étirement danse classique : chaussons de danse classique


Classical dance stretching: prepare your muscles

Reading time : 8 min

In classical dancee, there are many expectations in terms of muscles and flexibility. It is for this reason that the stretching have great importance in the life of a dancer. However, it is not only useful for high level dancers, but to everybody and on a daily basis. Classical dance stretching : we tell you everything you need to know!


Classical dance stretching: the key concepts

The main objective of stretching in classical dance is to improve and work on flexibility on a regular basis. However, stretching is not necessarily useful depending on the discipline. Two types of stretching exist and must be clearly differentiated to maintain their benefits.

What does it mean to stretch? 

Stretching is the action of perform movements aimed at relaxing the muscles. This practice is generally carried out to make muscles and joints more flexible.

Stretching can take place forward (dynamic stretching) Or after (static stretching) a sports session. In both cases, the stretches performed at the start of the session and those performed at the end of the session will not have the same goal: prepare the muscles before exercise and gain flexibility and therefore in mobility after exercise.

Often confused or subject to language abuse, it is important to know how to difference between stretching and warming up

  • stretching : make the body more flexible by stretching the muscles and joints
  • warming up : raise the heart rate and warm the body before exercise


To learn more about the classical dance warm-ups, check out our dedicated article!

Why stretch in classical dance?

Contrary to stereotypes, stretching is not not necessarily recommended for serious athletes. In fact, stretching makes the muscle fibers of muscles lengthen and that decreases their absorption capacity. Stretching can thus even contribute to the reduction of sporting capacity if they are carried out before an intense effort. This particularly concerns sports requiring both speed and strength such as running, jumping, tennis, golf, etc.


Important information: 

For this type of activity, dynamic stretching are the only ones who can be advised before exercise. Keep in mind that you should prohibit static stretching before exercise if your physical activity requires strength and speed.


Stretching is actually only useful for flexibility work and so perfect for dancers ! It is also a good practice for people who do not have regular physical activity or people wishing to work on their flexibility. 

THE teenagers growing especially during puberty and the elderly Having often stiffer muscles will also find benefits in stretching. So everyone can do stretching each day to obtain a better mobility.

Thanks to regular stretching, classical dance dancers work on their flexibility and particularly on ankles, shins, legs, shoulders, pectorals, etc. This has the particularity of helping them to perform useful movements in dance such as jumps, holding their arms in the air; its points, etc. 

The link between age and flexibility 

It is well known that the children tend to be more flexible. THE babies in particular, are often very flexible because all of the joints are still developing. 

So the more we grow, the more we lose it if we don't work on it. Flexibility can be a real vector of well-being because it allows you to fight against a sedentary lifestyle and certain cardiovascular diseases

However, it is important to keep in mind that the hereditary factor also comes into play. In this way, one teenager can be more flexible than another, without each doing a specific exercise. 

With age, we tend to lose our flexibility. It is therefore important to continue to work on it regularly to continue to have good reflexes. This can, for example, promote better mobility or the ability to get up easily if you fall For example. 


étirement danse classique : danseuse faisant des étirements

How to stretch in classical dance?

THE stretching in classical dance serve to increase the flexibility of the body and thus contribute to better posture. We give you some tips for stretching in classical dance!

Static and dynamic stretching

It's important to differentiate between static stretching and dynamic stretching because they are not carried out at the same time during an athlete's training: 

  • static stretching : this type of stretching is done slowly, now a position. It is best to do them after exercise.
  • dynamic stretching : these are movements carried out repeatedly and controlled by making the amplitude greater and greater little by little. As the name suggests, these stretches are in motion and can be carried out before an effort. 


Upper Body Stretches

Upper body stretches will make you gain grace at the level of the back and shoulders. The exercises therefore target: 

  • back : to work your neck, stand up and bring one arm behind your back and pull this same arm with your other arm then gently rotate your head while inhaling. 
  • arm : start the exercise seated with your legs straight, positioning your arms at the back. Then raise your knees to chest height and then begin to gently move your buttocks forward step by step to stretch the biceps. Once the exercise is complete, slowly return by sliding your arms.


Lower body stretches

Lower body stretches will help you gain muscle and joint amplitude and flexibility. Thus, the exercises to be carried out must allow you to work on: 

  • inner ankle : stand upright, place your foot on the inside edge and bend your knee a little. Place your body weight on the opposite leg then bend it and return to the initial position. Repeat the movement 5-7 times then change feet.
  •  outside of the ankle : do the same thing for the inside of the ankle by placing your foot on the outside edge of the foot. 
  • feet : Start in a squatting position with your shins and toes stretched out. Slowly raise your legs, resting on the front of your feet and pushing the ground with your hands.
  • hip opening : in order to work on the distance and amplitude of your legs to achieve the splits easily. There are many ways to do this, including lying on the ground and sticking your butt against a wall. Spread your legs so they are as close to the floor as possible.


