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barre au sol ou danse classique : une femme fait un exercice de barre au sol


Floor barre or classical dance: the discipline you need

Reading time : 8 min

Faced with the dilemma between floor barre and classical dance, how do you choose the discipline that suits you? There ground bar and the classic dance are practices that allow sculpt a body of dancer. Originally, the barre was reserved for dancers to practice without having the barre hung on the wall. But, from now on, this activity is open to all those wishing work on your flexibility, refine your figure and tone your muscles. So, what to choose between floor barre or classical dance? The answer now. 


Floor barre or classical dance: the principles of the disciplines

La danse classique est une activité qui se pratique debout avec une barre qui suit une progression technique et artistique précise. Tandis que la barre au sol est une technique d’échauffement qui s’inspire des exercices de danse classique. Mais, comment savoir vers quel sport se tourner entre la barre au sol ou danse classique ? C’est ce que nous allons voir dans un instant.  


Classical floor barre and classical dance have a common inspiration: classical dance. Indeed, the latter first saw the light of day in the court of King Louis XIV in the 17th century before becoming world-famous. Later, in the 1940s, a ballet master Boris Kniaseff invented the ground bar. 

Firstly, the classical dance and floor barre methods use the same music and the same vocabulary. Indeed, the terms used to designate positions, sequences and movements come from the official language of classical dance, which is French. It is common to hear words such as “bent”; “arabesque” or even “tense”. Concerning the music, it comes from the pieces neo-classical et classics ballet. 

Other similarities

Then, the way of work the body Is similar. Indeed, these disciplines aim to peaufiner la souplesse, la tonicité, le maintien, la posture, l’alignement, la grâce et la coordination. In addition, they request deep muscles like glutes and abs while stretching the superficial muscles hamstrings and quadriceps. Moreover, they seek to correct posture and alignment of the body by replacing the spine, shoulders, pelvis, head and arms. Also, the two disciplines develop precision of movements and coordination by synchronizing breathing and movement. Finally, they refine the silhouette by sculpting the arms, legs and neck. 

The differences

Floor barre and classical dance are distinguished by the material and the place used. Indeed, classical dance is practiced in a room where there is a floor, mirrors and bars attached to the wall or on legs. While the floor barre is only practiced on a floor mat, without a mirror or bar. Furthermore, the dress code is not the same. Classical dancers are equipped with leotards, slippers, tights and pointe shoes. For those practicing the barre on the floor, it can be done in comfortable clothing with or without socks. 

Different degree of practice

These disciplines differr intensity and expression movement. Indeed, classical dance is a sport demanding qui demande une maîtrise de l’équilibre et de la souplesse. Enfin, il s’agit d’une discipline qui met l’accent sur l’esthétisme. Quant à la barre au sol, c’est un sport plus soft which allows defects to be corrected without the constraint of gravity. 

barre au sol ou danse classique : deux femmes font un exercice de danse classique

The benefits and harms of classical dance and floor barre

Floor barre and classical dance have well-defined objectives. So, to choose the discipline that suits you, it is important to know their advantages and disadvantages. 

The advantages of the floor bar

The first advantage is that the floor bar allows you to strengthen deep muscles, especially the glutes and abdominals. Thus, the floor bar helps to correct posture, body alignment, sculpt the silhouette and gain endurance and strength. 

Then she improves flexibility and joint mobility in stretching the superficial muscles. These are often tense and shortened by a sedentary lifestyle and stress. 

The floor bar allows you to develop coordination and precision of movements thanks to the synchronization of movements with breathing. 

Finally, this sport brings relaxation and relaxation thanks to the classical music that is played and which has soothing effects on the body and mind. Finally, by focusing on the sensations, relaxation and relaxation take hold in the body. 

The limits of the floor bar

The floor bar does not does not work on endurance and cardio. Indeed, the floor bar favors the deep muscles, without working on cardio or endurance. This is due to the fact that the exercises follow one another on a slow, steady pace without variation in intensity and speed. This causes heart rate and oxygen consumption to be low, limiting the beneficial effects on the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Furthermore, the floor bar can be painful. Indeed, this activity intensely uses the tendons, muscles and joints. So, stretching can be painful, especially when you lack flexibility. Finally, for some, the floor bar can become a repetitive activity. This is the case since the principle is to repeat the same exercises. The floor barre can be frustrating if you're looking to dance when you're just stretching. 

The advantages of classical dance

Classical dance is a complete physical activity that requests all the muscle groups, particularly those of the legs, feet, abdominals and back. In this sense, it allows strengthen muscles, improve coordination, flexibility, endurance and balance. It is also beneficial for breathing, digestion and blood circulation. Unlike the floor barre, classical dance does work the brain using concentration, memorization, attention, logic and reasoning. Ballet developed also the artistic sensitivity and sense of rhythm. Furthermore, this practice brings a feeling of well-being. Indeed, it helps relieve stress, negative emotions and tensions. 

