pilates ou yoga pour maigrir : une femme fait un exercice de pilates


Pilates or yoga to lose weight: which discipline is right for you?

Reading time : 8 min

Many people seek to losing weight wondering which sport to turn to between yoga and the pilates. Although these disciplines have some commonalities, they also have many differences that play into the final choice. We will see their advantages and disadvantages as well as the most effective exercises for weight loss. So, you will no longer have to ask yourself the question of choosing between pilates or yoga to lose weight


Pilates or yoga to lose weight: the advantages and disadvantages

More and more, athletes are taking up yoga or pilates. For good reason, these disciplines allow you to relax and clear your mind. A question arises: pilates or yoga to lose weight? Both are effective but serve different purposes. 

The benefits of yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that aims to unite the mind, body and spirit through postures, meditation and breathing exercises. Besides, yoga helps burn calories in several ways: 

  • In burning calories since yoga makes you expend energy. Especially if you opt for dynamic yoga like power yoga where the vinyasa yoga. These are forms of yoga that burn 180 calories on average. 
  • Muscle strengthening : yoga works all the muscle groups of the body, which increases metabolism, that is to say the amount of calories burned at rest. 
  • Reduces stress. Indeed, yoga is able to relax and let go while focusing on yourself. In this sense, if your stress decreases, so does your cortisol level. This is a hormone that promotes fat storage.

The disadvantages of yoga

Even though yoga is a practice with multiple benefits, it is not a miracle solution for losing weight. This is why it is important to know its limits. 

To begin with, yoga is not the most effective sport for losing weight. Indeed, it is above all a discipline which aims to harmonize body and mind. Weight loss is not the primary goal. For example, a 50-minute yoga class burns 144 calories compared to 288 for a running session of the same length. However, dynamic forms of yoga increase energy expenditure, but they will not have the same impact as intense activities like boxing or swimming. Yoga helps you lose weight in the long term with a balanced diet and other exercises alongside. 

The benefits of pilates

Pilates is a fitness method invented by Joseph Pilates which aims to strengthen the deep muscles, particularly those of the trunk, pelvis and back. Pilates promotes weight loss on several points: 

  • Just like yoga, pilates allows you to burn calories, on average 175 for a 50 minute session. 
  • Pilates reduces your appetite. It regulates it by stimulating the production of leptin. It is a hormone that sends a signal of satiety to the brain. This way, you reduce your cravings for snacking and control your food portions. 


Concerning the disadvantages, they are the same as for yoga. 


pilates ou yoga pour maigrir : une femme fait une posture de yoga

The most effective yoga postures for losing weight

There are many yoga poses that can help you in your weight loss quest. Here are some postures you can incorporate into your routine. 

The board

Plank pose involves keeping the body in a straight line. She works the muscles of the abdominals, back, shoulders, glutes, arms and legs

To do it, get on all fours. Next, straighten your legs while moving your feet back, making sure to align your body from head to toe in a plank shape. Afterwards, engage your abs, thighs and glutes by pushing the floor back with your hands, spreading your fingers apart. Try to move your shoulder blades away from each other by opening your chest. Hold the posture for a few breaths and release by returning to all fours. 

The warrior

Il existe 3 postures du guerrier. La première s’effectue debout avec les pieds écartés d’un mètre. Ensuite, vous devez tourner votre pied droit vers l’avant et le pied gauche légèrement vers l’intérieur. Fléchissez le pied droit à 90. Après, tendez la jambe gauche et ancrez le talon gauche au sol. Poursuivez en levant les bras au-dessus de la tête avec les paumes qui se touchent et tournez le buste vers la droite. Puis, respirez en regardant vers le haut, respirez profondément et maintenez cette posture pendant quelques respirations et changez de côté. 

Other versions of the warrior

The second position is done standing with your legs apart. Next, turn the right foot forward and the left foot should be perpendicular to the left side. Continue by bending your right knee to 90°. Then, straighten your left leg, pushing your heel toward the floor. Raise your arms horizontally, parallel to the ground while turning your torso to the right. Hold this posture for a few breaths. 

Finally, the last position is performed standing with feet together. Raise your arms above your head so that your palms are touching. Then lean forward, keeping your back straight. Then, place your hands on either side of your feet on the ground. Lift your left foot and extend your leg backwards to form a straight line from your chest to your arms. Stay like this for a few breaths then switch sides. 

Downward facing dog

The downward facing dog posture allows you to strengthen muscles, slim the figure and burn calories. 

To reproduce it, get on all fours, straighten your legs while moving your feet back so that your body forms a plank. Next, engage your abs, thighs, and glutes while pushing the floor back with your hands, spreading your fingers and shoulder blades apart. Stay in this posture for a few breaths. 

The cobra 

Cobra pose works the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms, legs and glutes. 

It is practiced on all fours with legs outstretched and feet pulled back. Start by engaging your abdominal muscles, thighs and glutes to push the ground away with your hands. Next, lift your chest forward toward the sky, straightening your arms as far as possible. As you inhale, squeeze your hands and lift your chest, mobilizing your back muscles. Then, as you exhale, squeeze your legs and feet, directing your tailbone backwards. Again, on the inhale, squeeze your hands and slide the shoulders down. Come out of the posture by gradually unwinding the spine.

