stretching ou yoga


Stretching or yoga: focus on these two practices

Reading time : 8 min

Difficult to decide between stretching or yoga. These two activities allow you to derail and of strengthen your body. They also present many similarities only divergences. Each offers specificities which will help you to see clearly which method you want to try. Let's take an overview of stretching and yoga. Will you choose one of the yoga alternatives or will you stick with classics? 


Stretching or yoga: What defines them? 

Before seeing what binds and unbinds them, let's focus on the unique history of these two sports. This is a first step to answering the stretching or yoga question.  


Yoga appeared 5000 years ago in Indian civilization. The very root of this term comes from the word “yug” in Sanskrit, which gives "union" in French. We understand that yoga has an approach to reunification of body and mind as well as a search for spirituality

This practice is based on 8 key concepts. To name just a few, there is the meditation, social behavior, self-fulfillment and the practice of postures. It's a philosophy of life. There is a spiritual will to achieve the union of body and mind. Other principles are added to make yoga a true way of life. Kindness, non-violence, truth, honesty and moderation are an integral part of the philosophy of yoga. It’s actually an awareness of your body.

Yoga is practiced in posture. It is divided into several forms such as Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga etc. 

To learn more about yoga, read our article How to start practicing yoga?

You can also turn to breathing exercises and stretching.


Where does stretching come from? Stretching is a word derived from the verb “to stretch” in English which means “to stretch” in French. Stretching belongs to the universe fitness like power yoga mentioned in our article Ashtanga yoga: what is it? 

In the past, stretching was dedicated to athletes. It was a precise exercise for a muscle strengthening workout or weight training to soften the muscles and the body. This activity was influenced by yoga. 

Stretching follows the same principle as stretching. It's a gentle practice which aims to tense, retract and release your limbs in a slow, controlled manner. It can be done every day since it does not require any other sporting activity alongside it. It is the best element for soften your muscles, relieve stress and have better posture. It also allows you loosen with work of breathing

The general goal of stretching is to limit aches. To do this, you will carry out stretching and muscle strengthening exercises. Beyond acquiring flexibility, you will have more mobility and of stability, in addition to strengthen your body delicately.  


At first glance, we find it hard to believe that stretching and yoga can have similarities, and yet it is possible!

Soothe your mind

Yoga is a recommended discipline if your goal is to regain good mental and physical health. Its regular practice pushes you to a emotional well-being, significant improvement in your health and insight. In addition, yoga aims to trigger and stimulate your inner environment awakening your mind and soul. Which gives rise to a spirituality more intense. 

Even if yoga aims to unify the body and mind, stretching can also be good for your morale. A stretching session is useful for release your anxiety and stress by highlighting the breathing exercises. You will be able let go and be relaxed.

Makes you toned

You might think that yoga and stretching are easy activities to do that don't require effort. But this idea is false. Indeed, both yoga and stretching aim to strengthen et soften your body. In yoga postures or stretching exercises you will find reinforcement muscular and stretching to tone you up and sculpt your body. So you will be tonic et your body will eliminate bad fats. Furthermore, if you are looking to build muscle and you are a man, you can try your hand at yoga bodybuilding for men.

Play on flexibility

Stretching like yoga are excellent assets for earn et develop your flexibility. For what ? Because both have stretching. They are important for relax THE muscles and keep a elasticity. The more regular the stretching, the more you will be comfortable with your joints

Control your mind

We don't think about it often enough, but stretching and yoga require real strength. concentration. In the yoga, concentration is necessary to apply, reproduce the movements et succeed in implementing them as faithfully as possible. 

For the stretching, concentration is important for take the right actions et learn to proportion intensity and energy to put in the exercises to feel the long-term effects. In addition, you will have the opportunity to develop a awareness of your body. 

Furthermore, there is no yoga or stretching without breathing. You have learned to breathe automatically, these practices will help yous relearn how to breathe differently and better using your whole body. Breathing helps you avoid injury. 

stretching ou yoga

The distinctions 

Despite the similarities, stretching and yoga present different characteristics. Although both condition you to achieve a firmer and strengthened physique, yoga mainly focuses on reuniting the body and mind while stretching focuses on the body. 

A different philosophy

You will have understood, the first difference is the philosophy which accompanies the yoga. As said above, this activity seeks to merge body and mind to achieve a state of well-being. The physical benefits gained from this practice remain only bonuses. Contrary to stretching where there is no philosophical aspect behind it. In fact, this sport has a purely aesthetic and physical perspective. 

Another way to breathe

Breathing is a primary factor at the heart of these practices. 

In the stretching, it is fundamental that breathing is synchronized with the movements. It is a sport that requires strong concentration before physical effort. This is why breath control is a valuable concept. It acts on your mind, your internal functioning, your physical sensitivity and your emotions. 

