étirements pilates : femme réalisant des exercices pour s'étirer en Pilates


Pilates stretching: the different types of stretches to know

Reading time : 5 min

THE stretching in Pilates are essential because they are an integral part of the discipline. So what are the different types of stretching to know ? Every part of the body can and should be stretched to relieve the muscleimprove natural body position or to avoid any inconvenience such as body aches. Better understand what stretching is for to improve your practice and do Pilates classes in the right way!


Pilates stretching: what is it for?

Pilates stretching and well-being are two related aspects. Pilates is a discipline that focuses most of its movements on stretching the body in order to lengthen the muscles and thus gain physical ease. Let’s find out all this together!


What is Pilates?

THE Pilates is a physical activity invented by Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century. Mixture of several disciplines such as yoga or even the dance, it is based on 6 principles fundamentals: 

  • Breathing : to promote better blood circulation and facilitate movements
  • Concentration : clear your mind to be able to fully concentrate on the discipline
  • Centering/stabilization : find your point of stabilization via your body center (spine)
  • Control : controlling your body and mind so that they become one 
  • The fluidity : each movement is carried out slowly, which induces a specific fluidity to sequence them serenely
  • The precision : Pilates promotes quality of movement over quantity. So be precise in the realization 

At the beginning of its creation, its aim was to helping hospital patients get back into shape. For this, the exercises carried out allow you to concentrate on the strengthening of deep muscles and thus help to regain good mobility. Straps were used to support the patient in developing the movement. 

Over the years, Joseph Pilates has continued to teach your method, particularly to instructors in the United States, who themselves began to teach it. The effectiveness of the Pilates method has increased its success around the globe. This is how Pilates became a star activity !

To find out more about the Pilates method, check out our dedicated article! 


Why stretch?

THE stretching in Pilates are the very foundation of discipline. Thus, a stretch can be defined as a movement that moves one part of the body in one direction and another part of the body in the opposite direction

The objective being to relax the muscles, to make them lie down and so fight against aches and stiffness muscles after more or less intense muscular effort. Stretching does this gain mobility, in flexibility and thus promotes better posture

When you start practicing Pilates, stretching is a habit to get into. You must therefore stretch every day in order toincrease your abilities during your Pilates sessions and so do your body good


étirements pilates : femme faisant des étirements sur un tapis de Pilates

What types of stretches are done in Pilates?

THE stretching are carried out in all physical and sporting activities. In Pilates, stretching has its own place in the course of a session and during the exercises. Let's take stock together to be able to differentiate the types of stretches and don't confuse them! 


Passive stretching 

THE so-called “passive” stretching are stretches caused by a third person or object. Thus, they are passive because they do not emanate from oneself.

This third person can be a coach, A partner or even a machine that goes come to cause stretching. The aim being to master all joints perfectly and thus achieve a qualitative stretching

The advantage of passive stretching is that the person helping you with the movements is potentially familiar with anatomy and therefore the correct way to perform stretching. 

The only disadvantage of this type of stretching is that they cannot not be done alone or with difficulty. 


Active stretching 

THE active stretching stimulate the contraction of agonist muscles. As a reminder, a agonist muscle is a muscle allowing create movement. Its opposite is therefore antagonist muscle Who creates the opposite movement

Thus, these types of stretches promote better blood circulation as well as a better lymphatic circulation. All the fabrics are therefore better oxygenated. They make it possible to accentuate the flexibility of the body and therefore of reduce the risk of injury


Dynamic stretching 

THE so-called dynamic stretching are considered stretches to be performed before physical activity

Dynamic stretching is done byincreasing the pace of a movement so as to achieve a precise muscular effort. The muscle and/or joint are therefore stretched, which reduces the likelihood of a potential injury. 

It is therefore a important step before starting to play sports, to prepare your body for the physical activity that will follow. 


Static stretching 

Unlike dynamic stretching, static stretching everything comes true slowly. The aim being toimprove overall joint flexibility gradually increasing the amplitude of the stretch. 

To do this, you must therefore hold a position for several seconds, without forgetting breathing. If you feel the muscle or joint to pull, then you are in the right position. 


étirements pilates : femme réalise des étirements pendant sa séance de pilates

Things not to forget

To perform proper stretching, you absolutely must be in optimal conditions. Breathing, body control and the environment you are in must be perfectly adapted. 



To perform effective stretching, you must not forget to breathe deeply. Indeed, when stretching, it is important toadapt your breathing for best results. 

So, you must make longer exhalations so that relax both your body and nervous system. You go like this control your heart rate to make it slow down and calm your whole body. 

Throughout the stretches, you should apply the 6 principles of the Pilates method. All 6 principles are essential, in order to keep control over your body and mind. Without these elements, your stretches will not be carried out in perfect conditions for your body.


The environment

Isolate yourself, create your own bubble to do the stretching in a peaceful environment

It is important to be able to isolate yourself so that you can really enjoy this moment of stretching to to empty in your mind. 

Put aside your daily life, your stress, your obligations, release your tensions and take time to find yourself with yourself and listen to your body. 

What you must remember

To summarize what we said previously, the Stretching and Pilates are inseparable elements. Indeed, without stretching, there is no Pilates! The postures performed during a Pilates session are inspired by the most well-known stretches.

This aims tolengthen muscles, ofimprove mobility and soexplore your body's full potential whole ! 

Several types of stretching exist: 

  • passive stretching : with the help of a third person for optimal execution of the movements 
  • active stretching : via muscular contraction 
  • dynamic stretching : to be carried out before physical activity, in an active way to lengthen and prepare the muscles and joints
  • static stretching : hold the movement for several seconds

These stretches allow you tostretch all parts of the body : arm (shoulders, biceps, quadriceps, etc.), bust, basin, back (lumbar, etc.), legs (thighs, calves, hamstrings, etc.) and say goodbye to pain after your daily physical activity!

Although Pilates stretches are similar to stretching, the two disciplines should not be confused. We explain to you in our article the difference between the two practices!

Discover Pilates at POSES Studio 

You want to (re)discover Pilates ? You are in the right place ! Come and discover the Pilates version Studio POSES and become addicted to discipline. 

Our coaches create Unique flows, suitable for everyone, in a musical environment, in a mix of darkness and play of light

Is this your first time? Don't be shy, step out of your comfort zone and come and embark on a new discipline accompanied by the best ! Tell your coach that this is your first class and follow the postures step by step during your session.