bienfaits du yoga


What are the benefits of yoga?

Reading time : 6 min

For several years, yoga practice has gained popularity and the number of yogis has exploded. An activity often only associated with sport, as yogis will tell you: it's more than sport, it's a yoga asana benefits.

Yoga is above all a discipline which aims to harmonize body and mind et to learn to know yourself. There is only one thing left for you to do: take a breath and let's read !


Practicing yoga offers you overall well-being

Yoga is one of the activities accessible to everyone because it comes in different types: dynamic, gentle and static.

For the more curious, each type of yoga has its own name, for example hatha yoga, THE vinyasa yoga  , THE urban yoga or even bikram yoga.

The main purpose of yoga is to help you know yourself better, whether on a physical or mental level. This is why among the many benefits we can give you a few examples:

  • Better flexibility
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • Better balance

You will have understood, it goes beyond the simple fact of holding postures for several seconds, it is a whole philosophy of life. 

What are the benefits of yoga for the body?

Better breathing

When you participate in a yoga session, you work a lot on your breathing. In fact, you will synchronize your breathing with the different postures that you perform. Being aware of each inhalation, each exhalation and lengthening your breaths helps you to better control your breathing.

Breathing exercises will also promote oxygenation of the brain and muscles. All these little details will allow you to have a better breathing. This will also help you to reduce stress and improve your quality of sleep.

More flexibility

Practitioners often have this preconceived idea in mind: you have to be flexible to do yoga. Nay! Even if you feel that your body is stiff, yoga will help you to become more flexible.

You will move certain parts of your body that you are not used to mobilizing. You stretch your muscles to make them more flexible: you gain in amplitude and mobility.

We talked to you about breathing just before, and you should know that breathing will also help you gain flexibility! Exhaling in certain postures will allow you to go further in your movements.

VYou will feel your hips, your pelvis or even your ankles becoming more and more flexible with each yoga class. 

A healthier back

Whether you have back pain or not, yoga will help your back. Yes yes, really. Yoga postures “force” you to be strong in order to be stable and have good shape, your back muscles, particularly the lumbar, are therefore strengthened.

You will therefore feel your back lighten from the tensions that you may feel, but you will also improve your daily posture. So if your office colleague complains of back pain, spread the word to him: yoga can help relieve his pain.

Stronger joints

Yoga mobilizes your entire body, including ligaments, tendons and joints. It is also the small muscles hidden under your joints that do all the work to keep you stable during different postures.

The fact of mobilize those deep muscles, like those of your ankles or your knees for example, will allow you to make your joints more robust, particularly by chair yoga class.

Better balance 

Yoga is also beneficial for having a better balance. How ? By working on your proprioception. Proprioception is simply the act of situating your body in space.

When, for example, you balance on one leg, you work on your proprioception. And you will have understood, proprioception means balance.

In addition, having your back straight, your spine aligned with your neck and your abs strong will also help improve your balance!

A toned silhouette

Did you think yoga didn't work your muscles? What a mistake… During a yoga session, all of your muscles work; from the thighs to the shoulders!

Yoga also requires good core strength, and certain exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles in depth (such as THE Pulse sequences at POSES Studio).

So if you combine a regular yoga practice with a diet in line with your goals, you will definitely see results.

Unfailing endurance

During your yoga sessions, you are required to hold certain postures longer than others. And precisely the fact of holding poses for several breaths will improve your muscular, but also mental, endurance.

Because yes, it also requires staying focused so as not to give up!

As you have just seen, yoga has several benefits for your body, but as it is a discipline which aims to harmonize body and mind, it is also important to look at mental well-being !

Boost your immune system thanks to yoga. To find out more, read our dedicated article.

bienfaits du yoga : femme sur un tapis en train de faire du yoga

What are the mental benefits of yoga?

Relaxed mind

Yoga is a moment of relaxation for your mind, when you sit down on your mat it's an opportunity to clear your mind and take some time for yourself.

Free your mind of all bad empties around you and concentrate on the session.

When you do a yoga session, you listen to your body, of what's going on in your head. This is exactly what will help you feel better,be more relaxed and better manage your emotions.

Take advantage of benefits of yoga therapy to learn how to fully relax.

Better concentration

Practicing yoga regularly will also help you improve your concentration skills.

It's simple: during yoga sessions, you are focused on your breathing, on the postures and on synchronizing the two.

You are therefore constantly focused on what you are doing. Over the course of the sessions, you will therefore find yourself increasingly easier to maintain that concentration from the beginning to the end of your lessons !

Boosted self-confidence

Doing yoga can sometimes be frustrating when you have difficulty performing certain postures, or simply when your mind is elsewhere.

But do not worry, the more you practice the more this feeling of frustration will disappear to make way for satisfaction

This is even more the case if you can perform difficult postures! When you have aware of your progress, that’s when you will gain more confidence in yourself.

And this is true for sport in general: self-confidence is boosted with sport.

Say goodbye to stress

Practicing an activity like yoga is also a way to reduce stress and anxiety.

In fact, yoga helps you control your breathing, and certain breathing and meditation exercises allow your brain to be better oxygenated.

And this is essential for it to fulfill one of its main functions which is to ensure that your stress level remains low.

Quality sleep

Among the different types of yoga that exist, if there is one that can help you improve your sleep it's the yoga nidra. This style of yoga puts you into what we might call “waking sleep.”

It is ideal to help you free yourself from all the inconveniences that may surround you.

With yoga nidra it will be easier for you to be relaxed during your practice.

The fact of having a better breathing also goes a lot help improve the quality of your sleep, so don’t underestimate breathing exercises…

Become aware of your body

During yoga classes, you perform postures that allow you to discover your ease and difficulty with certain movements.

It is thanks to these unusual and new movements that you become aware of your body. But it is also through meditation exercises that you will be able to synchronize your breathing with your body.

More than just a sport good for your body, the practice of yoga is also a way to improve your health and mental well-being. Some even see it as a life philosophy that helps them be healthier every day.

To become aware of your body, you can opt for yoga or tai chi. We tell you more in our dedicated article!

bienfaits du yoga : femme en train de faire du yoga dans la nature

A regular practice to fully benefit from the benefits of yoga

Whatever your level, you can enjoy all the benefits of yoga, except perhaps on one condition: be constant.

It's not a myth, for any type of sport you need to have a regular practice in order to be able to appreciate the virtues of this activity.

In addition, practicing yoga regularly will also be a important factor for your progress.

No matter your goal or your level, find your rhythm in order to enjoy what you do!

If you need support, do not hesitate to follow classes led by coaches. They will listen to you in order to support you in your practice and help you improve.

Yoga at POSES Studio: a workout inspired by yoga

Do you want to enjoy the benefits of yoga while exercising?

POSES Studio is made for you… Our studio located in the heart of the 3rd arrondissement of Paris offers a new way of understanding yoga.

An inclusive workout accessible to all, inspired by yoga for evolve yoga towards a more uninhibited practice.

With the Flows POSES, explore the postures and movements of dynamic yoga while working on your mobility and strengthening yourself.

Our coaches will help you get your bearings and support you in your yoga practice. That's not all, the sessions are accompanied by playlists with indy and hip-hop vibes

So don't hesitate any longer, go ahead and join the POSERS family !

Come and have your first session in our minimalist design studio at 21 rue des Filles du Calvaire.