barre workout : femme faisant son workout chez elle


Sculpt your body using the floor bar workout

Reading time : 6 min

The discipline of floor bar workout is a mixture of classical dance, yoga, Pilates or even stretching and therefore allows work your whole body effectively. In fact, the muscles are worked so that they gain strength and you will see your posture improve and you will gain grace! We explain everything about the bar and its benefits.


Barre workout: the basics of discipline

The floor barre workout comes from classical dance and also takes inspiration from the Pilates method and yoga. It is an ideal full body discipline to work on gently. Follow the rhythm and go for it!


A historic sport, inspired by several disciplines

There ground bar, also called ground bar Or just rod, is a sporting discipline which emerged in the 1940s by the ballet master Boris Kniaseff

Pour la petite histoire de la création, c’est lorsqu’il souhaite open your own classical dance school that he realizes that his building is classified as a historic monument. He cannot therefore hang the bars useful for warming up the dancers on the walls and therefore faces a problem. 

Boris Kniaseff must therefore find a solution to allow his students to perform their stretching correctly despite the obstacle. It is thanks to this reflection that the floor bar was born. The exercises are therefore moved to the ground and use of the bar is withdrawn

With time, the discipline has developed et à réussi à convaincre un grand nombre de personnes ! C’est désormais une pratique axée sur l’enchaînement d’exercices inspirés de la danse classique.

To find out more about the floor bar and its benefits, go to our article!

There floor bar workout, also known as fitness bar, is therefore a derivative of this historic floor bar! Coming from a mixture of several disciplines such as yoga, classical dance, the Pilates method or even stretching, it aims tosoften the body and in particular the joints and effectively strengthens the body. 


À qui s’adresse-t-il ? 

No need to have done years of dancing or to have any knowledge of this discipline! Everyone can practice the floor bar : whatever your level, your age, your sex and your physical condition

From the moment you aim to make a physical activity to tone your body, strengthen your muscles, improve your posture and make your joints more flexible, the workout bar is made for you!


Are there any contraindications to be aware of?

There does not exist no real contraindications for barre practice. Indeed, being a relatively gentle discipline, it does not pose a major health risk.

However, people with heart problems, of the back problems or if you are pregnant, ask for itadvice from your doctor before starting barre classes!


barre workout : femme en train de faire des exercices à la barre

The benefits of the barre workout

Like all sporting disciplines, the floor bar has numerous benefits for health and the body. We will explain everything to you !


Tone your body 

Even if it is an activity considered to be low intensity, you go work all of your muscles ! Just like Pilates, the work of the muscles is done gently but the results are guaranteed

Sheathing, breathing exercises, movements to target certain areas of the body (legs, arms, abs, glutes, etc.), your body will gain in tone !

Through the exercises, you will see a marked improvement in your body posture. Your back will be straighter, and your natural posture will thus favor a better body alignment


Improve your flexibility

Coming from classical dance, the floor bar necessarily has flexibility exercises. However, even if you are not that flexible, you will obviously be able to follow the movements! 

Discipline will precisely be a perfect axis for improve your flexibility effectively. This is possible thanks to themuscle stretching called deep muscles. Your daily movements will therefore be more flexible and you will avoid the potential risk of injury.


Work on your coordination

Vous n’avez pas de sens du rythme et aucune coordination entre vos membres ? Pas de panique ! L’enchaînement des postures sur de la musique vous permettra d’train your body to respect a certain tempo and rhythm. This way you will start to see real results after several sessions.


Build muscle gently 

Exercises and postures that you realize allows you to build muscle without damaging your muscles and joints. The floor bar is therefore an ideal practice if you tend to injure yourself easily during your sport. It therefore aims to build muscle and gently sculpt your body.

Indeed, it is a very sport gentler than running For example. It is not aggressive and therefore the risk of injury is lower. The floor bar is however a good discipline to participate in real weight loss. It is advisable to add, in addition to barre practice, an activity that works more cardio for optimal results. 


Do sport in a friendly way 

When you get started with the floor barre, you practice approximately 45 to 50 minutes. It is therefore a intense session, which allows you to work your body effectively, without wasting time. 

In addition, you do your session on playlists catchy with an unrivaled rhythm and in specialized studios. There vibe is much cooler and more friendly than in a lamba gym! If you make group lessons, you can create a real team and you are therefore more motivated to play sports every day. 

This is precisely what is proposed Studio POSES ! Discover our concepts and our universe 😉 

The session is relatively gentle, which allows you to be able to to clear the mind. This way, you focus solely on your body and are fully in tune with your emotions. It usually ends with a quiet time during which you will carry out yoga poses.


barre workout : femme s'entraînant au barre chez elle sur un tapis

Other types of floor bars that you may like 

There are several different types of floor bar, each of which is inspired by one or more disciplines. Together we focus on the Pilates barre and the cardio barre!


Pilates bar

As its name suggests, the Pilates bar is a mixture of the two disciplines, which makes it a complete discipline. In this way it combines breathing et muscle strengthening to bring you the benefits of the Pilates method and the benefits of barre.

You may need to use more equipment during Pilates barre sessions, including balls or dumbbells.  

Would you like more information about the benefits of the Pilates bar, go to our article!


Cardio barre

For a little more cardio training, the cardio bar is ideal! To get the cardio barre, you simply have to mix dance and fitness 😉 

THE dance side makes you work bothbalance, THE muscles et flexibility. THE fitness side As for him, he makes you work on your cardio and allows you to better control the managing your breath

The benefits of cardio barre are similar to those of barre workout and barre Pilates. The cardio aspect adds a missing aspect and therefore makes it possible to make the discipline full body!

To find out more about the benefits of cardio barre, discover our dedicated article!

What you must remember

There floor bar workout, also called fitness barre or simply barre, is a gentle sport. Indeed, it mainly takes its inspirations from classical dance and Pilates. This makes it an increasingly popular physical activity!

Thus, being soft, the bar on the ground is a practice suitable for everyone, regardless of age, gender or level. The only contraindications may be for pregnant women or people with serious health problems. To avoid any risk, it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor before starting the practice. 

THE benefits of the floor bar are numerous and they can convince you to get started: 

  • Strengthen the tone of your body : working the deep muscles allows you to effectively work the entire body and tone it. Your posture will thank you!
  • Increase your flexibility : the postures and movements performed take their essence from classical dance, so get ready to work on your flexibility!
  • Improve your coordination and sense of rhythm : work in rhythm to the music and learn to coordinate your movements
  • Work your muscles gently : thanks to the gentleness of the sport, you do not risk attacking your joints and muscles
  • Doing sport in a fun and friendly way : in music, in groups, in specialized studios, you will love the floor bar!


To complete your training, it is advisable toaccompany the practice of the barre on the ground with a physical activity that works your cardio. If you don't like running, swimming or any cardio-based activities, what do you think of cardio barre? Here is the solution!

Discover the floor bar at POSES Studio

Does the floor bar workout inspire and intrigue you? You have come to the right place! come discover Studio POSES and the Barre Flow !

Imported from the United States, the floor bar allows you to work your muscles and your flexibility on the personalized playlists and made by POSES. Our coaches create quality Flows for you, adapted to all levels and all people. 

During 50 minutes, you follow movements and exercises fluidly in rhythm, to motivating sounds. We're only waiting for you !