bienfaits de la yogathérapie


The benefits of yoga therapy: the solution to being happy

Reading time : 7 min

The benefits of yoga therapy can help you if you are ill or suffering from physical pain. But first, let us explain the effects yoga therapy if you don't know what it is. We are here for you learn more about this therapy and its virtues healing. Maybe you will fall in love with this discipline!


The benefits of yoga therapy: What is yoga therapy? 

Before knowing the benefits of yoga therapy, it is important to know its definition (hint: it has something to do with yoga), its origin which is mixed with 3 medicines and for whom it is recommended. 



You guessed it in the word “yogatherapy” There is "yoga" which implies the practical of it and use of the therapy. This method combined yoga tools for prevent the potentials troubles psychic Or physical of the patient and to accompany those who suffer from pathologies. 

In short, yoga therapy is a method alternative complementary of a treatment medical for sick people in the aim to improve the state of health of the patient.



A little history lesson is in order, did you know that yoga therapy has taken root in India and that it has existed for more than 5000 years ? I have another scoop for you, yoga therapy is a blend of 3 medicines.

First, there is the conventional medicine that everyone knows (study of symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, etc.), the medicine ayurvedic which is a medicine that is base on the body, blade et the mind in using of the plants and others formulas natural. She has for aim of restore A balance between the body et the mind which includes a lifestyle adapted to the patient.

Finally, to close the loop, the yoga therapy is also composed of the yoga science in Steps care since she is going draw in the causes of the suffering. Today, efficiency of this discipline no longer needs to be proven since it is considered like a reference in medicine to UNITED STATES. In fact, this practice is used in rehabilitation and support programs for veterans having post-traumatic syndromes. 


Who is she talking to ?

Yoga therapy is done For everyone, but she is recommended for the people suffering from illnesses (chronic or not). 

She is too useful for those who are affected by ailments physical Or psychic (sleep disorders, anxiety, back pain, poor breathing, stress, anxiety, etc.). This discipline help to the healing without replacing medical treatment. 

The differences between yoga and yogatherapy

How to differentiate yoga from yoga therapy? These are therapies which do not have the same approaches, procedures and above all the professionals do not follow the same training. 


The approaches

Everyone has their own job! First of all, the yoga to one approach global, there is no not exercise personalized For example. In addition, yoga classes are done in band by kind of yoga and according to the level et intensity. Yoga consists of a succession of postures relaxing intensive. The objectives are multiple. This can be in a aim of meditation pure, For improve her flexibility, For open her spirituality or just for practice a activity physical. It's good for stretching out!

What is not not necessarily the case of the yoga therapy. Indeed, as you might suspect, this one has a approach therapeutic and has for assignment to accompany the patient on the pathologies which are specific to it and help him to reappropriate his body. This is why the sessions are individual so that the practitioner can focus on the needs specific of the person.

 It is quite rare to find group yoga therapy sessions even if two people have back pain, because yoga therapy is based on the principle that each individual East different with some fashions of life divergent. There philosophy of therapy is that our body is the reflection of our stress and our ailments. This is why this yoga practice needs to treat the person entirely and not just the symptoms. The session is built around the person depending on availability, diagnosis and the doctor's contraindications. 

Even though yoga therapy is base on the tools of yoga, it is not the same work, they are not not the same exercises or the same yoga postures that are offered. In fact, these are the movements most simple et adapted which are highlighted for the well-being of the patient since the purpose of practice is to deploy THE resources of the'body For find A balance natural on the plan physical, mental et pathological. In addition, exercises are to be done between each session. So no problem for those who are afraid of overly complicated exercises, everything is personalized, you can approach yoga therapy with complete peace of mind! 


Different diplomas 

If you still have any doubts, yoga teachers are not not yoga therapists and vice versa. To begin, the teachers of yoga follow a training of 200 has 500 hours within the schools recognized by Yoga Alliance® or some organisms independent. During this course, the apprentice teacher does not only test postures, and yes, he chooses THE style of yoga that he would like teach. He work also on his technical to succeed in work with the different profiles that a class can have. 

A yoga therapist as for him, perhaps a person issue of medium medical who has completed her course with a diploma of yoga therapy notably at the Paris Diderot Faculty of Medicine which includes the Yoga Therapy Institute of Dr Lionel Coudron. It is a training course which lasts 2 years where the students learn to apply there therapy on the psychiatric pathologies (stress, depression, burn-out etc.) and somatic (migraines, stomach aches, etc.). 

