Exercices pilates avec bande elastique : une femme fait un exercice de pilates avec une bande élastique


Pilates exercises with elastic band: how does it work?

Reading time : 7 min

Are you looking to intensify your Pilates sessions? Try pilates exercises with an elastic band. They are the perfect tool for adding resistance and maximizing your results. Find out how to incorporate these bands into your routine to strengthen your muscles and stabilize your joints.



In this article, we will explore the many benefits of elastic band pilates exercises. You will learn specific exercises to tone your body effectively and safely. We will also provide you with practical tips to avoid injuries.

What is pilates with an elastic band for?

Pilates is a gentle but effective muscle-strengthening method known to improve flexibility, posture and strength. Add an elastic band or pilates band adding color to your Pilates sessions may seem simple, but the benefits are numerous and powerful. The elastic band adds additional resistance, increasing exercise intensity and putting more strain on your muscles.

You may be wondering, what is Pilates with a resistance band actually used for? Here are some key points :

  • Progressive resistance : The elastic band provides resistance that increases as you stretch it. This allows for deeper and more targeted muscle work.
  • Versatility : You can use this product for various exercises, whether for tone your arms, legs, or trunk.
  • Portability : Unlike heavy and bulky machines, an elastic band is light and easy to carry. It allows you to do your exercises anywhere, whether you are at home, in the park or while traveling.
  • Adaptability : Regardless of your fitness level, you can adjust exercise intensity simply by using bands of different resistances.


By integrating an elastic band into your Pilates exercises, you maximize the benefits of each movement, engaging your stabilizer muscles more effectively and improving your coordination and control. It's a great way to diversify your routine while still working toward your fitness goals.

Benefits of elastic bands in Pilates

Muscle strengthening

One of the main benefits of elastic bands in Pilates is the muscle strengthening. Elastic bands add resistance to movement, allowing you to exercise the muscles more intensely. When you stretch the band, your muscles have to work harder to complete the movement, increasing the effectiveness of the exercise.

Imagine you are doing a classic Pilates exercise, like the “hundred”. Without an elastic band, you mainly use your own weight to work. But add a resistance band, and each movement becomes more difficult. Your abdominal muscles, arms and legs are all engaged in a deeper way. This additional resistance not only allows tone the muscles, but also develop their endurance.

By using bands of different resistances, you can tailor the intensity of your exercises to your fitness level and goals. For example, a lightweight band can be used for rehabilitation or beginner exercises, while a heavier band can be used for more advanced sessions. Progress is key : Start with light resistance and gradually increase to avoid injury and maximize muscle gains.

Joint stabilization

Joint stabilization is another essential advantage elastic bands in Pilates. Maintain good posture and stabilizing joints are crucial aspects to prevent injuries and improve movement efficiency. Elastic bands help target stabilizing muscles, which are often overlooked in other forms of exercise.

For example, when you do exercises like side leg lifts with a resistance band, you engage not only the muscles in your legs, but also the stabilizing muscles in your hips and core. This activation of the stabilizing muscles helps maintain correct alignment and reduces the risk of injury. The elastic bands also allow work on balance and coordination, which is crucial for daily activities and other forms of sport.

Furthermore, the resistance variability elastic bands allow you to change the working angle joints. This helps strengthen the muscles around the joints evenly, reducing muscle imbalances and improving overall stability. For those who have joint problems or are recovering from an injury, resistance bands offer a gentle but effective alternative for rehabilitation.

In summary, incorporating elastic bands into your Pilates exercises brings significant benefits in terms of muscle strengthening and of joint stabilization. This versatility and adaptability make it a valuable tool for anyone wishing to improve their physical condition in a safe and effective way. 


Un groupe de femmes réalisent des exercices pilates avec bande elastique

Specific exercises

Crunches with elastic band

Crunches are a basic exercise for strengthen the abdominals, but adding a resistance band can turn this classic exercise into a challenge for your entire core.

Starting position : Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Place the elastic band around your feet, making sure it is secure. Hold the ends of the band with your hands, arms extended in front of you.

Core activation : Contract your abs and begin to lift your shoulders off the floor. The band adds extra resistance, making your abdominal muscles work harder.

Breathing : Exhale as you go up, tightening your abs. Inhale as you come down slowly, controlling the movement to maintain tension in the band.

Example : Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions. You can increase the intensity by using a band with more resistance or by slowing down the movement for deeper muscle engagement.

Ball bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches are excellent for working the obliques and core, and with an elastic band, the intensity is amplified.

