Image d'une personne effectuant une posture de yoga


Vinyasa Yoga: dynamic yoga that goes quickly

Reading time : 6 min

Have you heard of vinyasa yoga, but don't know exactly what it is? Vinyasa is one of the different types of yoga that you can practice. Among the latter, he is known to be one of the most dynamic. So if you want to know more about this yoga favored by a large number of practitioners, then you are in the right place. We'll give you all the information you need in this article!


What is vinyasa yoga?

Vinyasa: a term from Sanskrit

First of all, the term vinyasa comes from Sanskrit, an Asian language mainly spoken in India. The word is divided into two: “nyasa” which means “to place” and “vi” which means “in a certain way”. A meaning that echoes the very particular style of vinyasa yoga. In fact, it is characterized by its dynamism.

Unlike Ashtanga, a type of yoga where you hold positions for several seconds, vinyasa is based on a simple principle: synchronize breathing with movements.

Fluid sequences

With vinyasa yoga, the positions follow one another in complete fluidity, in fact, you do not hold a single pose for long seconds. On the contrary, each breath is synchronized with a posture. A fluidity in the combinations explaining why we also use the term flow to talk about sequences.

Flows where poses and counter poses work one side of the body after the other. The coaches choose the postures, offering greater freedom in the sessions and allowing the level to be adapted according to the practitioners.

A more open and accessible yoga

Vinyasa is one of the most popular forms popular and modern yoga. It is a yoga that aims to be freer than traditional yoga without moving away from the basics. He is more open and more accessible, which explains its fame among the general public.

Dynamism as a key word

Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic yoga associated with a rather cardio, sports or even fitness practice. It is ideal for letting off steam, relieving stress and gaining flexibility.

A real gateway to other yoga disciplines, vinyasa will allow you to improve your balance while giving you a feeling of well-being for body and mind.

Inspiration from Ashtanga yoga

Vinyasa yoga is a type of yoga that draws inspiration from ashtanga yoga, without looking like 100 %. 

Unlike Ashtanga yoga, the series are not fixed and do not follow a strict order. Indeed, Ashtanga focuses more on the repetition of postures in order to improve and master them well. For example, during an Ashtanga yoga class you may be required to hold several breaths in a single pose.

As for the vinyasa, the flows are different sessions after sessions, moreover, the poses follow one another quickly and fluidly. Which makes this yoga both free, creative and sporty. Perfect to help you disconnect!

Who is vinyasa yoga for?

Accessible to everyone!

As we told you, it is a dynamic yoga which is aimed at people looking for creative training. He probably presents himself as the most accessible yoga, whatever the age or level.

Indeed, the sessions are adapted so that everyone has fun and can improve from session to session. During your practice, there is no question of competition, on the contrary everyone goes at their own pace. And above all, listen to your body! If you feel that a posture is too difficult, no problem, you can help yourself with blocks or simply take a short break.

Stay vigilant in case of small injuries, or small babies

However, be careful if you have just had an operation or if you have joint problems. feel free to seek the advice of your doctor to be sure you can practice yoga, and to report this to the coach at the start of your session.

And if you are pregnant, we recommend the courses of prenatal yoga rather than vinyasa yoga classes.

The benefits of vinyasa yoga

We have already briefly told you about certain benefits of practicing vinyasa yoga above, but in this section you will discover them in more detail. Benefits for both body and mind.

A healthy body

Vinyasa yoga has physical benefits for your entire body. We have prepared a small list of the main advantages for you:

  • The postures use different muscles throughout the flows, especially the deep muscles like the abdominal strap or the lumbar. Ideal for you strengthen physically thanks to yoga.
  • Your muscles will also stretched and softened during your yoga session, this will help you to gain flexibility and joint mobility.
  • You go gain endurance and balance from the simple fact of quickly linking poses.
  • Like other yoga disciplines, vinyasa will help you improve your posture and relieve possible back pain.
  • With this type of yoga, you will surely sweat more than during a classic yoga session, but don't see this as a disadvantage, because on the contrary it helps to eliminate toxins !
  • Performing certain postures will allow you to better become aware of your body : understand your limitations, your strengths, your areas for improvement, etc.
  • If you adopt a healthy and balanced diet, in line with your goals, vinyasa yoga can also help you refine yourself.

Ideal for mental well-being

In addition to having benefits for your body, vinyasa yoga is also beneficial for your mind:

  • Thanks to the dynamism of the classes, you will not have time to think about anything other than concentrating on the sequences. Ideal for you clear your mind and press pause.
  • You go improve your ability to concentrate throughout the sessions. Indeed, since you must synchronize your breathing with the positions and follow the rhythm of the flows, this pushes you to stay diligent throughout the session.
  • Vinyasa yoga helps you reduce stress : when you control your breathing, the oxygenation of your brain improves and calms your body.
  • After a vinyasa yoga session you will feel relaxed and relaxed, what will improve the quality of your sleep.

Of course, the more regular you are in your practice, the more these effects will be felt! This can only be good for your body and mind.

How does a vinyasa session take place?

As with most yoga class, different options are available to you to practice this sport: in the studio, in the gym, with online courses or with the help of videos. Whatever your choice, the format remains generally the same, you will still need a mat (ideally a non-slip mat).

Vinyasa yoga in the studio

If you opt for a studio session, the coaches are there to adapt postures and flows depending on each person’s level.

Generally a vinyasa session begins with exercises where you focus on your breathing. After this moment of meditation, you begin a warming up adapted, consisting of gentle movements

Then you start to follow the coach on flows of active poses with dynamic transitions, punctuated by music. You alternate between the left and right part of the body by combining standing postures, balance postures and muscle strengthening postures.

The session ends with rest positions, close to the ground then a few minutes of relaxation in order to control your breathing.

Vinyasa yoga at POSES

A unique experience

At POSES Studio, we invite you to (re)discover vinyasa yoga in a new way. A true visual, auditory and physical immersion in studios with minimalist and solar design.

A subdued atmosphere created thanks to low intensity lighting as well as indie rock and east hip-hop musical vibes. Sit on your mat and let's go 50 minutes of workout inspired by yoga! A unique experience for everyone and designed for all levels.

A mixture of several types of yoga

The sessions at POSES are inspired by a clever mix of vinyasa yoga, yoga sculpt, power yoga, bikram yoga and strala yoga. A perfect combination to offer you a dynamic experience that is simple, inclusive and accessible. Perfect for reconnecting body and mind.

A session at POSES Studio

A session at POSES is: a simple warm-up before gradually increasing in intensity and then chain the flows. Flows coupled with Pulse® sequences which combine muscle strengthening, isometric exercises and bodyweight exercises.

Join us

Are you looking to do rhythmic, simple and accessible yoga, regardless of the level? POSES is made for you! If this is your first session in our studio, don't panic, our coaches are here for you. They will help you acquire solid foundations and support you in your progress.

So, are you ready for a unique immersion in the world of yoga? It happens at Studio POSES, at 21 rue des Filles du Calvaire in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris and at 6 rue de l'échiquier in the 10th arrondissement of Paris.