HUB types de yoga : une femme pratique une posture de yoga


Types of yoga: the fundamental yogas to know!

Reading time : 11 min

Yoga is a discipline dating back millennia that aims to harmonize body and mind to find a physical and mental balance. Over the centuries, yoga has reinvented itself and evolved according to needs companies. Here is a list of types of yoga that might interest you.


Types of yoga and their structure 

All types of yoga have the same basis, the only differences are in the postures which can vary from one yoga to another. Whether for hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga or yoga nidra, the foundations remain the same. But the benefits and goals are different. This is what we will delve into in a moment. 

The eight angas

For a long time, humans believed that yoga and buddhism were linked. Which is not quite the reality. Indeed, they share similarities, particularly in terms of eight angas. What is this ? Those are the different notions that govern yoga. Inside we find: 

  • The yamas which indicate moral principles such as chastity, non-violence or even honesty.
  • The niyamas for the principles of ethics (purity, discipline, contentment, etc.)
  • Asanas are yoga postures.
  • Pranayama are the name given for breathing techniques.
  • The pratyaharas or the withdrawal of the senses.
  • The dharana is the yogi's ability to concentrate.
  • The dhyana is the notion of meditation.
  • Samadhi invites spiritual awakening.

The fundamental texts

How can we talk about this discipline without talking about philosophy of yoga ? The latter is based on several traditional texts from India. This is what allows yoga to maintain coherence and a framework in the practice. 

The Veda

Firstly, there is the veda. It breaks down into four parts

  • Sacred songs
  • The hymns
  • Magic songs and incantations
  • Rituals


The Veda explains that everything in the universe is connected through a single source which aims to the deep unity between humans and the universe. But yoga has other goals, such as that of quest for inner truth. That is, exploring the mysteries of the soul, reality and consciousness through observation and meditation. Finally, the Veda encourages revelation of spiritual truth by being interested in one's interior and spirituality. 

The Upanishads

There is a second text which is the upanishads. These texts prioritize the illusory nature of reality, self realisation et the unity of all existence


This text highlights union with the divine via different branches of yoga

  • Karma yoga : It is about performing actions selflessly. 
  • Bhakti yoga : It is a form of yoga that emphasizes devotion. That is, the importance of faith, love and trust in a higher power. 
  • Jnana yoga : This style of yoga focuses on knowledge. More specifically, on the deep understanding of the nature of the soul, reality and illusion to lead towards inner truth and self-realization.

The yoga sutra of Patanjali

THE yoga sutra of Patanjali are a complete guide divided into four chapters to follow the practice and philosophy of yoga. These texts emphasize the realization of enlightenment and the mind control to reach the spiritual liberation. Even more, the objective is toeliminate human suffering doing abstraction of mental fluctuations

Furthermore, it is thanks to these texts that the eight angas came into existence. 

The yoga tree

Yoga forms a tree 6 forms of yoga, We find there : 

  • Inner heat yoga
  • Clear Light Yoga
  • Yoga of dream projection
  • Yoga of clairvoyance
  • Yoga of Empty Consciousness
  • Yoga transfer of consciousness

Synchronizing postures with breathing

Within yoga, the pranayamas breathing have an important place, particularly in achieving success in postures and the meditation. Moreover, the conscious breathing is privileged since it allows for a regular rhythm in breathing, softens the mind et allows you to guide the movement in a fluid manner. This breathing technique allows you toawaken body awareness and understand how the body reacts to movements. Thus, by being aware of these principles, itEach movement is coordinated with a precise exhalation or inspiration. This allows you to stay grounded in the present moment. 

Sometimes it may be that the victorious breathing be used. It allows you to have a controlled and deep breath passing through the nose while slightly contracting the throat. A sound similar to a whisper should come out.  

HUB types de yoga : une femme faisant du yoga aérien

Types of yoga start with asanas! 

THE yoga asana brings together all the families of postures existing. They complement meditation and breathing techniques to provide absolute well-being

Forward bends

Forward bends are postures that allow softening and stretching the spine to prevent back pain. This category also allows stretch the hips, calves, hamstrings and lumbar region in order to'soften accumulated tensions. The principle is to stretch the hips upwards while keeping the rest of the body straight by pushing on the feet and arms.  

The twists

Twists can be forward or backward twists. The principle ? Rotate the spine around its axis. These postures help stimulate digestion as well as internal organs and soothe the nervous system. 


These positions are done so that the head is below the heart and the pelvis above the head. Although it may seem curious, by overturning the body, the blood circulation is stimulated, the lymphatic system also and the body receives a muscle strengthening and better digestion

The balances

Balancing postures are generally performed on one foot and can be complex. But, they bring several benefits such as development of body awareness, improved concentration and muscle strengthening


THE savasana or corpse posture, is a position allowing one to find the mental peace, reduce stress and improve sleep quality. This posture is difficult to achieve because it requires a complete immobility on the back and one focus on the present moment without intrusive thoughts taking over. 