The chair 

To replicate chair pose, stand with your feet together. Inhale as you raise your arms above your head with your palms touching. As you exhale, bend your knees, lowering your buttocks to the back as if you were going to sit down. Now your back and your gaze straight. Hold the posture for a few breaths. 

Pilates exercises that make you lose belly fat

Pilates is a fitness method, so its exercises help reduce body fat. Here are some exercises that might interest you. 

The roll up

The roll up is a complete and intense exercise that works the deep and superficial muscles of the abdomen as well as the arms, back and legs. 

How to roll up? 

Commencez par vous allonger sur le dos, les jambes tendues et les pieds fléchis. Tendez vos bras au-dessus de la tête en faisant attention à ce que vos omoplates soient rapprochées et vos épaules basses. Rentrez votre nombril et contractez votre périnée. Puis, inspirez profondément et levez vos bras vers le plafond et vers l’avant. Puis, expirez en enroulant le dos, du haut jusqu’au bas de la colonne vertébrale. Rapprochez votre menton de la poitrine et serrez vos abdominaux. Puis, décollez petit à petit vos épaules, le milieu du dos et le bas du dos du sol. Le tout en gardant les bras et les jambes immobiles. Une fois en position assise, essayez de toucher vos orteils avec vos mains. Normalement, vous devriez ressentir un étirement au niveau des ischio-jambiers. Ensuite, inspirez et déroulez le dos jusqu’au sol. Répétez le mouvement 10 fois. 

The teaser

The teaser is a great pilates classic, working the deep abdominals, back muscles and stretching the spine. So, he tones the stomach, slims the waist and burns calories. 

Start by lying on your back with your arms stretched overhead. Inhale and raise your arms toward the ceiling and forward. Then exhale while rolling your back. Then, peel it off vertebra by vertebra. Get into a sitting position with your back rounded, try to touch your toes with your hands. Inhale and roll your back down to the floor. Repeat this exercise 10 times. 

The swan dives

The swan dive is an exercise that works the whole body but particularly the posterior muscular chain. That is to say, the back muscles. 

Start in a lying position, legs straight and arms bent at your sides, hands under your shoulders. Inhale as you raise your upper body while keeping your legs straight. Lean on your hands and forearms to support the climb. Your back should be rounded and you should feel a stretch in your lower back. Then, exhale and rock your body forward with your arms bent. Afterwards, raise your legs towards the ceiling while keeping your feet flexed. You will feel a contraction in your glutes. Inhale again and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.  

The side kick

The side kick works the superficial and deep muscles of the leg, center and buttocks. 

Start by lying on a mat with your arms stretched above your head and your hands under your ears. One arm should be bent in front of the chest with the hand on the ground. Inhale and lift your top leg to hip height with one foot flexed. Exhale while making a small kick forward with the top leg, pointing your foot. Inhale again and bring your top leg up to hip height, flexing your foot. Repeat this 10 times then switch sides. 

How to choose the discipline that suits you best

Yoga and pilates have differences that should not be overlooked which can play into the balance: 

  • Yoga is an activity more varied que le pilates. En effet, il existe de nombreux styles de yoga qui sont plus ou moins adaptés à la perte de poids. Par exemple, le yoga bikram est plus enclin à la perte de poids de par sa pratique qui se fait dans une salle chauffée à 40°. Ce qui permet de transpirer et d’éliminer des toxines plus rapidement. Tandis que le pilates est standardized with a series of precise exercises. 

Other differences

  • Furthermore, yoga is a practice more spiritual than pilates. Particularly through its dimension of meditation, philosophy and connection with oneself. It is therefore more recommended for people who seek personal development through a discipline. While pilates lacks these aspects and focuses on the physical work.
  • Finally, yoga is a sport more soft because it respects the abilities and needs of each person. Conversely, pilates is more intense and requires more effort. 


pilates ou yoga pour maigrir : une femme fait un exercice de pilates

To conclude

Throughout the article, we have described the goals and exercises offered by each discipline. 

Concerning yoga, there are several positions favorable for weight loss: 

  • The board
  • The warrior
  • Downward facing dog
  • The cobra 
  • The chair 


Then, for pilates, here are the exercises that help you achieve your goal: 

  • The roll up
  • The teaser
  • The swan dives
  • The side kick


Finally, to finalize your choice, if you are looking for a sport that combines personal development et weightloss, yoga is more likely to meet your expectations. But, if you only want to lose weight, pilates is made for you with its intensity. 

Try Pilates at POSES 

Pilates is a perfect activity for losing weight. That is why, POSES offers you courses adapted to your needs. Spend with confidence with the formula Pulse&Pose®, which combines 50-minute sessions of muscle strengthening, bodyweight exercises and isometrics.

Work your core muscles and your balance in a timeless atmosphere. Additionally, improve your mobility, strength and stability by following relaxing playlists, with the support of our coaches the most experienced who will teach you pilates in the best possible way.

At POSES, sculpt your body gently and effectively from the first class.