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femme qui s'étire pendant une séance de pilates ou stretching


Difference between Pilates and stretching: what you need to know

Reading time : 7 min

What is the difference between Pilates and stretching ? This is a legitimate question because both disciplines involve some similarities in the benefits but also in the practical. To find out which one is best for you, let's discover together their differences and the choice you must make. according to your concerns and your objectives. Let's take stock together!


Difference between Pilates and stretching: the basics

Telling the difference between Pilates and stretching is not easy when you don't know both disciplines well. Pilates focuses more on strengthening the deep muscles while stretching focuses on stretching the entire body. 



Created by Joseph Pilates, there Pilates method aims to gently strengthen the deep muscles. Drawing inspiration from disciplines such as yoga, gymnastics or even dance, Pilates has become a real star discipline these last years.


The benefits

Its history demonstrates it: Pilates was a rehabilitation activity for war wounded during its creation. It allowed to do gently work the deep muscles, notably responsible for the posture and some mobility

Thus, the Pilates method allows you to work the entire body and has many benefits: 

  • promote better body posture : the deep muscles are responsible for better posture and straightens your entire body 
  • refine your figure : the work of the deep muscles allows you to gain not in volume but in length
  • work your body gently : the risk of injury is minimal 
  • improve flexibility : your joints are more and more flexible, which reduces the risk of any injury
  • empty your mind : let go and listen to your body so that it is in tune with your mind
  • simply practice an activity : no need to be flexible or have experience to be satisfied with your session... all profiles, all ages and all levels can practice Pilates!
  • develop your balance : the exercises performed will make you work on your ability to find balance more easily

Would you like to know more about the benefits of Pilates ? Check out our dedicated article! 


How does a Pilates session take place?

A Pilates session can take place in several ways but generally follows the same circuit.

The session begins with a gentle preparation of the body, in order to warm it up and avoid any risk of injury due to joints that are too cold. 

Then comes the heart of the session: the postures. These are linked together in the form of series. Thus, a posture is performed once and then come the other postures. Once the entire sequence has been completed, a break is taken before returning to the other series. 

Finally, the moment of stretching is obligatory. Considered as the return to calm, vous étirez vos muscles pour décontracter les muscles sollicités durant l’enchaînement des postures. Cela permet notamment d’éviter tout risque de courbature et d’soften your body in its entirety. 

Each Pilates teacher is free to organize his session as he sees fit with the selected postures, repetition of series, etc. However, these 3 steps are essential to respect the body and avoid the risk of injury. 



THE stretching is a discipline based on stretching muscles, ideal for athletes as well as non-athletes. It is realized as a full-fledged sports session and is not just a step in your session. In the program : recovery, muscle stretching, relaxation, etc..


The benefits

The practice is done so as to relieve muscle tension in a calm and relaxing environment. THE stretching has several benefits: 

  • soothe muscle pain : stretching helps to relax the muscle, soften it and thus allow your joints to rest 
  • anticipate and avoid injuries : the practice avoids any type of injury such as strains, tendinitis, etc.
  • improve performance : working the muscles through stretching is excellent for improving their action. Thus, your joints gain flexibility and become more elastic
  • calm your mind : stretching calls on your concentration, your breathing and your ability to relax. In this way you will be able to reap all the benefits of stretching.

How does a stretching session take place?

Calling on the calm and concentration, a stretching session always begins with a call for calm. The aim being to take a full awareness of your body and the moment

THE heart of session brings together all stretch exercises qui vont s’enchaîner. Cela débute avec les exercices debout pour finir avec les exercices au sol. 

For finish the session, it's a real relaxing, focusing on breathing, meditation

Some postures can be difficult to learn and do the right way when you're starting out. It is therefore important to start with a teacher so that it guide in making


briques de pilates posées sur un tapis

What are the differences between the two?

Now that you know the aspects of each of the two disciplines, let's see together how to differentiate them. We will explain everything to you ! 



You aim to losing weight ? Pilates and stretching have no not for first vocation to make you lose weight. 

Nevertheless, the Pilates can help you lose weight thanks to its more sustained pace than stretching. Your muscles work more quickly and you will gain weight faster!

In addition to your Pilates session, it is advisable to complete your action with a activity requiring your cardio. In fact, you will combine the work of your muscles and the work of your heart rate for optimal results.