Existing forms of yoga and their principles

There are hundreds of forms of yoga with the same bases but with different objectives. This is why it is interesting to take into account the specificities of each.  

Madras yoga

THE madras yoga emerged through a group of practitioners including the father of yoga T. Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar. However, it was not until the 4th century that this type of yoga was recognized. If it is appreciated today, it is because it is based on principles which have seduced yogis over time. Here they are : 

  • Adaptability
  • Body awareness
  • The emotional aspect
  • Integrating yoga philosophy into everyday life
  • Mental flexibility

Yin yoga

THE yin yoga is a practice that is distinguished by its candy and his meditation. Unlike many yogas where the approaches are directed towards strength and dynamism, yin yoga focuses on deep relaxation et passive stretching. In short, it is a form of yoga which aims torelease tension, improve flexibility and promote mental relaxation. 

This form of yoga is very popular, particularly thanks to these concepts which tend towards a deep peace

  • The balance of yin and yang energies
  • The extension of postures
  • Harmonization of energy flows, notably of Qi
  • Target forgotten areas of the body
  • Acute awareness of body and mind

Also recommended if you want to do some yoga during menstruation

Yoga nidra

THE yoga nidra is known to be a form of “yogic sleep”. Indeed, it is a practice of deep and conscious relaxation. It aims to achieve a state of consciousness mixing sleep and wakefulness so that the practitioner can connect to your inner self et awaken your spiritual being

To achieve this goal, the yogi follows a few principles: 

  • Have a clear and positive intention
  • Physical and mental relaxation
  • Exploring the unconscious
  • Self-acceptance
  • Achieving a higher state of consciousness 

Iyengar yoga

THE iyengar yoga takes its name from its founder BKS Iyengar. It is a form of yoga that focuses on stretching and alignment of postures. In addition, this type of yoga is recognized for its methodical approach and the precision brought to each movement. 

Iyengar yoga pleases thanks to its principles which conquer those for whom body alignment matters: 

  • The presence of accessories
  • Precise body alignment, that is to say the order of passage of the postures
  • The long duration of postures
  • Mental stability
  • The sequence of postures
  • Conscious breathing

Aqua yoga

L'aqua yoga as its name suggests, uses water to promote well-being et work the muscles gently. In addition, water provides therapeutic dimension et soothing to practice. Aqua yoga mainly focuses on water resistance, which allows you to have a fmuscle strength and enhanced endurance and of work on coordination and stability. But, for these effects to take place, it is necessary to follow principles fundamentals: 

  • Water stretching
  • The natural resistance of water
  • Working on water instability
  • Deep relaxation
  • Conscious breathing

Power yoga

THE power yoga is a form dynamic et demanding yoga focused on Muscular force. It stands out for its athletic approach, close to the world of fitness. Power yoga is the aim of multiple variations of traditional yoga. In addition, fitness and exercise elements have been added to it. 

For these assets to appear, power yoga is based on different key points

  • Mental strength
  • Physical strength
  • Flexibility and flexibility
  • Conscious breathing


This is an effective style if you are looking for a yoga to lose weight in thighs. 

Hiit yoga

Hiit yoga is a combination of yoga and fitness. Indeed, hiit translates to high-intensity interval training. What does this form bring? It allowscombine the benefits of fitness with the fullness of yoga. If this practice exists, it is to respond to needs in a more intense way than the warrior yoga. It was then that the cardio movements and the interval sequences. What is hiit yoga? This is'effort provided for 20 to 30 seconds followed by a recovery time of a few seconds. 


For athletes looking for a gentle but energetic practice, this style of yoga is for you. But know that it is based on different points

  • Intensity
  • Strength and flexibility
  • Conscious breathing


Furthermore, it is a completely feasible activity as a urban yoga and perfectly suited to be a yoga for men

Kundalini yoga

If you are looking to channel your vital, spiritual and sexual energies, THE kundalini yoga can do you good. This style of yoga allows you to work on your Kundalini, it is a energy which represents the everyone's innate spiritual potential. But it can be blocked by factors such as stress or trauma. Precisely, the aim of this yoga is to wake this strength and let it circulate. It will allow you to achieve high levels of consciousness, unparalleled physical well-being and spiritual expansion.


