yoga nidra sommeil : un pratiquant faisant un savasana


Yoga nidra sleep to say goodbye to sleep problems

Reading time : 6 min

In a fast-paced society, it is difficult to find time to rest. However, your body as well as your mind need it torelieve stress accumulated during the day. If you encounter difficulty falling asleep or to you loosen, THE yoga nidra sleep can remedy these problems. 


What does yoga nidra sleep consist of? 

Yoga nidra sleep by definition, absorbs you into a state of semi-awakeness while including full relaxation. Effective for sleeping? yes because it teaches you to know yourself, to relax and then to reconnect with your inner self. In short, it is a real service that you are offering yourself. Discover yoga nidra in more depth. 

Yoga Nidra was born from Tantrism, derived from Hinduism which aims toabsolute state of consciousness. It was in India that this type of yoga was developed in the 1950s by the practitioner Swami Satyananda Saraswati. A few years later, in the 1960s, yoga was democratized throughout Europe.

If the name of yoga nidra sleep may surprise more than one person, note that in Sanskrit “nidra” translates as “sleep”. We are talking here about a meditative and lucid sleep in awakening your mind but also in relaxing your body. The benefit of yogic sleep is that it allows you toconsciously approach sleep while awake. During the class, your mind abandons itself between day before et sleep in order to arrive at let go and to the meditation. The practice of yoga nidra is a good solution for counter your sleep problems et ensure quality sleep

Why is it so important to sleep properly? 

Many people have busy lifestyles. Hard to to prioritize work or sleep. This is why some people find themselves having problems sleeping or insomnia. 

The causes of poor sleep 

We know that it is possible to maintain stable health while maintaining an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, but you need to get a minimum of sleep. Unfortunately, many people miss the recommended hours of sleep which is 8 hours on average. 

Another common factor is that falling asleep or staying asleep can present obstacles. This is particularly true for people who are used to having busy, constantly busy schedules. In short, sleeping peacefully is a complicated state to achieve when you have a hectic lifestyle

The need for quality sleep

Restful sleep is essential for health and well-being. This is an established fact since without sleep you don't survive. He is vital just like water and food, it is a fundamental element to our survival. And this is demonstrated by the fact that men spend approximately a third of their life sleeping. This is also confirmed legally since sleep deprivation is classified as a form of torture in Europe and the United States. All this underlines the importance of quality and regular sleep. 


yoga nidra sommeil : une groupe s'exercent à des exercices de respiration

The benefits of restful sleep

If you've always had trouble sleeping, perhaps these benefits will motivate you to implement a sleep routine. 

Better cognitive performance

“Cognitive performance” these words should not mean much to you. This is actually the time when your brain learns and so to speak, scientists agree that the sleep play a role capital in this process. In fact, it fulfills three functions keys of the'learning as well as the ability to recite your learning during your waking state. Here we talk about the consolidation, L'acquisition and the reminder. Sleep occurs because depending on the quantity and quality of it, it will have an impact on the improvement of the process. 

Furthermore, by lack of sleep he is difficult to focus and of carry out daily activities and tasks. For example, you spent a whole night preparing a presentation for the next day, during your visit you will be less efficient than if you had had an 8 hour night's sleep. 

In another scenario, you are chronically tired which makes your vigilance and your alertness are less effective. This is normal since the sleep deprivation to one impact directly to your neurons what makes them incapable to to coordinate between them in a way functional

A more functional memory

If sleep helps improve cognitive performance, it naturally strengthens your memory. When you create memories or remember information, it is through the sleep that you solidify et remember these information. Besides, it is by the sleep slow that you store the declarations and the new news. As for theknowledge acquisition, c’est le paradoxical sleep who takes care of it. 

Avoid road accidents

Little sleep can be dangerous, especially when it comes to driving. In 2022, the sdrowsy driving was the pleading cause of fatal accidents on highways, this represents 16%. 

Reduced stress and anxiety

In our modern society, levels of anxiety and stress are increasing, whether among adolescents or workers. The to-do list only grows longer with more and more professional and personal responsibilities. Also, today's technologies continue to disseminate information that adds stress. 

Any reason can cause stress which leads to less sleep. Furthermore, the stress represents a obstacle to one Good health emotional et mental. Some people try to relieve their stress by not getting enough sleep or find it impossible to sleep. Generally speaking, the sleep soothes him stress allowing the body and mind to rest and be relaxed. To counter stress, there is another type of yoga: yoga for sleep

How does yoga nidra promote sleep? 

Yoga nidra facilitates sleep by transmitting a state of deep relaxation as well as calming your nervous system. During a yoga nidra session, you will be in a state of consciousness close to sleep while being awake which has the effect of regenerate and of loosen your body. You will be guided to enter different stages of muscle relaxation, of visualization and of relaxation for'relieve mental and physical tension that you save. This form of yoga decreases your anxiety and your stress which causes a state of deep relaxation conducive to falling asleep and restful sleep. 

Course progress

The principle of yoga nidra is that the session is carried out under the voice direction of a teacher. He states a guided meditation or lists instructions that must be followed. In this specific case, there are an infinite number of possible course sequences. There is no set way to do a yoga nidra session. Often, instructors carry out sleep yoga according to their wishes. Also, it all depends on whether they have a single objective such as reducing stress or more general. 

However, a yoga session starts the same way. The teacher says a sentence to help yogis toanchor in a state of deep relaxation halfway between sleep and wakefulness. The instructor must keep his practitioners awake with his voice and commands. 

For the students to access this state, the teacher will use the progressive relaxation. He will ask them toimagine each part of their body and to focus above. In this way, practitioners take awareness of their bodily envelope, has feel their weight and of synchronize their mental state with their physical presence. Once this is reproduced, yoga practitioners enter into a deep relaxation

Then comes the phase of visualization. The latter mainly feature colors, and vision of relaxing landscapes. Finally, students can start moving slowly again to wake

A yoga to meditate

Nidra is an ideal practice for meditation. In fact, it develops the attentive presence et conscious listening. Thus the practitioner has the capacity to develop a strong awareness of one's body, of its thoughts et emotions. It helps to cultivate mental clarity and mindfulness. All this in a state of deep relaxation consciously and awake. 


yoga nidra sommeil :  un groupe participe à un cours de yoga nidra

The important points of yoga nidra 

Yoga Nidra is beneficial for promoting sleep. For what ? Because it puts you in a state of deep relaxation so that your body and mind are prepared to welcome a restorative sleep. To get there, your instructor will guide you towards breathing exercises, of visualization and of muscle relaxation. These exercises will have the effect of release your tensions and your torments promoting sleep et will improve the quality of your sleep. 

A yoga nidra class takes place on 6 steps

  • Installation
  • Preparation followed by relaxation
  • Become aware of your body
  • Exploration of feelings
  • Visualizations
  • Gentle return to awakening

The benefits of restful sleep

There are many reasons why sleeping is a real nightmare for some: 

  • Poor lifestyle
  • A “hyperactive” life that prevents you from falling asleep 


However, sleep has some things in store for you. benefits which might just convince you to sleep a little more every night: 

  • A better memory
  • Avoiding car accidents
  • Faster learning
  • Better management of stress and anxiety

Take care of your sleep at POSES

Are you having sleep problems? Come wake up at POSES. 

POSES is the new form of yoga to try. Learn the essentials of movements, postures et transitions yoga that will give you energy. Come on strength et fluidity during 50 minutes under the play of lights. 

Show the yogi in you in this way uninhibited surrounded by our coaches attentive to your needs.