fit pilates : une femme fait un exercice de fit pilates


Fit Pilates: the best exercises to relax and build muscle

Reading time : 6 min

Discover a revolutionary method: fit pilates. Discipline halfway through traditional pilates and fitness. Whether you are looking for an activity to relax, build muscle or simply improve your general well-being, fit pilates presents itself as an ideal solution.


Introduction to fit pilates

Fit pilates is presented as a pilates method combining the precision of classical dance with the dynamics and intensity of fitness. It allows you to sculpt the body, improve posture and release daily tensions from your mind. This technique is effective for those looking to strengthen their muscles while maintaining the body awareness that pilates provides. 

Benefits of Fit Pilates for Fitness

Inspired by the pilates method by Joseph Pilates, fit pilates provides many benefits: 

  • Muscle strengthening thanks to exercises that target deep muscles in order to sculpt and harmonize the body. 
  • Gain flexibility and balance via fluid and controlled movements that improve flexibility and strengthen balance. 
  • Improved posture by working on strengthening the center of the body.
  • Better stress management by freeing the mind from external concerns, which reduces stress. 
  • Breathing work thanks to techniques that promote better oxygenation of the body. 

Pilates fit exercises for the upper body

Fit pilates targets each part of the body with particular attention. For the upper body, it offers exercises that reinforce, tone, And improve there flexibility arms, shoulders, back, and abdominals. Here are 3 perfect for sculpting your upper body, each of which can be adapted to your fitness level. There are also pilates workout according to your needs. 

The double leg fit

This exercise is ideal for working on the upper abs et lower all in strengthening the back. Lie on your back with your legs extended toward the ceiling. Keep your hands either under your hips for added support. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly lower your legs toward the floor without letting your back arch. Pull them up with control. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times, making sure to keep your back pressed against the floor to avoid strain.

The double leg stretch

For to strenghten THE center of your body and improve your posture, the double leg stretch is a must. Lie on your back, knees bent toward your chest, head and shoulders slightly off the floor. As you inhale, extend your arms behind your head and your legs in front of you, forming a long straight line. Exhale as you bring your knees toward your chest and your arms around your legs. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions, focusing on the smooth, controlled movement of your limbs.

The hundred

The hundred is a pillar of pilates, stimulating circulation, strengthening the abdominals, And improving respiratory capacity. Lie on your back with your legs in a tabletop position (knees above your hips and shins parallel to the floor). Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and extend your arms alongside your body, palms down. Vigorously beat your arms up and down while breathing rhythmically (five inhales and five exhales) for a total of 100 beats.

Pilates push-up

Pilates push-up is a variation of the traditional push-up that incorporates the principles of pilates for deeper work of the upper body muscles, particularly the pectorals, THE triceps and the deltoids, while engaging the core. Start in a high plank position with hands directly under your shoulders. Engage your abs and keep your body in a straight line. Bend your elbows to lower your body in control, then come back up. To make it more accessible, you can perform this exercise on your knees. Do 8 to 12 repetitions.


This is a great exercise for strengthen the back, shoulders and abdominals. Lie on your stomach with your arms outstretched in front of you. Lift your right arm and left leg simultaneously, then alternate with your left arm and right leg, as if you were swimming. Keep your gaze downward so as not to arch your neck. Perform this exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing regularly.

Each exercise must be performed with attention particular to the shape, to the breathing, and at control to maximize benefits and minimize risk of injury. Start with a manageable number of repetitions, gradually increasing as your strength and endurance improve. With these fit pilates exercises for the upper body, you'll work towards a silhouette more tonic, a better posture, and an increased strength.


fit pilates : une femme fait un exercice de fit pilates

Fit pilates exercises for the lower body

There strength, there flexibility, and the toning of the lower body are essential for balance and an overall posture. Fit Pilates offers specific exercises that target the glutes, thighs, calves, and ankles, helping to sculpt and strengthen these areas. Here is a selection of exercises dedicated to the lower body. 


