pilates musculation : une femme exerce un entraînement de pilates


Pilates bodybuilding: strengthen your body in depth

Reading time : 7 min

Pilates is a gentle practice but also formidable regarding the bodybuilding. Even if it is not a sport designed to make you gain mass, bodybuilding pilates prepares your body to improve your performance and refine your figure. 


The principles of pilates

Pilates bodybuilding helps develop deep muscles, providing balance and muscle flexibility. It is a sport halfway between bodybuilding which allows you to complement a more intense sporting activity. Thus, pilates promotes good recovery and helps prevent injuries. 

The pilates method combines flexibility, reinforcement muscular et control bodily. As a reminder, it is a sport that saw the light of day in the 20th century thanks to Joseph Pilates, the creator of the discipline. Today, pilates is adored by millions of followers thanks to its holistic approach to body strengthening. 


Within pilates, breathing occupies a special place because it is a breathing conscious et controlled in order to maximize oxygen intake, promoting concentration and muscular efficiency. To achieve conscious breathing, pilates recommends lateral breathing. That is to say, breathing through the nose, expanding the ribs, then, for exhalation, it is done through the mouth by contracting the abdominal strap. 


Centering or powerhouse, is the center of gravity and body control. In fact, it covers the pelvic floor muscles, the abdominal muscles, the gluteal muscles and the lumbar muscles. Thus, by requesting these areas, the pilates method promotes strength and stability for better execution of movements. 


Concentration is one of the key elements of pilates. Indeed, it is important to carry out the movements with a particular attention to alignment, breathing and quality of movement. Thanks to this, the profits will be seen more quickly. 


Pilates focuses on the quality of movement. So, each exercise must be performed with fluidity and constant control of the movement. In this way, muscle recruitment is strengthened and precise and this avoids unnecessary compensations. 

The precision

Each gesture must be executed carefully while respecting the amplitudes and alignments. This helps to avoid trauma and increase the effectiveness of benefits. 

The fluid sequence 

Pilates sequences are designed to be fluid and harmonious. Indeed, fluidity helps development of muscle elasticity and joint mobility. Furthermore, she strengthens coordination and body awareness.  

Muscle isolation

Pilate emphasizes muscle isolation. That is, the ability to work a specific muscle group while other groups are in moderate contraction. This exercise provides targeted and balanced strengthening. 

pilates musculation : une femme faisant un étirement de pilates

What types of stretches are done to strengthen your body

Pilates is a discipline that focuses on flexibility and the muscle strengthening. By integrating types ofspecific stretches, you promote the development of a balanced and toned muscles. Here is a list of stretches that will allow you to optimize these effects. 

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is a succession of controlled movements which gradually bring the muscle to its maximum amplitude. They are used at the start of the session to prepare the body for exercise. Also, these stretches activate the muscles and stimulate blood circulation. Here are two exercises of this type, but you can find another list ofpilates stretching exercises

Spinal flexion

This exercise aims to relax your back muscles and to mobilize the spine.

First, lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs straight. Then, inhale then exhale while gently rolling your spine from the floor upwards while bringing your chin toward your chest. Once you have finished exhaling, inhale to maintain the posture, then exhale again, slowly rolling your spine from the top toward the floor. 

Hip flexion

This exercise consists of target the hip flexor muscles in order to mobilize this joint. 

To repeat this exercise, lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs straight. Afterwards, inhale then bend one leg and bring the knee towards the chest as you exhale. Hold the posture for a few moments and return the straight leg while inhaling. 

Active static stretching

Static active stretching involves slight muscle contraction during stretching. In fact, they allow strengthen the muscles improving flexibility. This technique is particularly effective for promote rehabilitation after an injury and prevent muscle imbalances. To benefit from these benefits, you will find two effective exercises. 

Hamstring Stretch 

This stretch stretches the hamstring muscles as follows. 

Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Then, bend your upper body slightly towards your feet, keeping your back straight. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Repeat the operation several times. 

Stretching the pectorals

Get into a standing position, place your hands on the back of your back with your fingers pointing down. Next, spread your shoulder blades, pushing your chest forward. Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds while breathing deeply. 

