Qi gong ou yoga


Qi gong or yoga: choose the one that suits you best

Reading time : 7 min

Qigong or yoga? This is a question that arises when you are looking for a discipline that addresses both the mental, THE physical and the well-being. Both practices take care of these aspects, which is why it is difficult to choose. However, they accumulate similarities and differences which must be taken into account in your choice. We will unravel the mystery around qi gong and yoga so that you can determine which one suits you best.  


Qi gong or yoga: the origins of both

Before seeing what brings these disciplines together and what separates them, it is important to understand what they are made of. Let’s return to their origins and principles. Later, we will see why these two practices raise doubts for those who want to find balance while working the body. Qigong or yoga, the answer now. 


Yoga originated almost 5000 years ago in India. It is increasingly recognized throughout the world. This is not surprising in our current societies which are constantly subject to stress, anxiety and speed. By taking up yoga, yogis seek serenity, THE well-being and theharmony between body and mind. 

It is all the more attractive as this discipline has many benefits mentally and physically. We can cite reduced stress and anxiety, better posture, less chronic pain, return of balance, etc. 

The best thing about all of this is that it exists several forms of yoga. There is Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Iyengar yoga, Bikram yoga with each has its own specificities. 

Not to mention the postures, yoga is also a philosophy of life. It appears through 8 fundamentals

  • Pranayama to regulate breathing using breathing exercises
  • Pratyahara which aims to make you forget your physical senses to regain control over your mind
  • Asanas these are the postures 
  • Yama which aims to teach you to live in serenity without violence, on the basis of truth, honesty, non-possessiveness and moderation
  • Samadhi, the ultimate goal, to reconnect with yourself, with others and with your environment
  • Dharana, the ability to concentrate on an external element to forget what can disturb your concentration 
  • Dhyana, meditation
  • Niyama, being content with oneself, seeking letting go, discipline, purity of soul and body


But yoga is not just that, you can head to our article What type of yoga should you choose to start with? 



Qigong is a discipline that comes straight from traditional Chinese medicine. It's a gentle gymnastics made of several exercises aiming to energize vital energy, call Qi. This goal has its roots in Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism thousands of years ago.

What is it actually made of? It consists ofsequences of very slow movements, stretching, still postures, breathing exercises, meditation and visualization. If you turn to Qigong, you will surely hear about a key posture: the tree, it allows you to develop your vital energy, it is present in almost all of the sequences. 

Obviously, as it is a gentle and slow discipline, you must arm yourself with patience and of perseverance to achieve inner fullness. According to traditional Chinese medicine, eventually, energy will flow throughout your body. Also, you promote the harmony of yin, that of the earth and yang, that of the spirit. As another gentle practice you can find the stretching.


Qigong and yoga do not have many similarities except that they are ancestral practices which are developed as martial arts. They also both work on the union of body and mind by invoking the breath. 

Striking differences

Despite their similarities in substance, in form it is another story. Whether on a philosophical level, on postures or objectives, the differences are felt. 


A different philosophy

Qigong has a philosophy far removed from that of yoga. Indeed, it aims to recognize and master a vital energy, Qi. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is a fundamental substance to the human body for its physiological activity and for its bodily envelope. It would in fact be both a packaging element and one element to nourish life. This comes from the fact that Man is the fruit of the union of the energies of Earth and Sky, where it draws its food resources and its air. It also has dense energies like the body, tissues and flesh which refer to nature and the Universe. Ultimately, Qi is based on a global conception of life and nature. In this sense, body and mind are inseparable, nor is there any difference between man and the universe. Qigong is effective so that man can regain your balance.  

The philosophy of yoga is explained above. 


Different objectives

The objective is in the name since the translation means energy work. The latter manifests itself through movements, breathing exercises, postures and the mobilization of concentration and the mind. The main goal remains to circulate energy through the body and strengthen it. 

For yoga, the goal is to create an unbreakable link between body and mind. It is a real search for inner well-being. It is also a way ofsoothe the worries of your mind and the pains of your body. 