To reach these heights, yogis must assimilate Notions on which kundalini yoga is based: 

  • Asanas
  • The mantras
  • Pranayamas
  • Meditation
  • Mudras, this means that each finger corresponds to a specific element of yoga
  • The bandhas, these are energy locks that allow energy to be directed
  • The kriyas, these are movements interrupted by short relaxations
  • The connection between the universe and the individual

Detox yoga

If you feel bloated, fatigue and are the victim of irregular digestione, the detox yoga can help you regain pleasant digestion and Olympic shape! This form of yoga follows the yoga philosophy which states that the body is the temple of the soul. It is therefore important to keep it healthy for a balanced private and spiritual life. What does detox yoga aim for? There Detoxification aims to release stored toxins to restore vitality and balance in the body. 

But detox in the world of yoga is done as much on the level of pmental, spiritual and emotional urification. It is done in several steps

  • Asanas and pranayamas to dissipate waste. 
  • Mental detox through meditation, mindfulness to eliminate negative thoughts.
  • Emotional detox through the release of emotional blockages.
  • Spiritual detox by connecting body and mind. 

Aerial yoga

THE aerial yoga is a form of yoga that is practiced on a large cloth. Inside, you will find ttraditional yoga techniques, acrobatics and circus arts tricks. Rest assured, this is a safe area since you are in a hammock attached to the non-slip ceiling. 

For the suspension to occur correctly, fly yoga is built on different foundations

  • Balance and coordination
  • Flexibility and strength
  • Safety and support
  • Energy circulation 
  • Conscious breathing


Furthermore, it is entirely possible to do this type of yoga for two

Postnatal yoga

THE postnatal yoga or the opportunity to take care of yourself after giving birth to the baby. Postnatal yoga teaches you about yourself reclaim your body without injuring the perineum. But also to find a emotional and physical balance thanks to gentle and adapted postures in a lying position. Profits ? Strengthen the back, abdominal and perineum muscles affected during childbirth. And how does all this happen? Thanks to these different approaches

  • Static seated exercises
  • Conscious breathing
  • Gentle movements and stretches

Muscle strengthening yoga

Are you looking for yoga that strengthens your body? There are different methods to meet your needs. 

Firstly, you can turn to the hatha yoga if you want work your body so complete. Its combination of asanas, pranayamas and dhyana forms a tonic workout Or muscle softening, muscle strengthening and stretching are there. 

Then you can try your hand at iyengar yoga, it is a form which focus on breathing during postures For develop strength et strengthen the muscles. Moreover, it is based on several principles

  • Body alignment
  • Correct execution of positions
  • The order of passage of postures
  • The holding time of the poses
  • Use of accessories

Other dynamic types of yoga

Then, if the frenetic pace and theharmonization of the breath don't scare you, you can test itashtanga yoga. It's a style rigorous composed of 6 fixed series ranging from the simplest to the most demanding. It is used to make you aware of your breathing and each part of your body during movements. 

How does it work ? First, the class opens with sun salutations and continues with standing postures. After which comes the first series of postures aimed at detoxification, muscle strengthening and flexibility of the body. Then, the second focuses on the nervous system and emotions. Then, the last four work on synchronizing breathing with movements. 

Finally, if you wish to continue dynamic postures and relaxation, THE vinyasa yoga is perfect for you.  

HUB types de yoga : une femme faisant une posture de yoga

The essential types of yoga 

Firstly we saw that any type of yoga has the same basis. That is to say, the same fundamental texts which give rise to the different types of yoga which are as follows: 

  • The Veda
  • The Upanishads
  • Bhagavad-gita
  • The yoga sutra of Patanjali


As well as the same angas

  • The yamas 
  • The niyamas 
  • Asanas 
  • Pranayama 
  • The pratyaharas
  • The dharana 
  • The dhyana 
  • Samadhi 


We also saw that there exists 6 forms of yoga

  • Inner heat yoga
  • Clear Light Yoga
  • Yoga of dream projection
  • Yoga of clairvoyance
  • Yoga of Empty Consciousness
  • Yoga transfer of consciousness


All have the vocation of synchronization of breath with movement

Asana families

Next, we were interested in asana categories

  • Forward bends
  • The twists
  • Inversions
  • The balances
  • Savasana

Types of yoga

Finally, we took an overview of the different types of yoga existing

  • Madras yoga
  • Yin yoga
  • Yoga nidra
  • Iyengar yoga
  • Aqua yoga
  • Power yoga
  • Hiit yoga
  • Kundalini yoga
  • Detox yoga
  • Aerial yoga
  • Postnatal yoga
  • Muscle strengthening yoga
  • Yoga to lose weight on your thighs

Try yoga at POSES

Now that you know more about yoga, wouldn't it be time to enjoy it at POSES ? Approach yoga by discovering the postures, transitions et movements most popular different forms of yoga! Enjoy it for 50 minute sessions under a dim light to bring out the yogi in you to the rhythm of exclusive playlists offered by POSES. 

Trust our attentive coaches to everyone's needs to give you the best yoga class you've ever had. 

Discover yoga that will connect your body to your mind.