cardio pilates : femme qui s'entraine au Pilates


Cardio Pilates: the discipline to combine strengthening and cardio  

Reading time : 6 min

Are you looking for a discipline which combines the benefits of muscle strengthening and the benefits of cardio ? And if the Cardio Pilates was made for you? Perfect mix between these two practices, it allows your body to reinforce and of tone up thanks to the basic principles of Pilates. In addition to this, the fast and toning aspect that cardio provides allows you to burn fat. We explain all this to you in detail! 


Cardio Pilates: what is it?

The discipline of cardio Pilates takes its inspiration from the basic principles of Pilates. Mixed with the dynamic aspect of cardio to work on your heart rate, this makes cardio Pilates a complete physical and sporting activity. 

The history of the Pilates method 

There Pilates method is a practice created at the beginning of the last century by Joseph Pilates. During the First World War, he was taken prisoner in an internment camp in England because of his German origin. Joseph Pilates then begins to put in place the foundations of discipline during his years of internment to help the wounded. He becomes, in a way, the gymnastics teacher of this camp and continues to develop his discipline. 

Once back in Germany after the war, he trains some dance experts then decides to migrate to the United States. It is therefore in the United States that he continues toteach his method, particularly to dancers. Thanks to the Pilates method, they manage to recover faster from injuries

The success of the practice is increasing its notoriety and developing across the globe!

If you would like to learn more about the Pilates, check out our article!

Exertion and muscle strengthening: cardio Pilates 

The Pilates method focuses on breathing and deep muscle work, notably responsible for posture. Each movement made is done in a gentle way to bring perfect precision to the position and be more efficient. To achieve excellence in the discipline, you must respect the 6 main principles which govern the method: 

  • Breathing
  • Concentration
  • Stabilization
  • Control 
  • Fluidity
  • Precision

THE cardio as for him, his objective is to make work on heart rate and so burn fat and calories effectively.

Thus, the aim of Cardio Pilates is therefore to combine the best of both worlds! 

This discipline is therefore aimed at people wishing to have a complete workout. Indeed, theintensity of discipline therefore allows you to raise the level of a basic Pilates session. It also makes it possible to give a more controlled and less aggressive appearance to the joints for cardio enthusiasts (running, walking, cycling, etc.).

Before you fully embark on the sporting discipline, consult your doctor to be sure that you have no medical contraindications.

cardio pilates : femme en train de faire une posture de Pilates

What are the benefits of cardio Pilates?

THE Cardio Pilates has many benefits for the body… but not only that! Let's see together the different benefits of this discipline. 

Boost physical resistance

THE Cardio Pilates is ideal for boost your physical resistance ! To do this, you must be regular in your training and complete each movement. This way you will see your physical abilities increase as well as your daily energy. 

In addition to this, the practice of cardio Pilates is not not too aggressive on the joints. They are therefore strengthened and ready to take on cardio and some more energetic movements. You work your cardio while working the muscles responsible for posture and mobility. You therefore have less risk of injury. 

Increase cardio endurance

THE Cardio Pilates is, as its name suggests, composed of a cardio part. Compared to classic Pilates, the workout has a moderate to very intense and sustained intensity. It is therefore a level above and it allows you to burn on average up to 600 kcal depending on the intensity level. 

THE cardio development has many benefits on the body : 

  • reduced risk of heart attack
  • improved sleep quality
  • burn fat and calories
  • improved blood circulation
  • etc.

Promote better body posture

The Pilates aspect of the cardio Pilates discipline therefore allows you to effectively work the deep muscles and therefore the body posture. Indeed, each movement is carried out precisely and always with respect for the body. 

So over time you will see your natural position improve and become straighter !

Reduce stress 

Like any sport, exercising allows you to reduce stress effectively. So, after a cardio Pilates session, you will feel light and peaceful ! In fact, sport triggers endorphin production, known to cause feeling of calm

This makes it easier for you to empty in your mind because you are thinking of something else. Your thoughts are no longer stuck on your sources of anxiety or stress.  

True parentheses in your daily life, your sports sessions should not be neglected because in addition to doing good for your body, you will see a clear improving your morale in the short and long term

How does a cardio Pilates class work?