You can prepare a Shantyoga diploma (a form of therapeutic yoga connected to the nature which focuses on physical benefits, psychic et spiritual). It's a diploma specific who asks for a approach philosophical et spiritual yoga with precise sequences. After that, you will be able to exercise freely and even work in certain hospitals which are in line with yoga therapy.


Different approaches

Yoga for a aimed of well-being, of self-awareness , of meditation and of let go. It’s a time we take for ourselves, for reconnect THE body et the mind and live in the present moment. It is a tool for forget everyday worries. You will no longer have to think about work worries or things that stress you out, for example what Christmas present you are going to buy for your little first cousin...

Yoga is a true natural antidepressant against the anxiety-provoking personal and societal environment. Ultimately, yoga allows you to know yourself in depth and achieve a state of purity. You will be the new Dalai Lama! If you want to know more about yoga, read our article on The benefits of yoga.

Concerning yogatherapy, its vocation is to help you help about your physical or psychological problem. This is a completely different dynamic since it requires a real will on your part to be part of this healing process.

It's a accompaniement medical to help you know yourself and gain perspective on your illness. It will allow you to find A balance between the body et the mind For to optimise THE effects of your treatment. Yoga therapy by nature gives rise to a privileged relationship of trust between you and the coach.

This relationship aims to make you more and more autonomous in the long term with regular practice. He can also prescribe yoga therapy prescriptions for food supplements or exercises to do throughout the sessions.


Les bienfaits de la yogathérapie

The benefits of yoga therapy

You arrive at the most interesting part but to better understand them we explain to you how a course takes place and just after you will have the honor of reading what yoga therapy changes to your health (spoiler: your immune system, your nervous system, respiratory and your endocrine system will get better).


Course progress

The session begins with support which results in a interview to take stock of your state of health. Meanwhile, the yoga therapist evaluate your needs and your requests in order to have goals accurate et personalized. You will continue with exercises of breathing For regulate your body et appease your spirit. So your energy vital resurfaces while stimulating your organs digestive and your cardio. Isn’t that great? 

After that, you will go directly to the postures that respond to your problem of course! This exercise tones your organs vital, your flexibility and your strength. You are in harmony with your body and your sensations which allows you to be in phase with your emotions, no no it's not magic! Finally, the session ends with a small relaxation for you loosen et revitalize deeply into your body and mind. This is also the perfect opportunity for the effects of your exercises to sink into you.


Improve your health

Do you want to know what the benefits are for your health? It’s true that you don’t do sports for nothing! To start, your the nervous system will be soothed since your stress, your anxiety, and your fears will decrease. Your bone and chronic pain se will dissipate. Your joint problems will lighten. Your breathing will return to normal. You can almost say farewell to your back pain and say hello to someone new posture ! Your digestive system, respiratory et immune YOU will thank

To learn more about using the yoga against stress, see our article on the subject. 

On your side Mental Health, you will have a better management of your emotions, you are going to be more soothed and you will even be able to apprehend burn-out ! It will be more easy for you of you focus, you will be ready in the morning thanks to a better quality of sleep and the must of the must your trust in you will only be best ! A few yoga therapy sessions and you will find your serenity! So, delighted to have top physical and mental health?


Treat your illnesses

Yoga therapy practiced over the long term neat THE body et the mind alongside medical treatment. She is very efficient on the problems health physical et psychological small or large scales. It is thanks to the numerous exercises offered by yoga therapy that patients suffer less

In fact, therapy relieved the side effects treatments or chronic pain. So if you suffer from an illness or chronic pain, yoga therapy is a good alternative to cure your ailments!


Les bienfaits de la yogathérapie

The essential points

The benefits of yoga therapy work well for sick people to reduce their pain, but it remains open to everyone! We summarize its benefits :

  • Effective For cure THE pain
  • Decrease of the fears, stress et anxiety
  • Appeasement of the pain bony et chronicles
  • Relief of the joint problems
  • Mitigation of the ailments in general et those of back
  • Appearance of a new posture
  • Regulation of the digestive, immune and respiratory systems
  • Better management of your emotions
  • Ease of concentration
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Increase of the self-confidence


In short, everything you need to have great health, how can you not succumb to it? 

Try yoga at POSES Studio

THE benefits of yoga therapy didn't convince you? No worries, come test THE yoga at the house of studio POSES by trying your hand at different postures, movements and transitions of dynamic yoga! After that, you will no longer be able to dissociate your body of your spirit !

So, take advantage of 50 minutes of workout for you reconnect with yourself, you amuse, breathe in complete relaxation and especially relax! 

The sessions offered at POSES Studio are adapted at all levels therefore rest assured, close your eyes and let yourself train over there vibe yoga from POSES Studio!