Une femme réalise la posture de l'enfant


Child's posture: all the keys to success

Reading time : 8 min

Looking to achieve child's pose in yoga? This asana is a fundamental element to begin or deepen your practice, offering relaxation et connection. This seemingly simple posture requires attention and technique to reap all the physical and mental benefits.


Introduction to Child's Pose

From preparation to adjustment, every detail counts for perfect execution of child's posture. Common errors, variations adapted to each level, and integration into your sessions: everything goes.

Brief presentation of the posture

Ah, child's pose or balasana! A classic, an essential of yoga which brings us back to the very essence of the practice: the connection. Imagine yourself, folded in on yourself, your forehead on the ground, in a moment of return to your roots. It is a resting posture, accessible to all, which prepares the body and mind for a deep inner journey. It is the symbol of a well-deserved break from the whirlwind of our hectic lives.

Importance in yoga practice

Why so much importance, you ask? Well, in yoga's sea of dynamic and sometimes demanding postures, child's pose is an island of tranquility. It opens the ball of practices gently, allowing everyone to anchor themselves in the present. It's not just a break; it's a breath, a special moment to listen to your body and soothe your mind. She teaches receptivity, there patience et humility – essential qualities for any yogi, regardless of their level. This is one of the key postures of somatic yoga

So much for our gentle and comforting introduction. Ready to dive into the technical details and profound benefits? Take a deep breath, and let’s move forward in this exploration together.

How to do child's pose

Preparing for posture

Before diving head first into our cocoon of tranquility, a little warm-up is necessary. You don't set out on a hike without your walking shoes, do you? Same here. A gentle warm-up of back, of the shoulders and hips will make the posture not only more accessible but also more beneficial. Consider creating a cozy nest: a yoga mat, a blanket for more comfort under your knees, and why not, a small cushion for your forehead. The atmosphere is the key: dim lighting, a little soothing music, and you are ready for the inner adventure.

Step by step instructions

How to properly perform balasana child's pose? 

Starting position: On your knees, sit back on your heels. Your knees can be together or slightly apart, depending on what is most comfortable for your body.

Progressive movements: Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, lean forward, extending your arms in front of you on the mat. Allow your chest to gently lower between your thighs or onto your thighs, depending on how far apart your knees are. So, you are in a fallback position. 

Final position and correct alignment: Your forehead touches the floor, or your cushion, your arms are extended in front of you or rest alongside your body, palms up. Make sure your alignment is natural, with no tension in your neck or shoulders. Let your back relax completely, as if each vertebra was saying “thank you” and going to rest.

Proper breathing

Inhale deeply, feel your back swelling with air, space, freedom. And as you exhale, imagine that you are sinking a little deeper into the ground, into this earth that supports you. Synchronizing the breath with the movement is not just a dance, it is a dialogue between you and your body. Let this breathing rhythm guide you through the experience, bringing you calm and serenity.

Here's the step-by-step path to getting into child's pose. Each movement, each breath, is an invitation to let go, to connect deeply with yourself. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination.

Deux femmes réalisent la posture de l'enfant

Benefits of child's pose

On the body

Child's pose isn't just a moment to pause in your yoga practice; it's a real gift for your body. Imagine your tensions disappearing, one by one, with each breath. First, the back and shoulders... Ah, this feeling of relaxation that takes hold of you, as if you were putting down a burden carried for too long. THE muscles se relax, saying goodbye to knots and tension. Then there is that delicious stretch of the spine, each vertebra singing an ode to freedom. And what about the opening of the hips? A space opens up, literally and figuratively, inviting more mobility and fewer restrictions in your daily movements. Finally, child's posture allows for better digestion. 

On the mind

But the benefits of child's pose don't stop there. On the mind it acts like a sweet melody, soothing THE thoughts tumultuous, calming the mental hubbub. It's a journey to inner calm, where stress magically evaporates, giving way to palpable tranquility. You find yourself in a state of meditation almost instantaneous, where concentration strengthens, and the mind clears. Imagine a peaceful lake at sunrise, its surface smooth and still; This is the effect of child's pose on your mind.

This is how the child's pose weaves its magic, offering a refuge, a sanctuary where body and mind can come together and regenerate. She is a powerful reminder that in silence and simplicity lies strength and healing. So, the next time you treat yourself to this moment of peace, remember all these treasures it contains, ready to be discovered.

Variations in child posture

Child’s pose is that tranquil backdrop against which we can paint our own unique experiences. But just as every artist has their own style, every yogi has their own path. Here are some variations so that everyone can find what they want, their comfort, their challenge.

Variation for beginners

If the very idea of touching your forehead to the ground seems as distant as the moon, don't panic. We have a tip for you. Use a cushion or one block yoga under your forehead. This small adaptation reduces the distance, allowing you to concentrate on the relaxation et stretching without forcing. It's like adjusting the volume of your favorite music so that it perfectly accompanies your moment of relaxation.