Tone the body

For tone your body, THE Pilates is the most suitable discipline. In fact, he does work your deep muscles, which are at the origin of the posture. They help maintain your skeleton properly and protect it at the same time. Through regular Pilates practice, you will observe your ventre s’aplatir, your buttocks firm up, your legs become slimmer, etc.

THE stretching as for it mainly aims to stretch the muscles while muscle strengthening comes second. Toning your body is therefore not the primary objective when practicing stretching.


To relax

Pilates and stretching are two practices that will allow you to relax your body thanks to release of physical but also psychological tensions

Even if the Pilates takes its inspiration from yoga, it is nevertheless more rhythmic and sportier than the practice of yoga. Even though it uses concentration and breathing, it is not a practice that promotes relaxation and relaxation. 

Thus, practicing stretching is more appropriate if you aim to YOU relax during the session. The rhythm being more slow and the focus being on the breathing during stretching will allow you to focus more on yourself and your well-being. You go easier relieve stress and anxiety !


Let off steam

Both known for their sweetness, the Pilates and stretching are not disciplines that aim to make you sweat. 

However, a session of Pilates is more dynamic ! There are also many variations of the discipline such as the Cardio Pilates. This version of the practice allows you to exert yourself physically at a higher level than a classic Pilates session. 

THE stretching focuses more on the inner self-transcendence to complete the stretches even if the exercises pull your muscles hard, for example.


femme qui fait une posture de pilates sur un tapis

Pilates or stretching: how to choose 

So, choose between Pilates or stretching is not easy if you don't listen to multiple factors. We are thinking in particular of your needs but also to your desires ! Let's take stock together. 


Know your needs

You have to listen to your needs and the needs of your body. So, try to understand the alerts what your body is doing to you, analyze the pain you feel, etc. Also listen to your brain, especially if you think too much, if you cannot clear your mind, etc.

So, here is a non-exhaustive list several potential needs when looking to engage in physical activity: 

  • slim down
  • have a curvy figure 
  • relax
  • relieve stress 
  • practice physical activity 
  • let off steam 
  • strengthen your muscles
  • soothe muscle pain

Once you have determined your needs, your choice will already be clear and precise!


Determine your desires

Listening to your needs is good, but if your needs are in line with your desires, it's even better ! 

If you do not have desire go for a jog or go to the gym, even if your body craves physical activity, you won't be able to do it not without motivation.

Whereas if you do a sport that stimulates and that you choose a specialized studio that gives you motivation because you appreciate the coaches, you will immediately see the difference!

You will surely find your happiness at Studio POSES !


Stretching Pilates 

And then finally why choose ? There is a version of Pilates called Stretching Pilates, Who therefore brings together the main aspects of the two disciplines

Thus, a stage of the session is based on stretching exercises during the final stretches at the end of the session. 

THE benefits of both disciplines being mixed, it creates the ideal discipline, combining the precision of the Pilates method and stretching breathing.

What you must remember

THE Pilates and stretching thus have some similar aspects, particularly in the smoothness of their execution. However, these two disciplines do not have the same main objective being for Pilates the strengthening of deep muscles and for stretching the stretching of all the muscles of the body. 

So, they do not necessarily target the same people, particularly in terms of objectives. To find out, simply analyze whether you want to: 

  • losing weight : Pilates will be more suitable because it will make you do more dynamic exercises
  • tone your body : Pilates is ideal because it allows you to lose weight while building muscle 
  • relax : stretching will convince you thanks to a call to empty your mind at the start of the session to become aware of the moment and your body. Leave your stress and anxieties in the locker room
  • let off steam : it is advisable to do Pilates which will allow you to let off steam a little more than stretching. However, consider trying cardio Pilates which will put more strain on your breathing and your endurance.

It's up to you to choose what suits you best among these 2 disciplines!

Discover Pilates at POSES Studio 

THE Pilates convinced you? You are precisely at good place ! come discover Studio POSES, yoga studio, Pilates and barre in the heart of the Marais in Paris. 

Have you never done Pilates? Do not worry ! Our certified coaches are there for guide you, YOU learn discipline and make you become true professionals!

Come you plunge into darkness from our studio during 50 minute session. Throughout the session, you will learn the postures and develop your abilities: strength, mobility, etc. 

THE Pilates flows Studio POSES are suitable for all levels and specially designed by our coaches for you!