barre au sol contemporaine : deux femmes en train de faire leur cours de barre au sol contemporaine


Contemporary floor bar: what is it?

Reading time : 4 min

Do you know what the contemporary floor bar ? It is in reality a derivative of the classic floor barre resulting from the warm-ups of classical dancers on the barre. It can be seen as a mix between classic floor barre, contemporary dance and Pilates. You wish take a floor barre class in Paris ? Let's take stock together on the different benefits of the contemporary floor bar!


Contemporary floor bar: the basics

The contemporary floor barre takes more inspiration from contemporary dance. Indeed, the exercises performed are therefore less related to classical dance and its codes, despite its origins. 



The contemporary floor bar comes from the classic floor bar, created in the last century by the famous ballet master Boris Kniaseff.

This idea came to him during theopening of its dance school. In fact, he realized that his building was classified as a historic monument and therefore cannot attach ballet bars to walls. He therefore had no choice but to switch the warm-ups of his students to the ground and not to use the bars.  

This practice has therefore found its place and is now widely practiced throughout the world, and not only by dancers!



Thus, over the years, the discipline has evolved and new inspirations have been added to it. Of the movements and exercises from contemporary dance but also the Pilates method were added to create the contemporary floor bar. This is how the discipline was born! 

Thus, a contemporary floor barre session is based on the sequence of several exercises constituting series to be reproduced. The exercises are based on a overall body warm-up, making the muscles, there posture, there coordination et the balance mostly.


Classic floor bar VS contemporary floor bar

There are many types of floor bar such as the classic floor bar and the contemporary floor bar. The two disciplines should not be confused! Certainly they have the same origins and therefore the same bases, but they differ in certain aspects.

The main differentiating aspect is inspiration of each. Indeed, the classic floor bar is mainly inspired by the classic dance in the execution of the exercises. The contemporary floor bar is more inspired by the contemporary dance but also Pilates

The codes are therefore more strict during classic floor barre classes! 

To find out more about the classic floor bar, check out our article!

The benefits of the contemporary floor bar

The contemporary floor bar has benefits you may not have suspected. We will explain everything to you !


barre au sol contemporaine : posture de planche


Strengthen deep muscles

The exercises carried out aim to increase themuscle lengthening. In this way, you do not gain mass but strength. So you will lose weight effectively thanks to the exercises carried out during the session. 


Do gentle physical activity

The advantage of this discipline is that all the exercises are performed in a manner gentle. The joints are therefore not attacked and the risk of injury is minimal. It also allows you to concentrate on your breathing and on the good achievement of all movements.


Improve your posture

Working your deep muscles will have an impact on your natural posture. The more contemporary floor barre sessions you do, the more you will see an improvement in your daily position. THE back pain will disappear and you will stand better without even thinking about it.


Develop your flexibility

We must not forget where the floor bar comes from! Its origins from classical dance mean that most of the exercises aim to work on flexibility

By performing the different movements, you will naturally gain flexibility and so reduce the risk of injury linked to the stiffness of your joints. 


Clear your mind

Like any sport, this discipline helps to to empty. Thanks to inspirations from Pilates, you you focus only on yourself and your breathing. Take advantage of this moment to relax while working your body intensely but gently. 

Don't think about anything anymore, put aside your worries and let yourself go to 100% in the discipline !

Who is the contemporary floor bar for?

The contemporary floor bar is a gentle discipline which allows you not to restrict certain profiles! We tell you everything.


barre au sol contemporaine : femme faisant de la barre au sol dans son salon


A sport for everyone

Just like Pilates, contemporary floor bar is for everyone ! So, no matter your level in sport, no matter your age, no matter your sex, everyone is welcome in the discipline.

The benefits are so numerous that you will inevitably find what you are looking for by doing your contemporary floor barre sessions. 


Syears contraindications

The advantage of this sport is that it does not have no contraindication. Indeed, by the candy of the performance of each exercise, sport does not represent no danger for no one. 

You can therefore fully engage in the floor bar, while still being listening to your body Of course.

To conclude

In conclusion, the contemporary floor bar is a more modern approach to the floor bar. Drawing his lessons from the contemporary dance and Pilates, it does not follow the traditional codes of classical dance and is therefore less strict. 

Just like other so-called gentle sports activities, the contemporary floor bar has many benefits. In particular, it allows:

  • work your muscles without gaining mass
  • naturally improve your posture and fight back pain
  • develop joint flexibility
  • clear your mind 

She does not have no contraindication which allows everyone to get started calmly and at their own pace!

Test the bar on the floor at POSES Studio

Do you want to get started in the discipline but you don't know where to go? That's good ! We invite you to Studio POSES to discover the bar on the ground.

Come and test the Barre method in 50 minutes of intensive workout ! Work on both your flexibility and strengthen your muscles like dancers. 

Our coaches support and motivate you with exercise sequences specially designed for all levels. The sessions are carried out on playlists signed POSES who will give you the rhythm!