In classical dance, these body parts are your everyday tools and you have no choice but to make them flexible. However, stretching can be specific to each so do not hesitate to ask your teacher/coach for advice during the course.

Some tips for your stretching

To stretch effectively, here are some tips to apply and keep in mind every time you stretch!  

Focus on your breathing while stretching 

There breathing has a Central place in performing your stretches. Therefore, it should not be approximate and rapid. Your breathing should be perfectly synchronized with the movements performed

Take your time, inhale through your nose to swell the belly and always exhale through your mouth by tucking in the stomach. This type of breathing allows the muscles to oxygenate properly. 

How often you stretch 

There frequency of stretching is very important. Indeed, you must try tobe regular, while giving your body sufficient rest. It is advisable to leave at least 1 or 2 days of rest between each stretching session. It's up to you to listen to your body!

Since stretching requires a concentration specific to perform each movement in the right way, you can break up your sessions. For example, on Monday you do a stretching session targeting the upper body then on Wednesday you start again by doing the lower body. 

If you don't have time, and you leave more than 2 days between your 2 stretching sessions, don't worry! Slowly resume when you find the time. The only secret is regularity, so try to stick with it to see real changes in your flexibility. 

If you make a big break, don't be surprised if you feel a loss of flexibility. Resume step by step flexibility exercises to regain your flexibility. The only secret is work!

The duration of your stretch

There is no no specific instructions, but it is still advisable to do stretching between 10 and 30 seconds maximum on each zone

The main one being tolisten to your body and to pull as much as necessary, without overdoing it. Focus on your breathing to develop your body awareness and thus feel the expected sensations. 


étirement danse classique : mains en danse classique

Stretching is not just for classical dance

When we think of flexibility training, we often think of classical dance. Indeed, it is a sport which necessarily requires flexibility, grace and delicacy. Nevertheless, flexibility can be used for other types of sports but also for everyday use. We'll explain!

Gymnastics, Pilates, yoga, floor barre and stretching

THE stretching and stretching are therefore ideal for sporting disciplines requiring flexibility. We therefore naturally think of the gymnastics, Pilates, yoga and of course the floor barre.

There gymnastics and classical dance are the two disciplines that requirehave a minimum of flexibility to achieve excellence in these sports. This is one of the main requirements and you will therefore have to work hard and regularly for your flexibility. A little determination goes a long way!

However, it is entirely possible to practicing yoga, Pilates and barre on the floor without having much flexibility. Indeed, the movements and postures requested are most of the time within everyone's reach and alternatives coexist if this is not the case. 

If you have little or no flexibility but classical dance has always made you dream, try the classic floor bar ! Check out our article to find out exactly what it is.

In everyday life 

Stretching and flexibility work have many great benefits for the body. Indeed, flexibility provides the body with better mobility. Thus, the joints being more flexible, this allowsreduce the risk of injury and D'improve natural posture from the body.

So even if you're not a dancer and don't think you need flexibility, you might be wrong! Everyone can benefit from working on their flexibility. All you have to do is try 😉 

What you should remember

The relaxation of your body will necessarily involve regular stretching, even daily. Thus, stretching is essential for sports such as classical dance to work on the flexibility of muscles and joints. 

SO how to stretch the right way ? First of all, it is important to determine what type of stretching is right for you based on your physical activity. Subsequently, there is 2 types of stretching which will not act in the same way on the body: 

  • static stretching : performed by maintaining a precise position and stretching the muscles slowly
  • dynamic stretching : performed in movement and repeatedly which work in line with warm-ups 


To perform your stretching exercises correctly, here is a few tips

  • breathing : inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth are the BABA of successful stretching
  • stay regular : several times a week, without forgetting rest so as not to overly attack your muscles. So you can do stretching once every two days
  • don't do too much stretching : only 30 seconds are enough to work an area. 

Discover the floor barre sessions at POSES Studio

There classic dance has always caught your eye but you've never really dared to take the plunge? It's not too late to discover the world of dance! 

Come and discover the Barre Flow at the house of Studio POSES. Perfect blend between ground bar practiced by the dancers and muscle strengthening and flexibility

The coaches create for you New 50-minute flows, adapted to all levels and on rhythmic and motivating playlists. Immerse yourself in a universe specific to POSES Studio to escape during the session!