The disadvantages of classical dance

Classical dance is of a extreme anatomical requirement and can sometimes push the body to its limits. Thus, certain dancers are subject to frequent injuries such as sprains or fractures, especially due to intensive repetitions and complex movements. Another disadvantage of classical dance is the intensive competition. These competitions place pressure on dancers to maintain high standards technically and physically. Moreover, classical dance has high expectations for physical appearance. Indeed, some dancers face pressure to maintain a specific weight, which can lead to eating disorders. Finally, classical dance, taking into account the lessons and specialized equipment can represent a significant financial cost. The annual budget can range from 300 to 1000 euros. 

The different postures in classical dance and floor barre

Postures in classical dance and floor barre are essential for performing sequences and movements. They are different from one practice to another.

Classical dance postures

Classical dance requires rigorous discipline and mastery of technique. It exists 5 fundamental postures in classical dance which are as follows. Moreover, these are postures which are used for variations of classical dance such as contemporary dance. 

Basic positions 

  • First position : the feet are turned outwards with the heels together, the arms in a circle at the level of the navel and the head facing forward. 
  • Second position : Feet are a foot and a half apart, place your arms at shoulder level and your head in front. 
  • Third position : put one foot forward and another behind, both are to the side. Next, place one arm rounded in front of you while the other is extended to the side. 
  • Fourth position : Place your feet outside, one in front of the other with a foot length apart. Place one arm bent in front of you and the other is raised towards the sky, slightly rounded. 
  • Fifth position : Place your feet sideways, close together, so that the toes of the back foot touch the heel of the front foot. Then, raise your arms above your head. 

Bar exercises on the floor

Floor barre exercises are divided into several parts that target different parts of the body. 

  • Foot exercises : they mobilize the plantar arches, ankles and toes using flexions, extensions, kicks and rotations. This strengthens your foot muscles. 
  • Pelvic exercises : they tilt, turn, lift, rotate and tilt the pelvis while keeping the back straight and the stomach in. These exercises are effective for working the muscles of the lower back, glutes and abdominals. The real benefit is that they correct postural imbalances. 

Other exercises

  • Head exercises : la plupart des exercices consistent à bouger la tête dans toutes les directions possible. Ils permettent de relâcher les tensions accumulées au niveau du cou, du visage et de la nuque et aident à développer la perception de l’espace. 
  • Leg exercises : by following the basic positions of classical dance, you lift, stretch, spread, bend and cross your legs in order to tone the leg muscles and shape the thighs and calves. Then, increase the flexibility of the knees and hips. 
  • Bust exercises : there are flexions, undulations, extensions and rotations which allow you to mobilize the spine, arms and shoulders. 

The criteria for choosing between floor barre and classical dance

Chacun de ces sports offre une approche unique d’une activité avec une dimension artistique. Mais, comment choisir entre ces deux styles ? Que ce soit la danse classique ou la barre au sol, elles ont des caractéristiques distinctes qui mettent en lumière des objectifs sportifs différents. 


Classical dance promotes a balanced muscle development. In addition, it works the entire body in harmony by improving flexibility and posture thanks to its precise movements. Finally, shedevelops concentration and memorization since you have to remember the dance sequences in order for each class.  

Concerning the floor bar, it emphasizes the deep muscle strengthening. Besides, she improves posture and flexibility and promotes mental well-being

Starting from the objectives, if you are looking for a demanding discipline, head towards classical dance. But, if you are attracted to a sport that strengthens your body in depth with an intellectual dimension, opt for the floor bar. 

The capacities

If you want a practice with a approach gentle, the floor bar can be an interesting option since it is based on these principles: 

  • L’adaptabilité 
  • L’accessibilité
  • Physical well-being

Otherwise, if you like challenges, classical dance is made for you since it is based on: 

  • Discipline and structure
  • Evolutionary artistic expression
  • Surpassing oneself

barre au sol ou danse classique : une femme effectue un exercice de danse classique

To conclude

Have you found your happiness? Although these disciplines are similar in some respects, they offer very distinct experiences. Indeed, the floor bar focuses on the flexibility and the muscle strengthening For example. While classical dance focuses on the technical rigor et artistic expression. En outre, la barre au sol est idéale pour ceux qui ont besoin d’un entraînement complet du corps qui prend en compte le bien-être mental. En revanche, si l’exigence et l’élégance vous fascinent, la danse classique pourrait convenir pour un projet de danseuse étoile. 

Do your floor barre classes at POSES 

Do you want to try the barre discipline on the floor? Do not search anymore, POSES vous propose un programme de cours Barre au sol Flow

From the United States to France, the floor bar makes you work on your flexibility and your muscles on the playlists original and signed POSES. Be confident thanks to our coaches who concoct flows adapted to all profiles and levels. 

Follow them movements and the exercises with fluidity, in music, during 50 minute sessions.