By breathing in the same way as you do daily during a stretching session, you risk overly excite your nervous system and therefore create muscle tension. Conversely, if you breathe slowly, your body will be calmer and will let the muscles work normally and reduce tension. 

Why is synchronization of movements and breathing important? Simply to have more ease of feeling the different areas that you are working and adapting the correct posture. 

You still need to know how to breathe well. Good breathing starts with inhale through your nose while inflating your stomach, exhale while pushing your stomach outwards. 

In yoga, breathing is a real energy source and of vitality which moves throughout the body. You will learn to breathe properly through the Pranayama who will help you breathe in rhythm with yoga movements. Note that you only breathe through your nose. The goal of the practice is to achieve a physical as well as mental well-being. To relax mentally, yoga uses belly breathing or the deep breathing

Different ways to practice the exercises

Here too, we observe a difference. Yoga respects a sequence of specific, fluid postures which is accompanied byrelaxation, breathing and meditation exercises without interruption. It also has the ability to be more or less difficult and dynamic. However, it is a sport that adapts to the physical condition and rhythm of the yogi. 

As for stretching, even if it is inspired by some yoga postures, it has knowledge and gestures specific to the world of fitness. Stretching is carried out in the form of repetitive series with breaks which allow you to rework your posture and ensure that the target muscles are being used. The biggest difference is that stretching requires power and strength. 

A dimension of performance

You may have been surprised by certain postures performed by certain members of yoga. They can make us think that the yoga is looking for performance. But that's not the case at all. The most important thing is to know the path that allows you to reach these positions. Yoga teaches you the apprehension of postures, self-knowledge, listening to your body and immerses you in the present moment. 

THE stretching, For its part, is looking for performance due to the numerous exercises offered. The goal is to push your limits to further improve your flexibility. 

How to make a choice? 

It is hard to choose between stretching and yoga. Indeed, these two practices are based on the principle of connection between body and mind. But we also report big differences. Your choice depends on your goals and wishes. 

The first question to ask yourself is whether you are looking for a spiritual activity, yoga might be right for you. But yoga goes well beyond, it is also a quest for mental and physical serenity, to let go and to learn took advantage of the present moment. 

If you want to ignore philosophy and want put your body to the test, stretching might interest you. It is a sport which strengthens your muscles and joints in finesse and fitness! 

stretching ou yoga

In summary

We know how difficult making a choice can be. This is why we offer you a summary to answer your question. stretching or yoga.  

THE yoga has lasted for 5000 years. He is in a optics of communion of mind and body under a background of spirituality. There is 8 Designs Needed to the existence of yoga. To name just a few, we find attitude in society, self-completion and realization of postures and other principles such as truth or altruism. 

Concerning stretching, it belongs to fitness. It's a gentle sport which is similar to stretching. It consists of contract and release your muscles. This is the best way to relax your muscles. 

Common affinities

Yoga and stretching have similarities. They will help you improve your mental and physical health. Obviously, it makes you tonic, besides you make it flexible. It is thanks to the muscle strengthening and stretches that you can shape your body. Then you will have the opportunity to develop your flexibility

Mentally these disciplines also do you good. They allow you to have a longer concentration time. What is beneficial for carry out the sequences as accurately as possible and for measure the force to put into the movements. Also, breathing is intrinsically linked to movements since you must breathe in synchronization with them. 

The dissimilarities

We also spot differences between yoga and stretching. Starting with a philosophical distinction. Indeed, yoga aims to harmonize body and mind. Unlike stretching which has no philosophical reason. 

Although both practices require good breathing, it is carried out differently on both sides. In the stretching, the breath is only used to synchronize it with the movements. As to yoga, there breathing is part of his philosophy since it is considered a point of vitality and energy that passes through the body. Here again, the breath must be in rhythm with the postures. The importance of this translates into dedicated exercises like deep breathing and belly breathing. 

There is a divergence at the level of exercises. For the yoga, these are aposition locks without interruption. But yoga has this particularity ofadapt to the needs and bodies of yogis. For the stretching, the series of exercises have a break so that you realize which muscles are being used. 

Finally, the last difference concerns performance. Within yoga practice, performance does not exist. Indeed, what matters for practitioners is to know how they managed to achieve these positions. On the other hand, the stretching at this pursuit of performance by surpassing yourself and increasing your flexibility through exercises. 

The question of choice must turn to your needs and requests. If you are more in tune with the spirituality. It's also interesting if you want to work on both your mental and your physical. On the contrary, if you are more physical, opt for the stretching who will put put your body to the test in fitness. 

Try yoga with POSES

You are still wondering between stretching or yoga, no problem. Try your hand at yoga at the house of POSES

POSES, it’s the immersive yoga flow, inclusive which will make you fall in love with this discipline through its exclusive experience below dim light

What can seduce you? 50 minutes of workout to discover the postures and of movements. Of the playlists made for you unwind and exceptional support from our coaches attentive to your needs and desires. 

So, do you have stars in your eyes?