This is an excellent exercise for tone the glutes et strengthen lower back muscles. Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor, legs bent, and arms at your sides. As you exhale, raise your pelvis toward the ceiling, contracting your glutes and keeping your abs engaged. Make sure your feet and shoulders stay firmly on the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself. Repeat 10 to 15 times for best results.

The side leg lift

The Side Leg Lift targets abductor muscles, essential for stability of the hip. Lie on your side with your body aligned, leaning on your forearm to support your upper body. Raise the upper leg as high as possible without tilting the pelvis, then lower it with control. Complete 15 to 20 repetitions before switching sides. 

The squat

The squat is a fundamental exercise for working the entire lower body, particularly the thighs and glutes. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms extended in front of you or at your hips. Bend your knees and lower your body as if you were going to sit, making sure your knees do not extend past your toes. Push through your heels to return to the starting position. Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

These fit pilates exercises for the lower body not only sculpt and tone, but also improve stability and mobility, valuable assets in your daily life as well as in your sporting activities. Integrate them regularly into your routine for visible and lasting results.

Pilates fit exercises for the whole body

Full-body fit pilates exercises are designed to work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, promoting Thus harmony et the balance of the body while improving there coordination and the strength. These comprehensive exercises offer a comprehensive approach to fitness, engaging both the upper and lower body as well as the core, for deep and effective work. Here is a selection of fit pilates exercises to deeply work your body. If pilates is an activity that inspires you, there are several types

The teaser

The teaser is an emblematic pilates exercise that targets the center of the body while testing your balance and your concentration. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms extended overhead. Inhale, then, as you exhale, engage your abdominals to lift both your upper and lower body, forming a “V” with your body. The arms should be parallel to the legs. Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself. Repeat 5 to 10 times depending on your fitness level.

Rolling like a ball

This exercise helps improve there spinal flexibility, the balance and the control from the body. Sit on the mat with your knees bent toward your chest and wrap your arms around your legs. Rock back slightly to find your balance point on the sacrum, then gently roll backwards before returning to your balance position without placing your feet on the ground. Perform 8 to 10 rolls with control.

The board

The plank exercise is fundamental for strengthen the center of the body, arms, and legs. Start in a plank position on your forearms and toes, with your body forming a straight line from head to toe. Be sure to engage your abs and not let your hips sag. Hold the position for as long as possible, between 30 seconds to 1 minute. For variety, try the side plank to target the obliques.

The saw

Sitting with your legs apart and your arms outstretched at your sides, turn your torso to the right, reach your left hand toward your right foot in a sawing motion, keeping your back straight. Return to center and repeat on the other side. This exercise works spinal rotation, stretches the hamstrings and engages the abdominals.

The mermaid

Sit on the mat with your legs bent to the side. Stretch one arm above your head while the other rests on the mat next to you. Bend through the side, stretching the flank while keeping the other hand on the ground for support. This exercise opens the ribs, stretches the sides and mobilizes the spine.


fit pilates : un groupe de femmes fait un exercice de fit pilates


Fit pilates is a very good way to balance strength et flexibility, ideal if you are looking to gently build muscle. This method effectively combines the benefits of pilates classic with those of fitness, offering a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. With some targeted exercises for the upper, lower body and for complete fitness, you have all the keys to sculpt your body and improve your posture.

The sequences proposed, from the bridge to the teaser, are designed tosuitable for all levels, allowing everyone to progress at their own pace. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you will not only strengthen your muscles, but also improve your breathing and reduce stress.

Try Pilates at POSES

Do you want to take the plunge into Pilates? We are waiting for you at POSES ! In our courses, we offer you sculpt your figure and of strengthen your muscles. Achieve your goals with the formula Pulse&Pose® which offers 50 minute sessions of exercises body weight, of muscle strengthening and Disometry

POSES, this is an opportunity to work on your deep muscles as well as your stability in subdued atmosphere. Your strength and your mobility are also reinforced during exercises following relaxing playlists. To learn pilates peacefully, our experienced coaches accompany you throughout the session. 

Discover pilates without complexes at POSES.