Starting position : Lie on your back with the elastic band around your feet. Bend your right leg 90 degrees and keep your left leg extended.

Movement : Raise your shoulders off the floor and rotate so that your left elbow touches your right knee, while extending your left leg. The elastic band creates additional resistance that further engages your obliques.

Alternate : Switch sides by bringing your right elbow toward your left knee while extending your right leg. Continue alternating sides, maintaining constant tension in the band.

Example : Perform 4 sets of 12 repetitions on each side. For more of a challenge, use a stronger band or increase the number of repetitions.

Band bicycle variation

Another variation of bicycle crunches, this time with a focus on control and balance.

Starting position : Lie on your back with the band around your feet, passing under the arch of your foot. Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle.

Movement : Perform a movement similar to pedaling a bicycle, alternating legs. The band creates resistance with each leg extension, further engaging the core and leg muscles.

Example : Do 3 sets of 20 movements. Focus on slow, controlled movement to maximize muscle engagement.

Side leg lifts

Side leg lifts are perfect for working the hip and thigh muscles, and adding an elastic band intensifies this work.

Starting position : Lie on your side, with the elastic band around your ankles. Your head may rest on your arm or on the floor.

Movement : Slowly raise your top leg toward the ceiling, keeping your body stable. The elastic band adds resistance that engages your hip and thigh muscles.

Control the descent : Slowly lower your leg, controlling the movement to maintain tension in the band.

Example : Perform 3 sets of 10 elevations on each side. To increase intensity, use a stronger band or add additional repetitions.

By incorporating these specific exercises with a resistance band, you not only add variety to your Pilates routine, but you also improve the strength, flexibility and endurance of your muscles. 

Safety and advice

When incorporating resistance bands into your Pilates sessions, it is essential to follow a few safety tips to avoid injuries and maximize the benefits of your exercises.

Consult a professional

Before starting any exercise, especially if you are a beginner or have pre-existing medical conditions, consult a healthcare professional. A certified physical therapist, personal trainer or Pilates instructor can give you personalized advice and ensure that you are using the resistance bands correctly. They can also show you how to perform the movements safely and effectively, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Warming up

Never underestimate the importance of warming up. Always warm up before doing exercises with an elastic band is crucial to prepare your muscles and joints for the effort. A good warm-up increases your body temperature and blood flow to your muscles, reducing the risk of injury. You can start with light cardio exercises, such as walking or jogging in place, followed by dynamic stretching to prepare your muscles for training.


Progression is key to avoiding injury and continuing to see progress. Start with light resistance and gradually increase. Using a band that is too strong from the start can lead to muscle or joint injuries. It is important to give your muscles time to adapt to the new resistance. Once you feel comfortable with a certain resistance, you can move on to a more resistant band. Listen to your body and never push beyond your limits.

Control and technique

When using an elastic band, it is essential to maintain a total control over every movement. Exercises should be performed slowly and in a controlled manner to maximize effectiveness and avoid injury. Avoid sudden or jerky movements, which can not only reduce the effectiveness of the exercise but also cause unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints.

Belt wear monitoring

Elastic bands can wear out over time. Inspect your tape regularly to check that it is not damaged or worn. A worn band can break during exercise, leading to potential injury. If you notice cracks, thin areas, or any other signs of wear, it's time to replace the tape.

Hydration and recovery

do not forget to hydrate yourself properly before, during and after your Pilates session. Hydration is essential to maintain good muscle performance and prevent cramps. After your workout, take time to stretch and let your muscles recover. Recovery is an essential part of any exercise routine, allowing your muscles to repair and strengthen.

By following these safety tips, you can maximize the benefits of your resistance band Pilates sessions while minimizing the risk of injury.


Exercices pilates avec bande elastique : une personne fait un exercice de pilates avec une bande élastique


By using elastic bands in Pilates, you effectively strengthen your muscles while stabilizing your joints. These simple and varied exercises add progressive resistance, ideal for all levels. You get a complete workout, wherever you are.

Each movement becomes more intense with an elastic band, targeting the core and stabilizing muscles. Safety remains paramount: warm up and progress slowly. Elastic bands are versatile and adaptable to your needs.

Try pilates with POSES

If you are looking for a gentle but effective sporting activity to work all your muscles, Pilates is ideal.

At POSES Studio, our classes, designed by experienced coaches, are suitable for everyone, from beginners to experienced athletes.

Immerse yourself in a calming atmosphere and take a mental break during your Pilates session. Our coaches will guide you every step of the way, helping you master the movements and perfect your technique.