Qi gong ou yoga


Different ways to practice postures

In Qigong, the movements et postures are slow and smooth. Most of postures are static and must be maintained for a specific period. In addition, Qigong is based on 20 movements distributed Thus : 

  • General movements : “Yin and yang communicate”; “Heaven and earth communicate”; “Pushing Hua Mountain”; “Drawing energy by opening and closing”; “Water and fire harmonize”. 
  • The Men’s part : It is dedicated to the spine, pelvis and trunk. You can hear “Search for the moon in the sea”; “The celestial column undulates”; “Turn your head to contemplate the sea”; “Energy is expressed in the unity of the body”: “Water moves forward following the wave”
  • The Sky part : It relates to upper limbs, neck, head and shoulders. In this one you will hear “The phoenix stretches its wings forward and backward”; “The light of the heart shines outward”; “Breathe in 6 directions”; “The Energy Melody of Tai Mountain”; “Push the steles left and right.”
  • The Earth part : She touches lower limbs and hips. There are mantras like “Draw the sun and the moon”; “Torture breathes deep”; “Moving from empty to full”; “The crane lands on the rock.” 


While in yoga, the movements and postures can vary depending on the type of yoga chosen. In addition, the positions can be practiced both standing and sitting. 


Different benefits

Qi gong and yoga can have overlapping benefits, but not all. Let's start with the benefits thatregular Qigong practice brings

  • Reduction of hypertension
  • Improving the quality of life of people with cancer
  • Alleviate chronic pain
  • Limits psychological distress 
  • Develops physical and mental balance
  • Reduced stress
  • Brings relaxation, relaxation and satisfaction
  • Improves flexibility
  • Relaxation of muscles and joints


Concerning yoga

  • Strengthens muscles
  • Development of muscular flexibility
  • Better breathing
  • To manage stress
  • Improves posture
  • Work on your balance
  • Refines the silhouette
  • Increases the ability to concentrate
  • Liberation from letting go
  • Regaining self-confidence
  • Better quality of sleep

Choose your support wisely

As with any sport, it is difficult to choose between two disciplines that you like. This is why it is important to go beyond a crush and identify your needs and your personal objective. 


Know your expectations

If you wish to make a slow practice with a spiritual aim, opt for the Qigong. However, if you want a more sport energetic and less static, prefer it yoga


Find your goals

To reach the fullness and take care of your health, Qigong is made for you. THE yoga, on the other hand, is useful if you want unite your body and your mind.

Discover alternatives to yoga whose tai chi or even sophrology which we have made a subject, sophrology or yoga


Qi gong ou yoga

In summary

As we have seen, the question of the practice of Qigong or yoga focuses essentially on the differences and similarities that they may have. 

As a reminder, yoga is based on 8 fundamental principles which serve to achieve the ultimate goal: the well-being. The two best-known principles are asanas who are the yoga poses and the pranayamas who are breathing exercises. To find theunion of mind and body, yoga uses standing or seated postures as well as meditation. He also focuses on the mental problems that physical for a development on all levels. 

As for Qigong, its aim is to make you to work et master a vital energy, Qi. Qigong consists of'sequences of slow and immobile postures which are mainly done standing up. To do this, the discipline is based on 20 movements classified into 4 categories. There are the general movements, the Male part which focuses on the trunk, spine and pelvis. The Earth part takes care of the hips and lower limbs. Finally, the sky part works the shoulders, neck, head and upper limbs. This practice has a real spiritual issue looking for a body-mind balance through the diffusion of Qi energy in the body.  


The virtues

They both have different benefits. THE Qigong allows you to : 

  • Relieve chronic pain
  • Improving the health of people affected by cancer
  • Reduce hypertension
  • Return of mental and physical balance
  • Reduce stress
  • Curb psychological distress
  • Increase flexibility
  • Muscles and joints are more flexible
  • Maximize relaxation, satisfaction and relaxation


THE yoga is useful for: 

  • Optimize breathing
  • Have quality sleep
  • The rise of muscular flexibility
  • Muscle strengthening
  • Let go
  • Boost of self-confidence
  • Better ability to concentrate
  • Refine the silhouette
  • Less stress
  • Improve your posture


Now you have all the cards in hand to choose the discipline that suits you the most. 

Try yoga with POSES

Qi gong or yoga, the question no longer arises for you by choosing yoga. It’s perfect, come and try this practice at POSES

What are POSES? It is 50 minutes of workout who is interested in postures, movements et transitions of yoga for a optimal connection between your body and your mind. 

Discover a muscle strengthening, bodyweight exercises and unique isometrics punctuated by catchy playlists. 

Let yourself be carried away by the yoga flow in the company of our coaches who listen to your needs in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Reach the supreme well-being with POSES.