing and reduce stress.
Do you want to take the plunge into Pilates? We are waiting for you at POSES ! In our courses, we offer you sculpt your figure and of strengthen your muscles. Achieve your goals with the formula Pulse&Pose® which offers 50 minute sessions of exercises body weight, of muscle strengthening and Disometry.
POSES, this is an opportunity to work on your deep muscles as well as your stability in subdued atmosphere. Your strength and your mobility are also reinforced during exercises following relaxing playlists. To learn pilates peacefully, our experienced coaches accompany you throughout the session.
Discover pilates without complexes at POSES.
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studios
6 rue de l’Échiquier, 75010 Paris
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studio Bonne Nouvelle
6 rue de l’Échiquier, 75010 Paris
Shareable Session Pack
We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)
You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.
Shareable subscription
We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)
You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.
Postponable sessions
Sick? On vacation? Or is your week too busy preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?
No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.
The credit system
The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.
85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:
With credits, you can benefit from lower rates on times with less demand.