Variation for advanced

For those who are used to dancing with gravity and are looking to deepen their stretch, here's a little challenge: extend your arms further in front of you, palms still on the floor, and try to touch the end of the mat. It's like striving for your dreams, fingers almost touching their realization. Another option is to place the hands in prayer above the head, thumbs touching the upper back, inviting not only a deeper stretch but also a more intense introspection.

Therapeutic variations

The child's posture, in its generosity, also offers variations for those of us who carry pain, wounds. For relieve lower back, spread your knees further apart while keeping your toes in contact. This creates additional space for the stomach and can reduce pressure on the lower back. It's a bit like opening the window to let fresh air in, providing relief and a new perspective.

Each variation is an invitation to explore, to know your body and its needs, to personalize your practice. Child's pose teaches us humility, self-respect and patience. She reminds us that yoga is a personal, unique journey, where every step, every breath counts. So, play with these variations, find your expression of child's pose and make it your refuge, your moment of peace.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Child's pose, although seemingly simple, has its pitfalls. Here's how to avoid the most common pitfalls and make your practice not only safer but also more successful.

Positioning issues

One of the most common missteps? A misalignment. Whether your hips are balancing above your heels or your forehead is desperate to merge with the ground, the key is to listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable tension in your neck or shoulders, adjust. A cushion under your butt or forehead can make all the difference, like finding the right seat adjustment in a race car. The objective is comfort and safety.

Breathing difficulties

Breathe as if you were underwater? Not the idea of the century. Shallow or strained breathing can turn your peaceful oasis into an exercise in survival. The thing ? Breathe deeply. If your breathing volume decreases, consider this a signal to adjust your posture. Sometimes widening the knees a little allows the abdomen to find more space, like opening a window in a stuffy room.

Excessive tension

Yoga is the quest for letting go, not the trophy of muscular tension. Forcing your body into a position that doesn't suit it is like trying to fit a square into a circle. Relax. If you feel certain areas of your body tense up, take a moment to consciously relax them. A small adjustment, a deeper breath, and you're back in your haven of peace, rather than fighting a battle on the mat.

Every mistake is a learning opportunity, one step closer to a practice that suits you and supports you. Child's pose, with its apparent simplicity, is a wonderful teacher of patience and self-listening. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you open the door to an even richer and more beneficial experience. This is your time, your space. Honor him.

Tips for Incorporating Child's Pose into Your Practice

Child's pose isn't just a break between two asanas more complex; it is a cornerstone of your yoga practice. Here's how to delicately weave it into your routine to maximize its benefits.

Integration into yoga sequences

The beauty of child's pose is its flexibility of integration. Think of it as a refuge that you can return to at any time, especially when you feel like your body or mind needs a break. After an intense series of standing poses or before a meditation practice, Child's Pose prepares and rests, respectively. It is this gentle interlude which allows you to reset the balance between effort and relaxation. Think of it as a bridge between active postures and quiet moments, helping to create a fluid and balanced practice.

Use in meditation and relaxation

Beyond a simple transition or pause, child's pose can become a sacred space for meditation and deep relaxation. In its simplicity, it invites you to let go, to mental and physical surrender. To incorporate child's pose into your meditation, start by sitting comfortably there, then close your eyes. Center your attention on your breathing, allowing each exhale to take you deeper into a state of relaxation. Visualize stress, tension, thoughts evaporating with each breath, leaving you in a state of inner peace. It's a time to reconnect with yourself, to listen to what your body and mind have to tell you without the noise of the outside world.

Child's pose, with its many facets, is a true treasure in the practice of yoga. It teaches the value of rest, of inner listening, and reminds us that sometimes the greatest strength lies in gentleness and calm. By adopting it regularly, you invite balance, serenity and depth into your practice and, by extension, into your life. Explore it, cherish it, and let it enrich your yogic journey.

Une femme pratique la posture de l'enfant


Child's pose in yoga is a refuge of peace and relaxation, accessible to everyone. It offers a moment of deep connection with oneself, promoting physical and mental relaxation. Thanks to its variations, it adapts to each practice, whatever the level and specific needs.

Avoiding common errors such as poor alignment or inadequate breathing reinforces the benefits of this posture. Consciously and regularly integrating child's pose into your yoga routine enriches your practice, bringing balance and serenity.

Discover child posture at POSES

Looking for a way to take care of your body? Yoga at POSES is the answer you need. We offer courses designed specifically to meet your needs.

Each session of 50 minutes is a careful blend of postures, of movements and of transitions from dynamic yoga. join us for strengthen your deep muscles, improve your balance and to favor the elimination of toxins, all in a welcoming and warm atmosphere. You will also develop your mobility, strength and stability, lulled by soothing music and under the watchful eye of our experienced trainers, ready to support you in your development.

With POSES, sculpt your body gently but effectively from your first class.