Are you intrigued by the practice but you don't really know how it works? We explain to you how a cardio Pilates class works!

Warming up

In terms of material, you only need to have a towel and comfortable sports clothing. This will allow you to feel free in your movements and thus manage to achieve them effectively. 

Like any sports class, it begins with a warming up in order to prepare the body for intense effort incoming. Each coach carries out the warm-ups they want according to their habits and preferences. 


Cardio Pilates classes last on average 45 to 50 minutes. The exercises performed are therefore a perfect mix between Pilates positions and exercises involving more cardio

In this way, you will feel your deep muscles work but also your breathing and heart rate speed up. To keep the 6 principles of Pilates, the coach will remind you to breathe well and stay focused throughout the session! 


To finish in style, the stretching ! A necessary step, stretching is essential for bring down the heart rate et promote better recovery. Listening to your body, breathing and relaxation are expected aspects during this stretching moment. 

They will also allow you to have little or no aches the next day. Indeed, being a sporting discipline focused on strengthening muscles, you risk feeling your muscles pull quickly.

To learn more about the stretching in Pilates, check out our article on the subject!

cardio pilates : femme faisant une position de Pilates

What you should remember

THE Cardio Pilates is a complete discipline based on the benefits of the Pilates method as well as the benefits of cardio. 

As a reminder, the Pilates is a discipline initiated by Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century. Taking inspiration from several disciplines such as dance, yoga or gymnastics, it aims to work the deep muscles. These muscles are responsible for posture but also mobility

Cardio is also an important aspect of having a complete and effective physical activity. It allows you to exercise your breathing and your heart rate.

Thus, combining these two disciplines makes it possible to keep the best of each and make one complete physical practice. Cardio Pilates therefore has many notable benefits:  

  • physical resistance
  • cardio endurance 
  • improved posture
  • reduction of stress 
  • etc.

This practice is ideal for athletes wishing to raise the level of their Pilates sessions Or make cardio practice more applied.

A cardio Pilates session takes place in 3 times, like most sports classes: 

  • warming up : in order to warm your body and prepare it properly for the effort to follow
  • exercises : Pilates positions and movements enhanced with more cardio sequencing
  • stretching : very important return to calm, stretching anticipates possible aches after your intense physical effort 

Are you interested in the discipline but you don't yet have a foundation in Pilates? Start slowly with a Pilates session to learn and integrate the basics and principles of the discipline. This will make it easier for you to excel in cardio Pilates. 

Pilates classes near you: optimize your sporting experience

The appeal of Pilates classes cannot be denied, particularly for people who want to improve their physical condition while staying close to home. The proximity of a Pilates studio can indeed greatly influence your regularity and your motivation. If you live in the south-east of the capital, you can, for example, register for a Pilates Paris 12 to benefit from the ease of access which encourages regular and diligent practice. This regularity is fundamental, because it not only allows you to progress technically, but also to significantly improve your endurance and strength. To engage in a Pilates program local helps you integrate each exercise into your daily routine without it becoming a logistical burden.

The Importance of Qualified Pilates Instruction

Selecting a studio suited to your needs and lifestyle is essential. Studios that offer a welcoming ambiance and varied classes are particularly attractive. They often offer sessions adapted to all levels, allowing everyone to find the course that meets their expectations. Note also that learning Pilates under the guidance of qualified professionals ensures effective and safe learning. The instructors are there to guide you through the movements. They ensure that every posture and every Pilates exercise are carried out with the precision and attention necessary to maximize the benefits, while minimizing the risk of injury.

Start Pilates at POSES Studio

Come discover a new way of doing Pilates! At the house of Studio POSES, our coaches create Flows accessible to all, whether you are a novice, experienced or even an expert.

The universe Studio POSES, it is a bubble of well-being and sport in the center of Paris. Leave your worries and anxieties outside and let yourself be carried away by the California vibe from the studio. 

Pilates classes last 50 minutes, during which you are immersed in darkness and the play of light. Our coaches' playlists are motivating and ideal for giving your all!

You just need to come with your sportswear, preferably as comfortable as possible and you will discover everything you need directly at the studio.