Closed kinetic chain stretching

Closed kinetic chain stretching works multiple muscle groups and joints at the same time. These stretches allow better coordination and distribution of forces for harmonious and functional muscles. Two exercises in particular are foolproof for this. 

Knee flexion with hip extension

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, bend your knees while pushing your butt back, as if you were going to sit down. At the same time, bring your torso forward while keeping your back straight. Then, return to the basic position by pushing your hips forward and straightening your knees. 

The squat with trunk rotation

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, bend your knees while pushing your butt back while turning your torso to one side. Return to the original position and turn to the other side again. 

Open kinetic chain stretching

Like closed kinetic chain stretches, open kinetic chain stretches target a particular joint. This way, a muscle group is perfectly worked. We offer you two exercises to practice. 

Calf stretching

While standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, you can bend one leg and step the other back, keeping your heel on the ground. Then, tilt your torso slightly forward. Stay in this posture for 20 to 30 seconds. Then repeat the exercise on the other leg. 

Psoas stretching

This exercise works the psoas, it is a hip muscle. Get into a lunge position with one leg bent in front and the other extended behind and place your hands on your hips. Next, push your hips forward while keeping your back straight. Hold the posture for 20 to 30 seconds and change legs.

Posterior chain stretches

In this category, these are the muscles of the posterior chain, that is to say, back muscles, calves and glutes which are requested. This way, you gain flexibility in your back and hips. For better execution of the movements, here are two exercises. 

Back stretching while seated

This exercise allows you to have better mobility in the spine. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Afterwards, bend your upper body slightly towards your feet, keeping your back straight. Finally, hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds with deep breathing. 

Quadriceps stretch

Lie on your stomach with your arms outstretched in front of you. Next, bend one leg and grab your ankle with the hand on the same side. Stay like this for 20 to 30 seconds, keeping your knee pointing down. Repeat on the other side. 

Stretching the anterior chains

This field is interested in pectorals and to hip flexor muscles in order to prevent imbalances and promote an open posture thanks to the exercises that we are going to see. 

Shoulder stretch while seated

This is an exercise to open the deltoid muscles and increase shoulder mobility. To do this, sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. After which, you can bend one leg and bring the foot towards the outside of the opposite thigh. Next, turn your trunk to the side of the bent leg and place the elbow of the opposite arm on the bent knee. Hold the posture for 20 to 30 seconds and switch sides. 

Stretching the pectorals while standing

Stand up and place your hands behind your back, fingers interlaced. Lift your chest slightly by spreading your shoulder blades. Breathe deeply and hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds. 

pilates musculation : une femme faisant un exercice de pilates

What you must remember

During this article, we have seen the 7 principles which govern pilates in terms of bodybuilding which are as follows: 

  • Breathing
  • Centering
  • Concentration
  • Control
  • The precision
  • The fluid sequence 
  • Muscle isolation


Secondly, we explored the different types of stretching and some exercises which promote bodybuilding. We find : 

  • THE dynamic stretching are used to prepare the body for exercise and stimulate blood circulation. In particular thanks to the flexion of the spine and the flexion of the hip. 
  • THE active static stretching generate a contraction of the muscle to strengthen the musculature with a stretching of the hamstrings and pectorals. 
  • THE closed kinetic chain stretching work on several muscle groups for better distribution of forces and coordination. This is possible thanks to knee flexion with hip extension and squats with trunk rotation. 

Other stretches

  • THE open kinetic chain stretching focus on a particular joint through several exercises such as the calf stretch and the psoas stretch. 
  • THE posterior chain stretches address the glutes, back muscles and calves via the seated back stretch and quadriceps stretch. 
  • THE anterior chain stretches target the pectorals and hip flexor muscles by stretching the shoulders when seated and the pectorals when standing. 

Discover Pilates at POSES 

Want to improve your sports performance while further strengthening your body? Turn to pilates bodybuilding at POSES

POSES, it’s a pilates flow with Pulse&Pose®. In other words, 50 minute sessions with the program of muscle strengthening, isometrics and bodyweight exercises. When leaving a session, your deep muscles and your balance are consolidated. Sweat while gaining mobility, stability et strength under a dim light in the company of our coaches the most experienced to help you learn pilates in the best possible way. 

Build muscle gently at POSES.